Get-to-know-you thread

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Mori Chu
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Get-to-know-you thread

Post by Mori Chu »

Hey gang, I know we have a lot of regulars here, but we also have several new members and also have folks we just don't know enough about. So let's do some introductions! You can say whatever you want about yourself, but a good start would be something like the following:
  • * Where are you from / where do you live now?
    * What do you do for a living, or what occupies your days?
    * What are your most passionate interests and hobbies outside of following the Suns?
    * When/how did you become a Suns fan?
    * Were you on the old Were you on the even older AZ Central site? Do/did you visit any other Suns or NBA boards?
    * Do you know any other users here in real life? Ever met them in person?
    * What other sports teams are you a fan of, besides the Suns?
    * ...

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Mori Chu
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Re: Get-to-know-you thread

Post by Mori Chu »

Here's mine:

I grew up in Tucson, AZ (age 5-23). I studied Computer Science in school at U of A (go Wildcats!). Then I moved to Seattle in '03 to work at Microsoft and later became a college instructor in comp sci. I recently moved to the SF Bay Area last fall to become a computer science teacher at Stanford. I live with my awesome girlfriend, who has an account here on this site named 'mandiraj'.

Outside of Suns/NBA stuff, I write textbooks and software a lot, I play some video games with my gal, I try to be a good uncle for my 6-year-old niece who lives nearby here in the Bay. The GF and I are into fitness and try to hit the gym several times a week; she's training for a half-marathon and then hopefully a full one this summer. I used to love playing pick-up basketball but I haven't done it much in the past 2-3 years.

I became a Suns fan in '92-93 when they got Barkley. Been a big fan ever since. My favorite Suns team is the 05-06 squad with Nash, Raja Bell, Marion, Diaw, Barbosa, Tim Thomas, and all the rest, coached by Mike D'Antoni.

I was on the old right from the start. I was also on the older AZ Central site, which we all abandoned to get our own hangout with better moderation. I remember checking AZCentral from the student union at U of A when I was in college there, which must have been around 1998 or 99. Long time ago!

The only other NBA board I visit semi-regularly is SpursTalk's general NBA forum, which is kind of a cesspool of trolls and goofing on each other. It is good for a laugh, and I don't take it too seriously. Culburn ("Thread") is there, and he fits right in. He probably isn't even the most trollish poster they have, oddly enough.

I don't know any of the other users here in real life, other than mandiraj, my girlfriend. :-) There have been a few meet-ups of board users in the past, but I always lived in Seattle at the time, so I was never able to attend.

I don't really follow ANY other teams besides the Suns. I became a casual bandwagon Seahawks fan this year and cheered them on to the Super Bowl win, but I'm not a big NFL or Seahawks guy in general. I do root for U of A hoops but it's hard to get most of the games out here so I only see an occasional game lately. And the whole "one-and-done" culture of the current NCAA makes it hard to form a strong bond to a given roster of players, so I am kind of out on the NCAA until they fix the age limit thing.

Who's next?

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Re: Get-to-know-you thread

Post by TOO »

* Where are you from / where do you live now? Born and raised in Merced CA. Did a stint in the military, came back.

* What do you do for a living, or what occupies your days? Cabinet maker and care taker of 2 family members.

* What are your most passionate interests and hobbies outside of following the Suns? Sports, gaming, yardwork (yep), dogs, ummm trying to learn my guitar.

* When/how did you become a Suns fan? After the KJ acquisition, he and Majerle are my all-time faves.

* Were you on the old Were you on the even older AZ Central site? Do/did you visit any other Suns or NBA boards? Was a lurker on AZC, poster on .Net, no other Suns boards matter.

* Do you know any other users here in real life? Ever met them in person? Nope.

* What other sports teams are you a fan of, besides the Suns? Lemme see here, grew up in a non-sports family so I didn't care about local loyally (which seems bad now because they've almost all won titles in my lifetime, while only 1 I team actually root for has.) Suns, Ducks, Mariners, Eagles fan.

I hate typing.

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Re: Get-to-know-you thread

Post by SwingMan »

Mori Chu wrote:* Where are you from / where do you live now?
Originally from Omaha, Nebraska - living in Buckeye, Arizona for the past 33 years.
Mori Chu wrote:* What do you do for a living, or what occupies your days?
What occupies my days are archiving jazz records, specifically 78rpm jazz records. Stash is over 2,000 as I type
Mori Chu wrote:* What are your most passionate interests and hobbies outside of following the Suns?
Music. Either with the records mentioned above or playing drums in the same style. To quote Duke Ellington, music is my mistress.
Mori Chu wrote:* When/how did you become a Suns fan?
I became a Suns fan when I was living in Washington State and the Sonics were my team in 1980. The moment I became a Suns fan was when my favorite player in Dennis Johnson was traded here for Paul Westphal. Luckilly, my family followed suit by moving to Arizona a few months afterwards.
Mori Chu wrote:* Were you on the old Were you on the even older AZ Central site? Do/did you visit any other Suns or NBA boards?
I've been around since the old AzCentral boards in 1998. Became a charter member of when Sose created the board in 2000 and have been here ever since. Back in 1999, I occasionally participated in the cesspool that used to be the ESPN message boards, but, aside from that and the AzCentral boards, it's been or nothing.
Mori Chu wrote:* Do you know any other users here in real life? Ever met them in person?
I've met several users in person over the years. The pre-season scrimmage in Flagstaff in 2001; the huge .net contingent that attended Dan Majerle's last game (and after party at Majerle's) on April 14, 2002; the similarly huge .net contingent that took up an entire row in the center section of Dodge Theater during the 2002 NBA Draft; the 2 .net gatherings at CoopersTown behind the arena to catch a couple of road games while getting fit shaced, pie-eyed and goofy and the original Drunken Amateur Reports that took place during the 1st round of the 2007 west playoffs vs. the Lakers and Suns/Portland during the dawn of the Porter era in November, 2008.

Can't remember every single person from .net that I've met from those various functions, but a partial list is:

Nodack, BillyJoeJimBob, DesertCoast, Sose, CharlesV, v9, Batman/Razor's Edge, Vladimir Taltos, UO (Unrelenting Order), DanH, capologist, Dusty Chap/Lazarus Long, misteradiant, JJ Slim and, again, probably a slew of others I'm not remembering off-hand.
Mori Chu wrote:* What other sports teams are you a fan of, besides the Suns?
Absolutely none. I like basketball & the Suns are my team.

I'm a lousy interview, but there it is. ;)

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Re: Get-to-know-you thread

Post by LazarusLong »

* Phoenix / Scottsdale
* Editor/writer/media strategist
* Finding the ultimate craft beer
* Suns fan since Day One, attended training camps first two seasons
* Yes/Yes/No
* Know/met most of the folks Swing has mentioned. Oldest son once was part of the board
* DBacks, then Cards. Big fan of English Premier League
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Re: Get-to-know-you thread

Post by cardoso31 »

Great idea!

* I was born in Mexico city in 1980 (I guess just like you Mori), moved with the faily to Puebla, a city a couple hours away from mexico city, been here since. Im married now and we live outside of puebla in a magical twon called Cholula, we have the world's largest pyramid in our backyard, literally. (you guys should come visit!)

* Im a Graphic Designer and a Web Developer, I have my own firm an I also teach on my college a few classes on design software such as illustrator, photoshop, animation and stuff

* I love the Suns, and I love basketball in general, mexican league, spanish league, world tournaments, I play in a recleague on sundays, wont miss it for the world! I also move arund in a vespa-like scooter, so im into that too.. I collect starwars action figures (350+) and sneakers (40+)

* Became a fan in 93, everybody in mexico was a fa of the bulls, but when the suns started to make noise, new uniforms, new MVP, i was hooked.

* I remember the old azcentral forum, not sure if I had an account, moved to .net along with the rest of you, took quite some time to realize you had to email sose to get in...

* Not in person, but i think i have quite a good relationship with my man CharlesSmith, and also, I spoke on the telephone with Cap' once a long time ago while he was on a business trip to mexico city...

* KC Chiefs, don't know why, its like being a fan of the Bobcats or the Bucks or something.. specially with this damn playoff game...!

Extra*: Never been to the US, im afraid I might get in trouble just walking around in AZ looking like the average (maybe just taller) mexican i am... been to the Uk, Spain, Italy, Poland, Scotland and so on, but Ive always wanted to go to the purple (or orange) palace. Ive watched the Suns play both times they've come to mexico (96 & 09)

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Re: Get-to-know-you thread

Post by virtual9mm »

I guess most of you know me, so I'll keep it brief.

- Grew up in AZ watching KJ drive and dish, still consider him the gold standard for a Suns PG.

- Went to college on the East Coast, spent some time working in NY, joined the board in 2001 but knew some of the old regulars (Cap/Tony, VTaltos) from the old Usenet group where I started posting in 1997. I was active on until a couple of years ago. Glad to be back.

- Some of you know of my prowess eating 18-inch hot dogs at CoopersTown.

- Finished my education in California and now teach business school in Hong Kong.

- Looking to get back to the US and do what I love rather than what makes me money, including what I hope will be a meaningful analysis about how NBA agent social networks channel flows of individuals and money around the league.

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Re: Get-to-know-you thread

Post by Danimal »

Hi all

* Where are you from / where do you live now?
From Australia, currently living in Asia

* What do you do for a living, or what occupies your days?

* What are your most passionate interests and hobbies outside of following the Suns?
Comedy writing, Photography, travel…trying to make sure this sentence doesn’t look like its copied and pasted from a dating website. Used to coach basketball –high school level. Oh and franchise mode on nba 2k

* When/how did you become a Suns fan?
Followed the suns very closely from the Barkley era. Had a slight interest in them before that since I have some distant relatives in Phoenix and my grandparents lived in Arizona. Basically in Australia during the Barkley era everyone would wear Jordan jerseys and say they were a Bulls fan. Then when he retired, suddenly there were no more bulls fans. Then the same folks a few years later would be seen in a Kobe jersey, then a few years later a Le Bron jersey. Needless to say its hard to find folks back home who genuinely follow a team and don’t simply use the nba as a personal branding exercise…e.g. ‘I’m wearing a Le Bron jearsey so I must be equally as awesome’ but have no genuine interest if their team starts losing. Sigh. Being a suns fan can be tough at times, but I will always stick with them.
Can’t get to watch as many games as I’d like

* Were you on the old Were you on the even older AZ Central site? Do/did you visit any other Suns or NBA boards? Could never get access to the old .net, but read it all the time. Thought the commentary here was the best. I look at Brightside sometimes but the game threads don’t really give much insight, its mostly “<instert player name>!”

* Do you know any other users here in real life? Ever met them in person?
No sir. Only been to Phoenix once when I was a kid.

* What other sports teams are you a fan of, besides the Suns?
I don’t follow any other major American sports franchises. I follow some local teams back in Australia and Australian Rules Football but I’m thinking no one else here would have heard of these teams. I hate soccer.

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Re: Get-to-know-you thread

Post by BigLewy »

* Where are you from / where do you live now?

Born and raised in CT

* What do you do for a living, or what occupies your days?

I work at a market research company in CT. I finished my MBA last year and am hoping that will help me advance my career soon. I'm going through the motions at my job now because I am getting married on August 1, so it's not the right time to change careers because of everything going on. My fiance and I bought our first house last summer, so that took up a lot of my time for awhile as well.

* What are your most passionate interests and hobbies outside of following the Suns?

Following the 49ers is probably my most passionate interest, and it's taken quite a toll on me over the years. I also love to go fishing, although I haven't had much of a chance in the past few years. I play a bunch of sports (or used to fairly regularly)-soccer, beer league softball, flag football on occasions. However, those days are few and far between now and my old body sure lets me feel it at 30 years of age.

* When/how did you become a Suns fan?

When I was really young, I would choose sports teams based on a favorite player. That player was Larry Bird until he retired and then I remember reading an article about Dan Majerle in the Sporting News and thought he would be interesting to follow and shortly thereafter, the Barkley trade happened and I've been a Suns fan ever since.

* Were you on the old Were you on the even older AZ Central site? Do/did you visit any other Suns or NBA boards?

I posted fairly regularly for a few years on .net while I was in college. Being busy with the real world turned me into more of a lurker in the past 2 years or so.

* Do you know any other users here in real life? Ever met them in person?

I met ShelC briefly at a Knicks-Suns game at MSG like 5 years ago and he was kind enough to hook me up with a Knicks prize pack.

* What other sports teams are you a fan of, besides the Suns?

My teams are a weird group. I'm a die-hard 49ers and Boston Bruins fan (go figure that I like the Niners and Suns, yet have lived in CT all of my life), and I'm also a fan of UConn college basketball since it is my alma mater.

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Re: Get-to-know-you thread

Post by m1chal »

Is this thread a successor to the old .net's "20 questions to..." thread? :-)

* Where are you from / where do you live now?

I've spent pretty much my entire life in Poland, I currently live with my family in the south of the country.

* What do you do for a living, or what occupies your days?

I work for an engineering company specialized in services for coal power plants. I'm a procurement manager.

* What are your most passionate interests and hobbies outside of following the Suns?

I love games: board games, computer games (don't have enough time for those), back in the day I enjoyed RPGs too. Magic: the Gathering is my favourite game, I used to play it a lot when i was younger. And I love books, especially fantasy/SF. I guess I haven't grown up yet.

* When/how did you become a Suns fan?

When I was 17, during the '93 finals. All my friends loved the Bulls so I decided to follow the Suns instead and have been ever since. Damn you, John Paxson. KJ is my all-time favorite Suns player.

* Were you on the old Were you on the even older AZ Central site? Do/did you visit any other Suns or NBA boards?

Yup, Erri was my nickname on the old .net. I joined in 2004 and was mostly a lurker. I also read realgm from time to time.

* Do you know any other users here in real life? Ever met them in person?

Unfortunately not but I would love to have a beer with you guys.

* What other sports teams are you a fan of, besides the Suns?

Basketball in general is the only sport I follow. Football (soccer for you American blasphemers) is meh to me. Men's volleyball can be pretty entertaining though.

* During my only visit in the US in 2009 I went to a couple Warriors games. Two days after I had to leave the Suns were coming to Oakland. Damned timing :evil:

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Re: Get-to-know-you thread

Post by In2ition »

* Where are you from / where do you live now?

I grew up in southwestern North Dakota, but moved to Phoenix when I was in high school. Other than a year of college back in ND, I have lived in Phoenix since.

* What do you do for a living, or what occupies your days?

I work as a software test engineer working on all mobile applications for a hotel franchiser. So if anyone needs discounted rate hotel rooms nearly anywhere in the world, drop me a line, I'll be happy to send off a friends and family discount to you.

* What are your most passionate interests and hobbies outside of following the Suns?

I love basketball, playing and coaching. Coached and trained for a long time on the high school level, but now just coach my sons youth teams in basketball and football, which is a blast.

* When/how did you become a Suns fan?

When I moved to the valley in '89, I was a Laker fan.(I loved Magic and the showtime Lakers, and didn't really even know that Phoenix had a team) I turned into a Suns fan with the KJ, Chambers, Horny, Majerle, West team, turned my back to the Lakers and haven't looked back since.

* Were you on the old Were you on the even older AZ Central site? Do/did you visit any other Suns or NBA boards?

Yes, no, Yes the RealGM board when it felt like .net was never coming back. :cry:

* Do you know any other users here in real life? Ever met them in person?

Unfortunately not but I would love to have a beer with you guys. (stolen from m1chal)

* What other sports teams are you a fan of, besides the Suns?

I like all sports, but only really follow Duke basketball, ASU football/basketball, NFL/Cardinals and my friends wherever they are playing/coaching. That takes up enough of my time.
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Re: Get-to-know-you thread

Post by Charlie Smithy! »

m1chal wrote:Is this thread a successor to the old .net's "20 questions to..." thread? :-)
Pretty much!

Mori's assassination plan of the 20 question thread was really quite intricate:

1. Nominate me, but never finish my questions.

2. Ultimately crash the .net

3. Build a new .net by himself

4. Create this thread

... :mrgreen: :lol:

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Re: Get-to-know-you thread

Post by The Bobster »

* Where are you from / where do you live now?

Originally from Illinois, but moved to Arizona in 1971./I currently live in Phoenix.

* What do you do for a living, or what occupies your days?

I work for the public library for a living, but I write professional basketball reference books on the side (The Compendium of Professional basketball and The Basketball Draft Fact Book are my own and I contributed to Total Basketball).

* What are your most passionate interests and hobbies outside of following the Suns?

I like to read about sports history and American history, and enjoy 1960's-1980's comic books.

* When/how did you become a Suns fan?

During the 1976 playoffs I started to gain an interest in the team, and during the 1977-78 season I became a hardcore fan. The 1977-78 team is probably still my favorite.

* Were you on the old Were you on the even older AZ Central site? Do/did you visit any other Suns or NBA boards?, yes., no. I haven't visited any other boards with much regularity.

* Do you know any other users here in real life? Ever met them in person?

No, but have had some e-mail contact with a couple of them.

* What other sports teams are you a fan of, besides the Suns?

The Diamondback and Cardinals, and I try to be a Coyotes fan, but I don't really follow them to closely. As a kid I loved the Oakland A's (1972-74), Cincinnati Reds (1975-76) and Dallas Cowboys (1971-88) - I guess I was a frontrunner!
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Re: Get-to-know-you thread

Post by Shabazz »

Charlie Smithy! wrote: 2. Ultimately crash the .net
Interesting theory to counter my INFORMER/Anthony Davis hypothesis.

Another potential theory: The site committed Hari Kari out of shame from the "Change it to" thread.

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Re: Get-to-know-you thread

Post by Big Jake Little Jake »

* Where are you from / where do you live now?

I grew up in mid-Michigan. Loved basketball as a kid - we had great seats to Pistons games. Always the contrarian, I had to root against the Pistons, which usually meant rooting for the Bulls in those days (late 80s, early 90s), but the Suns were my West coast team.

I live in Los Angeles now. Enemy territory!

* What do you do for a living, or what occupies your days?

I'm a composer for film and tv. You've probably heard my music in various lame trailers.

* What are your most passionate interests and hobbies outside of following the Suns?

I'm a film and music nerd. I'm one of the seemingly rare people who could name 95% of active NBA players and concurrently knows every Kurosawa film. Most of my filmmaking buddies could not care less about basketball.

When I'm not in the middle of a project, I listen to tons of music. When I am it's the last thing I want to do unfortunately.

* When/how did you become a Suns fan?

Like I mentioned, I always enjoyed the Suns as a kid. Really liked Dan Majerle and Hornacek and KJ. Just a really fun team to watch, which unfortunately in Michigan was rare. I stopped watching sports all together around 13 and got really into music.

Wasn't until about five years later I suddenly found myself missing basketball. I'd been playing pickup games and it made me miss it. So I looked up a former favorite player of mine to see what team he was on - Rex Chapman. Oh cool and Scott Skiles (another childhood fav) is their coach now. And they've got this guy they call Uncle Cliffy (still remember him from his Portland days battling with the Pistons). I know that was kind of considered the "malaise days," but I did like the potential of that team. Plus who couldn't love a young Shawn Marion??

So the short answer, got into them heavily in 99. Only missed a handful of games since then.

* Were you on the old Were you on the even older AZ Central site? Do/did you visit any other Suns or NBA boards?

I've been reading the sites since 99. Followed the move to I've never been much of a forum poster, so I never felt like joining up. It wasn't until this site arose from the ashes up that I felt the need to join the community. I guess I was afraid no one would be posting and didn't want to see a good thing die.

I check out Brightside for the articles (...) It doesn't have the conversational nature that this site has though, but I like some of their breakdowns.

RealGm is a cesspool of bickering. I try and stay away :)

* Do you know any other users here in real life? Ever met them in person?

Nope. Maybe one day. I feel like I know many of you from the years of reading the boards though. Which makes this an awkward relationship...

* What other sports teams are you a fan of, besides the Suns?

Maybe because I have only so much time in the day, I don't really watch any sport other than the NBA. I find football terribly boring with all the commercials and downtime. Baseball is a great sport on paper, but until they get the games down to about 1:30, I'm out. I'm never going to dedicate 3+ hours to watching a game. I do enjoy hockey, but I just don't have the time to get invested in it. Especially since it runs the same time as the NBA. So I never really watch it.

Good thread idea, hope I didn't bore you all!

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Re: Get-to-know-you thread

Post by Superbone »

* Where are you from / where do you live now?

Originally born in Phoenix, AZ. Went to Arcadia and Saguaro high school. Went to ASU and then graduated from NAU with a BSE in Computer Science and Engineering. I also had a jazz scholarship at NAU. I first moved out of state in 1991 to central California. Since then, I've lived and worked in Renton, Washington, Sandy, Utah, and now Temecula/San Diego, CA. I never missed the Suns after moving out of state as I got NBA League Pass way back then and have had it ever since.

* What do you do for a living, or what occupies your days?

I'm a video game programmer for Sony currently working on MLB: The Show. I also worked on The Mark of Kri on the PS2. Before that, I worked on PC adventure games for Sierra On-Line. Games like Leisure Suit Larry (5, 7, Casino), Space Quest 6, Freddy Pharkas Frontier Pharmacist, and Gabriel Knight (2 and 3) to name a few.

* What are your most passionate interests and hobbies outside of following the Suns?

Trombone jazz (1950s to today, playing and listening) and no limit hold 'em poker. I'm also a huge comedy fan of all kinds. Stand up, improv, sketch, TV, movies, you name it. I also play pick-up basketball daily at lunch at my job which is a fantastic perk!

* When/how did you become a Suns fan?

I was born to be a Suns fan. The team came into existence when I was 5 years old. I became a hardcore fan the year of the '75-'76 NBA Finals team. Growing up in Phoenix at the time, there were no other major league teams. I did see my share of Phoenix Giants (baseball) and Phoenix Roadrunners (hockey) games.

* Were you on the old Were you on the even older AZ Central site? Do/did you visit any other Suns or NBA boards?

I was an original member of and I was on the old AZ Central site before Sose was driven to create .net. If I'm not getting enough Suns action on .net, I'm also over at the ASFN Suns section. I also dabbled at RealGM when I found that a lot of .netters were there since the shut down.

* Do you know any other users here in real life? Ever met them in person?

I met Shabazz at a Clippers/Suns game at Staples Center a number of years ago. As everybody knows from his posts, he's an all-around great guy. I can't remember for sure but I think I met Indy when he gave me some complimentary tickets to a Suns game in Phoenix. I can't remember if we met in person as I had a lot on my mind because my dad was going through a lot of issues at the time and was later diagnosed with Parkinson's. It turned out that was the last game I went to with my dad. He's still with us but he no longer goes out in public.

I do look forward to a large .net gathering sometime in the hopefully not too distant future.

* What other sports teams are you a fan of, besides the Suns?

None! I am a hardcore year round Suns fan.
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Re: Get-to-know-you thread

Post by Goodesuns »

Hey all I'm Goodesuns

My name is Dave Goode. Grew up in Arizona both in Yuma and Prescott. I went to many Suns games at the mad house on McDowell I loved veterans memorial. I live in Colorado now but buy the nba pack just to watch my suns. I'm a history teacher at both the high school and college level (I have two jobs). I have a beautiful wife and 4 kids and 1 grandchild. Glad to see and hear from everyone

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Mori Chu
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Re: Get-to-know-you thread

Post by Mori Chu »

Goodesuns wrote:Hey all I'm Goodesuns

My name is Dave Goode. Grew up in Arizona both in Yuma and Prescott. I went to many Suns games at the mad house on McDowell I loved veterans memorial. I live in Colorado now but buy the nba pack just to watch my suns. I'm a history teacher at both the high school and college level (I have two jobs). I have a beautiful wife and 4 kids and 1 grandchild. Glad to see and hear from everyone
Good to hear from you, GoodeSuns! I remember you from the old and I'm happy to see you here at this new site. I always love hearing about fellow out-of-state Suns fans like myself. I live in the SF Bay Area and I get League Pass just to watch the Suns kick butt.

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Re: Get-to-know-you thread

Post by SDC »

cardoso31 wrote:Great idea!

* I was born in Mexico city in 1980 (I guess just like you Mori), moved with the faily to Puebla, a city a couple hours away from mexico city, been here since. Im married now and we live outside of puebla in a magical twon called Cholula, we have the world's largest pyramid in our backyard, literally. (you guys should come visit!)

* Im a Graphic Designer and a Web Developer, I have my own firm an I also teach on my college a few classes on design software such as illustrator, photoshop, animation and stuff

* I love the Suns, and I love basketball in general, mexican league, spanish league, world tournaments, I play in a recleague on sundays, wont miss it for the world! I also move arund in a vespa-like scooter, so im into that too.. I collect starwars action figures (350+) and sneakers (40+)

* Became a fan in 93, everybody in mexico was a fa of the bulls, but when the suns started to make noise, new uniforms, new MVP, i was hooked.

* I remember the old azcentral forum, not sure if I had an account, moved to .net along with the rest of you, took quite some time to realize you had to email sose to get in...

* Not in person, but i think i have quite a good relationship with my man CharlesSmith, and also, I spoke on the telephone with Cap' once a long time ago while he was on a business trip to mexico city...

* KC Chiefs, don't know why, its like being a fan of the Bobcats or the Bucks or something.. specially with this damn playoff game...!

Extra*: Never been to the US, im afraid I might get in trouble just walking around in AZ looking like the average (maybe just taller) mexican i am... been to the Uk, Spain, Italy, Poland, Scotland and so on, but Ive always wanted to go to the purple (or orange) palace. Ive watched the Suns play both times they've come to mexico (96 & 09)
that's too bad, because Mexico has a home soccer match vs the USA in Arizona on April 2. dont worry over arpaio as long as you bring your documents. and not drive without a driver's license. :lol:

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Re: Get-to-know-you thread

Post by Cap »

Wait a second, if it's Mexico vs. USA and it's in Arizona, how is it a home game for Mexico? Have they revoked the Treaty of Hidalgo? Irredentism is all the rage these days.

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