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Re: Markieff Morris Watch

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 9:39 pm
pickle wrote:I just think that, after the initial round of crazy contracts are handed out, the dollar figure on Knight and Kieff's deals won't look so bad, and they would become more attractive as trade pieces.
People are getting too caught up in the dollar amount and not looking at the players themselves. Knight plays the deepest position in the league. So the market is always going to minimal for him because teams will ask themselves: 1) is this guy better than what I have & 2) can I get something comparable without giving up valuable assets? Unfortunately for the Suns, the answers to both of those questions do not swing in their favor.

With Markieff, the reward is mitigated by the yuck factor. Does this guy do enough to outweigh all his drama AND his basketball inadequacies?

Re: Markieff Morris Watch

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 2:20 am
by pickle
You are right, just because contracts go nuts doesn't suddenly mean that Knight is a better player than he is now. It just makes it a little easier to deal him once his contract is compared to other players'. I mean, 16-18 for Ryan Anderson, 30 for Dwight? Dang.

For Markieff, I think his deal is reasonable enough as it is in the current cap climate. If there are any gains to his situation between now and the summer, it would be that there'd be certainty on his sentencing.