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Re: Terror attack in Paris

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 11:38 am
by Nodack
Totally senseless. They seem to have declared war on everybody and their goal seems to be to cause as much chaos and bloodshed as possible to as many people as possible without really caring who it is. The thing that really gets me is that the more bloodshed they cause the more recruits they get and not just from Mideast countries but, from Western countries like the US etc. They see a video of ISIS killing people in the most inhumane ways possible and somehow that makes young people want to join them. It boggles the mind.

Re: Terror attack in Paris

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 2:00 pm
by Superbone
It's hard to believe and very disheartening that there are such horrible people on this planet.

Re: Terror attack in Paris

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 7:38 pm
by Zeratul
it's insane, I know they're brainwashed and all but I still find it crazy what they're willing to do

Re: Terror attack in Paris

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 8:56 pm
by Superbone
There is no excuse. These people are monsters.

Re: Terror attack in Paris

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 10:04 pm
by Ladmo
It's always fascinated me, man's propensity towards harming one another once affiliating themselves with groups. It's like, once man finds a support structure, the lower wolves reveal themselves.

I often wonder how much control we really have in it, which is why I tend to distance myself from belonging to anything.

Re: Terror attack in Paris

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 12:42 pm
by Ladmo
If you want to read a really interesting study based on polls regarding Muslims and their beliefs about Sharia law, and how their views relate to politics, religion, and society, this is really illuminating. ... -overview/

Re: Terror attack in Paris

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 4:30 pm
by Indy
Mori Chu wrote:Very sad. I'm sure it will prompt a lot of anti-Islam sentiment and calls for violence, too, which probably isn't what we need right now. My heart goes out to the victims and their families.
Ditto to all of that.

Re: Terror attack in Paris

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 10:34 pm
by Mori Chu
Ugh at the latest stuff about 20 US state governors saying that Syrian refugees are not welcome. Just great.

Re: Terror attack in Paris

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 10:58 am
by Zeratul
Indy wrote:
Mori Chu wrote:Very sad. I'm sure it will prompt a lot of anti-Islam sentiment and calls for violence, too, which probably isn't what we need right now. My heart goes out to the victims and their families.
Ditto to all of that.

Agreed but on the other hand muslims world-wide need to stop thinking Sharia law is awesome and stop acting like non-muslims are just worthless infidels...

Very few muslims are maniacs that would blow themselves up but many (25%?) think that all women should be veiled, that music is an evil thing, that alcohol should be prohibited and so on.

Re: Terror attack in Paris

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 11:09 am
by Nodack
They have their beliefs We have ours. I would bet the % of Muslims who think non Muslims are just worthless Fidel's is on par with the number of Christians who think Muslims are all terrorists. There is obviously a great divide between the two groups. We think our way is the way it should be. They think their way is the way it should be. This is life on Earth. We make up the rules as we go and follow other people who think they know the right path.

Re: Terror attack in Paris

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 11:57 am
by Zeratul
Well I agree with you, that's why I am not too crazy about the "pray for Paris" thing... To me religion is the problem not the solution to the problem!

But I guess we can't all be atheists either so we'll have to figure something out...!

Re: Terror attack in Paris

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 4:35 pm
by Nodack
I couldn't agree more.

Re: Terror attack in Paris

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:45 pm
by Ladmo ... uns-video/
Texas Republican Freaks Out When He Realizes How Easy It Is For Refugees To Buy Guns (VIDEO)
Author: Antiphon Freeman November 17, 2015 5:37 pm

It’s far too easy to buy a gun in the United States – like, super easy. All it takes is a little bit of money, a driver’s license, and the ability to pass a federal background check, which by itself can be completed in as little as three minutes.

In case you’re wondering, that last part isn’t too hard either. According to a report released by the Washington Post recently, over 2,000 terror suspects have legally purchased guns in the United States since 2004. That’s an alarming number. It’s really all you need to know about how effective background checks for gun purchases are. If you want the official figures, only 700,000 people have been denied in the last decade. That may sound like a large number, but check this out – the FBI did more than 100 million checks. All in all, you have more than a 99% chance of passing with flying colors.

A Texas Republican Congressman is now sounding the alarm over this, and not because he’s had a sudden change of heart about how unsafe guns are or how easy it is for criminals, in general, to get their hands on them. Instead, he’s worried that Syrian refugees, specifically, allowed to come into his state will be able to buy them, among other things.

Rep. Tony Dale, who serves on the House Committee on Homeland Security and Public Safety, sent a letter to Governor Greg Abbott and other state leaders saying that Texas laws, combined with their federal rights, would allow newly arrived Syrians to arm themselves almost immediately. He’s acknowledging how the current gun control laws on the books do little to protect against the gun purchases.

Here’s the irony: instead of wanting to propose better gun laws, he wants to create a special case for refugees that basically treats them like second-rate human beings. He talked about how California has a law on the books that he would like to see replicated:

“California, when they issue drivers licenses to non-citizens, specifically says that it is not to be used for a Federal purpose, not to be used for employment and that means it cannot be used to board a plane … and presumably it could not be used to purchase a gun.”

When this statement is fact-checked, it’s very misleading indeed because according to the Office of the Attorney General in California, a non-citizen can still purchase a gun without a drivers license. Still, limiting a full-rate driver’s license will make it tougher to sell a gun, and Mr. Dale presumably knows this.

We commend him on wanting tougher gun laws like California, no one will fault him for this. The problem is, he along with his Republican colleagues don’t realize how two-faced they look to the American people by acknowledging the dangers of guns in the hands of unknown immigrants while at the same time refusing to crack down on virtually most laws surrounding the gun control debate. It’s really the ultimate hypocrisy of all-time.

If Representative Dale really has a desire to make the state safe, he will propose comprehensive gun control legislation, not this half-assed “let’s only go after the dangerous immigrants” propaganda that’s sure to only incite more fear and hatred against minorities.

Re: Terror attack in Paris

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 9:00 pm
by Nodack
Finished watching the four bench Republicans debate and it was dominated by terrorism. A hundred + people killed in Paris and 14 in San Bernadino. People are scared. The candidates were talking about keeping us safe from terrorists who are coming to get us. They were very clear that Obama wasn't the guy and especially not Hillary.

They said it's time to rebuild the broken down military that Obama gutted and send tens of thousands of American soldiers to Iraq and Syria to kill all the terrorists. We won't stay long. We will just get in, kill all the bad guys and then get out. No nation building. What could go wrong?

I then looked up the number of gun deaths in the US per year and found out that there have been over 12,000 people killed by guns in the US so far in 2015.

I thought to myself, if the San Bernadino shooting was the worst terrorist attack since 9/11 on American soil in 15 years that's not a bad record. 12,000+ Americans killed by Americans with guns in America this year alone and not one Republican thought it was worth mentioning. Nothing to worry about. It's those terrorists we need to worry about. For that we need to see tens of thousands in Iraq for Iraq II the sequel and simultaneously send tens of thousands our military to Syria to help fight the guys Russia is helping with their military while Russia fights the guys we are helping. What could possibly go wrong. What's important is that we send Putin a message. If that gets tens of thousands of people killed and starts WWIII so be it.

They were all Islamaphibic except Graham, who opologized to the Muslim world for Donald Trumps comments. I have heard Graham say the right things before and then goes into Tea Party mode. He was also the most pro send in all the military of them all in the first part.

Started watching the starters just now.

Re: Terror attack in Paris

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 6:03 am
by ShelC
I find myself agreeing with parts of what most of them are saying. Like Trump says fight one enemy at a time (ISIS) and not arm these rebels and those rebels and militia groups and take on Asad and lose sight of who the real enemies are. I think he's correct in policing and infiltrating the web against terrorists and that radical ideology that's spreading. And to that end, Fiorina was correct in saying that tech is outpacing our government and politicians and that we need to get up to speed and hopefully ahead of the curve because that's where we losing ground.

Rand Paul maybe made the best point of the night about regime change and it's many challenges/faults.

Christie kind of took the outsider role, noting all the talk but do nothing process that DC has become known for. But I didn't like the tough guy nonsense and his beating the war drums from a lot of the candidates.

I think Kasich and Bush are actually smart and technical politicians and candidates, but just don't have "it" where they can engage and rally a crowd. Bush is soft spoken (he's been working on this) and Kasich is too jittery and perpetually frustrated.

Rubio's the clean cut, GOP version of Obama but when he starts speaking I glaze over. Cruz actually scares me because he's smart enough to know what he's doing.

Re: Terror attack in Paris

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 7:09 am
by Indy
Cruz actually scares me because he's smart enough to know what he's doing.
And the most evil of them all. That guy is scary. At least with Trump, you know he is a hate monger because he tells you. Cruz is sneaky.

Re: Terror attack in Paris

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 10:35 am
by Nodack
Cruz = Greg Stilson