TrumpCare week in the Senate

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Mori Chu
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TrumpCare week in the Senate

Post by Mori Chu »

Well, it didn't pass. After a week of proposals and votes and such in the Senate, TrumpCare in all its current incarnations was voted down, including a harrowing "skinny repeal" measure that lost by a single vote, 49-51, after 3 Republican Senators (Collins, McCain, and Murkowsky) voted "no." ... 7?lo=ap_b1

Is the effort to repeal ObamaCare dead? Or just gone for a while, only to return for the sequel in the future?

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Re: TrumpCare week in the Senate

Post by Cap »

Wow. The long-rumored McCain independence finally shows up in a vote, and a crucial one at that. 'Bout time he starts earning that reputation.

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Re: TrumpCare week in the Senate

Post by carey »

It is dead for now. The Republicans have been trying to pass these Health Care bills through a process called budget reconciliation which protects the bill from being filibustered in the Senate and only requires a simple majority of 50 votes to pass rather than 60 which the Republicans don't have. The Senate can only consider one budget reconciliation bill per topic year. If the bill dies in committee and never comes to an official vote it doesn't count which is why they've been able to keep trying to repeal it. This bill was allowed to come to the senate floor because the Republicans thought they secured the votes. Collins, Murkowski and the Democrats would vote no everyone else would vote yes and Pence would break the tie. Then McCain completely screwed them. He voted to allow the bill to come to the floor. Had McCain allowed it to die in committee McConnell could have come back with yet another repeal bill but they let it come to a vote and now they can't consider another budget reconciliation bill for the rest of the fiscal year. The Senate need 60 votes to pass any kind of Health Care reform now.
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Re: TrumpCare week in the Senate

Post by Nodack »

Maybe this would be better in the General/TV section but, I decided it was political. I was watching TV today and stumbled upon a Michael Moore documentary "Where To Invade Next. I know, he's a crazy left wing lib. I found the documentary very informative and interesting. The whole premise of the movie was comparing other countries to the US. He would go to different countries and tour their schools, prisons, hospitals, politics, etc. to see how the rest of the world works. I missed the beginning. He visited Iceland, Germany, Norway, Finland, Tunisia and more.

I think the US could learn a lot from different countries. We don't seem interested. That movie made the US seem so ass backwarrds.

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Re: TrumpCare week in the Senate

Post by Superbone »

With the current direction our country is going, we won't be a world power in another 100 years. We need to turn this ship around and quickly. Trump is personally trying to set us back 70 years.
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Re: TrumpCare week in the Senate

Post by Nodack »

China, NK and Russia are all paying close attention. ... index.html

"I think China is confident that its economic development, its military development, takes place at a faster pace than Russia, so in the long run Russia is in no position to seriously challenge Chinese core interests," said Tong Zhao, a fellow at the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy in Beijing. "There are certain elements of competition between the two countries, but their shared concerns about the US very much outweigh that right now."

Both Moscow and Beijing "share the basic perception of who is the real trouble maker and who is the biggest common threat in the Korean Peninsula," Tong told CNN.
That trouble maker, he said, is the United States, and more specifically, the occupant in the White House.
"Secretary (Rex) Tillerson says he wants to do diplomacy before considering other options but the rhetoric from other people in the White House -- (US President Donald) Trump tweeting that talking is not the answer, I think from the Chinese perspective the US is still considering a military option so that doesn't reassure leaders in North Korea or China," Tong said.
Every action Pyongyang takes, said Tong, could be construed by Beijing and Moscow as a reaction to Trump's escalated posture.

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Re: TrumpCare week in the Senate

Post by Mori Chu »

GOP Senators are trying to pass an ObamaCare repeal/replace bill again. This one is called Cassidy-Graham. It essentially converts ACA funds into a blank check given to each state that is to be used on whatever they want related to health care. They claim that it "repeals [the] entire architecture of Obamacare & gives [each state] control over its own health care." But really it will give many states the ability to cripple and kill ObamaCare over time, leading millions to lose their access to health insurance.

I'm not a fan. ... story.html

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