FBI reopens Clinton email investigation

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Re: FBI reopens Clinton email investigation

Post by Mori Chu »

In2ition wrote:Well, Hillary did endorse Trump for a future presidency back in 2013, so it can't be all that surprising. This is too much. I wouldn't be surprised to see Trump win in a landslide.
I think that is extremely unlikely. The polls all have him way down. A polling error that large would have basically zero historical precedent.

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Re: FBI reopens Clinton email investigation

Post by In2ition »

Marty [Mori Chu] wrote:
In2ition wrote:Well, Hillary did endorse Trump for a future presidency back in 2013, so it can't be all that surprising. This is too much. I wouldn't be surprised to see Trump win in a landslide.
I think that is extremely unlikely. The polls all have him way down. A polling error that large would have basically zero historical precedent.
The polls have been changing quite a bit recently, and they are usually lagging a little behind, especially state polls. Several polls have Trump in the lead now, although it's in the margin for error.
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Re: FBI reopens Clinton email investigation

Post by ShelC »

I think the polls are BS. More fodder for the networks and news outlets. How can the polls change so dramatically week in and week out or even day in and day out. Yea this has been a weird/awful election season and even with the Trump comments and sideshows and Clinton emails and (alleged) scandals, people are changing their minds this often? I think Hillary wins in a landslide but people are conducting "polls" to keep the interest up.

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Re: FBI reopens Clinton email investigation

Post by Superbone »

ShelC wrote:I think the polls are BS. More fodder for the networks and news outlets. How can the polls change so dramatically week in and week out or even day in and day out. Yea this has been a weird/awful election season and even with the Trump comments and sideshows and Clinton emails and (alleged) scandals, people are changing their minds this often? I think Hillary wins in a landslide but people are conducting "polls" to keep the interest up.
I think you're probably right. The news needs drama.
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Re: FBI reopens Clinton email investigation

Post by O_Gardino »

Superbone wrote:
AmareIsGod wrote:I love how we rehash her emails and Benghazi, the same two things over and over again. Trump adds to his growing list by the day with new lunatic level atrocities but the email and Benghazi situation seem to continually overshadow it all.
Trump dazzles us with quantity. You can't just focus on one or two atrocities that come out of his mouth as there are too many and new ones every day.
It's truly impressive.
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Re: FBI reopens Clinton email investigation

Post by ShelC »

So The Apprentice tapes and sexual assualt claims, "grabbing pu**y" stuff...again, he just steamrolls right past it. I've said it before...he's literally checked the box on everything NOT to do and things that would end a campaign before it even started, but here we are.

For Clinton, i don't know how people can read the emails from Wikileaks and think there isn't rampant corruption and conflict of interests within the WH Administration, the DNC, the Clinton Campaign and the left news networks. They're all connected, switching sides, talking to each other, strategizing...it's the Clinton machine. How much more blatant can it be when Podesta is literally writing to a colleague: “Not to sound like Lanny, but we are going to have to dump all those emails so better to do so sooner than later”.

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Re: FBI reopens Clinton email investigation

Post by Nodack »

I haven't read all the Wikileaks stuff. I have no doubt the WH, DNC and the left wing media is pulling for Clinton to win and trying to help her. I have no doubt the GOP and right wing media is pulling for Trump to win and trying to help him. It's a war with a lot at stake and both sides are willing to do just about anything to win. I haven't seen any evidence of the left wing media strategizing with Clinton. The DNC chairman was accused of giving Clinton some questions before the debate and was being used by CNN as a regular expert. I haven't seen any evidence that CNN deliberately gave her the questions in advance to share with Clinton. CNN has cut ties with her now. The meeting with Bill and Lynch? That looks bad. She has backed away from making any judgement on Clinton and left it up to the FBI now. The FBI is all freaked out about the whole thing and all the accusations of corruption there. They announced new emails found on Clintons right hand girl's husbands computer? WTF? What do these emails contain? Nobody knows but, Trump says they are proof of bad things even though he has no idea what they contain. They announce this right before the election and don't mention one thing about their contents? That is a total gift to Trump's election bid and against some sort of rules I hear. The whole thing is a cluster F.

The DNC has the disadvantage of having all of their emails hacked and made public. You would never get me to believe the GOP isn't doing some nasty things behind closed doors that they might not want publicized. Nobody is hacking the GOP for some reason. Everybody in the DNC has been hacked. Every email Clinton ever wrote that they could find in the past 8 years is being combed over by the FBI and the whole world thanks to Wikileaks.

I haven't any evidence that Clinton was trying to sell secrets to China or anything like that. I haven't seen any evidence that she was intentionally trying to get anybody killed in Benghazi. I haven't seen where her foudation was funneling money into her account or buying weapons for Iran. She has had her private life scutinized to the tee her entire adult life and is a little paranoid about privacy. She had a private email server aganst the rules. Colen Powel did and so did Rice. Nobody is going after them.

Podesta is running Clinton's campaign. Of course he is strategizing. He would be a horrible manager if he didn't. I'm sure she said some things that might embarrass her if made public to the world and he recommended dumping the emails. Is it honest? No. Is it smart? Depends on who you are talking to I suppose. All kinds of Democrats have been quoted from Wikileaks saying bad things about people they work with in emails that they didn't want made public. It has been embarrassing for them. Lets look at all of Trumps emails for the past decade and see if we see some stuff he wouldn't want made public. We can't even see his tax returns.

Come on Wikileaks, where's all the GOP and Trump leaked emails? They don't seem interested in hacking Republicans for some reason. Why is that?

Bottom line for me? I haven't seen any evidence that Clinton has been doing anything to intentionally harm the country in any way. Politics? Yes, she is good at playing the game and knows how to work the system. Did she make a bunch of money speaking at corporate functions? Yes she did. Does that make her a bad person? Not in my book. Lots of celebrities and politicians speak at corporate functions. I am a musician who plays a lot of corporate functions and have seen lots of celebrities and politicians speak at functions. They aren't secret backroom strategizing sessions. They are a bunch of corporate people sitting with their wives eating dinner at a resort ballroom while somebody speaks about whatever. Usually they are motivational speeches and sometimes just entertainment. The next day the all go out golfing and go to a few seminars and then to off roading tours and then another dinner with a band playing.

A rambling post. Yes.

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Re: FBI reopens Clinton email investigation

Post by In2ition »

Idk, you are right, you haven't read all the Wikileaks stuff. Nor the mountain of overwhelming evidence that's been coming out. It's "Daming".
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Re: FBI reopens Clinton email investigation

Post by Phoenix219 »

So would anyone else in the world have gotten arrested for destroying evidence after a subpoena? That's not just the regular politics of Washington. Do you think she was being disingenuous with the "wipe it with a cloth?" non-answer? 10s of thousands of confidential government emails, on a server she was told not to have, was found on the hard drive of a known pervert, via his wife, neither of which had any type of security to have any of those government files. It does not MATTER what is in them. (Do they even have permission to look yet?) Just the fact that this many EXIST and in the completely unprotected insecure places they they have been found at is *absolutely* a *negligent criminal national security breach*..... are you saying its okay for her to accept money from foreign governments in the guise of donations? Sold the russians an american uranium mine on american soil? Told the world our nuclear response time in that debate? That's just scratching the surface of the corruption. It seems like way too many people have 1) accepted politics the way they are as "okay" and 2) have completely eaten up the entirely fabricated public persona she hides behind, built by a corrupt media, DOJ and administration.

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Re: FBI reopens Clinton email investigation

Post by Nodack »

It seems both sides are willing to completely excuse their candidate from any behavior no matter how bad and crucify the other candidate for anything and blow it out of proportion as much as possible to increase their candidates chances of winning.

Our elections are competitions and once you choose a side you are all in no matter what because winning is all that matters.
are you saying its okay for her to accept money from foreign governments in the guise of donations? Sold the russians an american uranium mine on american soil?
http://www.factcheck.org/2015/04/no-vet ... nium-deal/
The fact is, Clinton was one of nine voting members on the foreign investments committee, which also includes the secretaries of the Treasury, Defense, Homeland Security, Commerce and Energy, the attorney general, and representatives from two White House offices — the United States Trade Representative and the Office of Science and Technology Policy. (Separately, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission needed to approve (and did approve) the transfer of two uranium recovery licenses as part of the sale.)
Chris Wallace, host of “Fox News Sunday,” made that point when he questioned Schweizer about his lack of evidence connecting the donations to the uranium deal. (Fox News was among the media outlets that received an advance copy of his book.) Schweizer made the counterargument — again without any evidence — that the investors bought her silence by making contributions to the Clinton Foundation

Told the world our nuclear response time in that debate?
http://www.factcheck.org/2016/10/clinto ... nch-times/
Her response triggered a debate over whether she divulged state secrets. She didn’t. In fact, there has been a public debate for decades, since the end of the Cold War, about taking ground-based U.S. and Russian nuclear missiles off “high alert” to prevent an accidental or unauthorized launch — precisely because of the short time needed to launch an attack.

The fact that Russia and the United States have land-based nuclear weapons capable of being launched within minutes of a president’s order is hardly news. The high level of alert — sometimes called “hair-trigger alert” — is a remnant of the U.S.-Soviet Cold War, when both sides armed themselves to counter a nuclear attack on a moment’s notice.
The Minuteman, in fact, is named after its ability to launch quickly when on high alert. “From the time keys were turned to execute a positive launch command, until the missile left the silo, only took about a minute. Hence the name Minuteman,” the National Park Service says.

That's just scratching the surface of the corruption. It seems like way too many people have 1) accepted politics the way they are as "okay" and 2) have completely eaten up the entirely fabricated public persona she hides behind, built by a corrupt media, DOJ and administration
That sounds like a direct Trump quote. Just scratching the surface? Then you should be able to list them all. Accept politics the way they are? I don't like politics the way they are. I don't believe Trump is going to fix politics. He and his followers seem to just want to throw a grenade in the middle of the room. You have obviously chosen a side and are willing to completely ignore the mountains of things Trump has said and done that make him unacceptable as President to me and others and believe any unsubstantiated claim against Clinton as Gospel because you want to believe it IMO?

You believe her personality is fabricated and built by a corrupt media, DOJ, and administration. What does that even mean? I think she really does care about children and womens rights. I think she cares about America and Americans. You don't believe that to be the case. You probably think her foundation is just a front to swindle money and sell secrets to foriegn powers like Trump keeps claiming. I factchecked that as well and once again its just Trump being Trump.

Her private email server was a mistake. She says so. Colin Powel had a private email server too under Bush and not one Republican is asking to investigate. Condoleezza Rice had a private email server as well and not one Republican is interested in investigating. Why is that?

Republicans claim she killed four people in Benghazi when she failed to protect them from terrorists. There were dozens of terrorists attacks on our foriegn embassies with scores of Americans killed under Bush and not one investigation. Why is that?

It all comes down to who you believe. I don't really like Clinton but, I don't beleive she is the devil like Trump says she is. Before running for election Trump loved Hillary Clinton and donated to both of them. The Clintons were invited to his wedding.

Trump in 2008-"I know Hillary and I think she’d make a great president or vice-president."

Imus roasted the Clintons at the 1996 the Radio-Television Correspondents Association dinner in a speech so brutal a letter of apology was sent to the Clintons from the association. Imus said he blamed the Clintons for much of the blowback to his speech.
After a back and forth on the dinner, Trump said if he were Clinton he wouldn't want to go on Imus' show.
"If I were Hillary, and she really is a terrific woman, if I were Hillary, I wouldn't want any part of you," Trump said.

"I watched Bill Clinton yesterday give a little speech, and people do like Bill Clinton. There's no question about it," Trump said. "I play golf with him and I like him. I mean, what's not to like?"

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/wat ... 54ce383a3f
In a 2008 interview NY1 unearthed just before the third attack-filled presidential debate, Trump described Hillary Clinton as a “great woman,” a “smart woman,” “a nice person,” and an effective politician.

“I think her history is far from being over, “ Trump said when asked about her legacy. “I’d like to answer that question in another 15 years from now. I think she is going to go down at a minimum as a great senator. I think she is a great wife to a president. And I think Bill Clinton was a great president.”

He wasn’t done with his gushing praise.

“You know, you look at the country then,” he continued. “The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy.”

That was before Trump started running for President. Now the Clintons are Devils.

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Re: FBI reopens Clinton email investigation

Post by Nodack »

http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/pre ... or-clinton
Libertarian VP candidate: I'm 'vouching' for Clinton

Bill Weld, the Libertarian Party’s vice presidential candidate, said on Tuesday that he’s “vouching” for Hillary Clinton in the face of attacks from Donald Trump.

I’m here vouching for Mrs. Clinton,” Weld said, “and I think it’s high time somebody did, and I’m doing it based on my personal experience with her. I think she deserves to have people vouch for her other than members of the Democratic National Committee, so I’m here to do that.”

"I’ve known her for 40 years,” he said. “I’ve worked with her, I know her well professionally, I know her well personally. I know her to be a person of high moral character, a reliable person, an honest person — however so much Mr. Trump may rant and rave to the contrary.”

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Re: FBI reopens Clinton email investigation

Post by ShelC »

I have no doubt the GOP and right wing media is pulling for Trump to win and trying to help him.
Have you followed the news? Most of them have denounced and want nothing to do with him. And I feel like the conservative news channels spend more time attacking Hillary than supporting Trump.
You would never get me to believe the GOP isn't doing some nasty things behind closed doors that they might not want publicized.
They are, and in terms of the election it probably goes back to last year with strategizing around ways to stop Trump or blow up his campaign. I'm also sure there numerous links with the NRA and anti-abortion groups, etc. There's money changing hands, lobbyists, etc. Happens on both sides and one of the things we need to fix. But I don't think the GOP and RNC held back other candidates or worked jointly to promote one over another, and certainly not Trump over candidates like Bush, Rubio and Cruz. That's where I have a major problem with Hillary, the DNC, the White House, the liberal news channels and think the DNC primary was in fact, rigged in her favor. That's more of a threat to our democratic system than her emails or foundation or other charges against her.
I think she really does care about children and womens rights. I think she cares about America and Americans. You don't believe that to be the case.
Maybe she did at one point, but I think she's past all of that. I think she's so insulated with handlers and has so much wealth, that she has disdain for "normal" Americans, thinks she's above them (as does her staff) and feels entitled more than anything.

Bill Weld supporting Clinton doesn't mean anything to me. He's a politician aligning with Clinton. There are plenty of Republicans who have said they're not voting for Trump. Weld is trying to swing the independent vote in her favor.

I also don't think she's "sold secrets" but I do think she's taken donations from questionable people in foreign governments as well as friends and business associates looking to gain access and favors. It's classic pay to play and there are quite a few examples that have come out.

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Re: FBI reopens Clinton email investigation

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I'm not at all pleased about the email stuff. It exposes a darker side of politics and the ways that favors, power, money, and influence are bought and sold within our political parties and media. I don't think she did anything criminal, but it's clear that she's willing to cut corners and trade quid pro quo to try to get herself ahead.

But my bottom line is that I think Hillary is qualified for the job and would be suited to being a good President of the country. She has 30 years of experience as a public servant and has generally done a very solid job in that time. The other candidate is a buffoon who knows and understands nothing of what the job entails, he has a deep disrespect for women and minorities, and he is an immature man-child who flies off the handle at the slightest provocation. I think he is quite deeply unfit to be a political leader, and certainly not President of the USA.

The third-party candidates are loons. Jill Stein is an anti-vaxxer who thinks wifi causes cancer, among other ludicrous ideas she carries around. Gary Johnson has a gross ignorance of foreign policy (like Trump), seems unprofessional, unintelligent, and unqualified. They aren't worth a protest vote, not that I am protesting anything in the first place.

And the Dems' party platform currently aligns much better with my general sensibilities of what I think is right in 2016. Yes, abortions should remain illegal. Yes, people should have health care and fair wages. Yes, reduce college debt. Yes, immigrants and refugees are good for our country (this year, all 6 Nobel prize winners in the USA are immigrants). Yes, rich people should pay higher taxes than poor people and do not deserve big tax cuts. Yes, regulations on businesses are good and stop corporate corruption. Yes, other races have a rough lot of it and need help and support. Yes, Muslims are good people and should not be treated like terrorists. On and on. I don't agree with 100% of the Dems' platform, but I find that I only agree with tiny islands of the Repubs' platform these days. I feel like the Republican party platform is almost entirely out of date and at odds with the way the world works today. You can't take things back to the 1950s and make things better. That's not the world we live in.

It's a very easy choice for me. There are other politicians I like better than Hillary (e.g. Elizabeth Warren), but Hillary is leaps and bounds ahead of any of the other candidates this year IMO.

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Re: FBI reopens Clinton email investigation

Post by ShelC »

I don't think she did anything criminal
Destroying emails/servers while under subpoena?

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Re: FBI reopens Clinton email investigation

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She was thoroughly investigated by the FBI. If what she did were criminal, I have confidence that they would have rightfully accused her of such. They had all the data and facts in their reach, looked it over thoroughly, and decided she should not be convicted of any criminal wrongdoing. I don't think the FBI is a left-leaning partisan organization, so I give them the benefit of the doubt that they did a thorough job looking into it and that they reached the right conclusion.

They're even showing their thoroughness with this latest episode, where they found some more emails in the Weiner (heh) case and, on the slight off-chance that they might have anything remotely to do with this Clinton investigation, notified each other and are looking into them. I think they've done their job and are not letting her off with a slap on the wrist for a truly nefarious act.

I think what Clinton did with the email server was paranoid and selfish and questionable, but not criminal.

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Re: FBI reopens Clinton email investigation

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They couldn't investigate what they couldn't find/obtain. If there were questionable/criminal acts having to do with the foundation, she destroyed evidence. And destroying evidence while under subpoena is in fact, criminal.

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Re: FBI reopens Clinton email investigation

Post by AmareIsGod »

ShelC wrote:They couldn't investigate what they couldn't find/obtain. If there were questionable/criminal acts having to do with the foundation, she destroyed evidence. And destroying evidence while under subpoena is in fact, criminal.
I think the FBI's investigation and facts are probably much more thorough than the repeated dribble that is fed to any of us through headlines and the same news articles. I'd venture to guess that they know much more about what actually occurred and the nature of any offenses that happened through their investigations than what news articles and sound bites we've heard.
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Re: FBI reopens Clinton email investigation

Post by specialsauce »

Ultimately this election boils down to giving in to the fact that:

1. You're accepting of blatant corruption and favoritism in politics (Clinton)

2. You have no morals (Trump)

This is not a normal election cycle. Voting your party line has far more implications than it did 4, 8, or 12 years ago.

If you're so blind to the fact that Trump has insulted mexicans, muslims, women, mentally disabled, veterans, dead people, called his daughter a piece of ass, and are still voting for him under the excuse of "Oh well Killary is corrupt" - you're no better than him.

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Re: FBI reopens Clinton email investigation

Post by specialsauce »

It's really unfortunate that this election has absolutely nothing to do with the policies of the candidates. I think any hope of having a better America in 4 years is gone out the window. We're going to have to hit the reset button in 2020.

For example, I agree that the ACA is a completely broken system and needs a heavy overhaul. I agree in principle with much of it (outside the individual mandate). The execution has been very poor and the fact that we don't already allow insurance companies to cross state borders is a joke. There's no hope any progress will be made with the ACA this coming election. I don't think Hillary will accomplish much with it, and Trump is a joke he has absolutely no plan with healthcare except to repeal- which is about as likely to happen as deporting 11 million immigrants.

How much have we talked about the ACA? Taxes? Anything. It's all focused on this bullshit.

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Re: FBI reopens Clinton email investigation

Post by In2ition »

If everything that Hillary is being accused of is true, corruption is a lot deeper than just one person and is systemic and not just one rogue. I don't think either candidate has much of a leg to stand on morally, but I'm not going to paint myself in a corner believing that I'm morally superior to anyone else. I'm severely flawed and broken, so I'm certainly not going to be standing on my high horse.

I will say that it didn't seem like the FBI was allowed to thoroughly investigate this the first time, if the word is true that a mountain of resignations that happened because of how they were handcuffed by the DOJ and specifically Loretta Lynch. I guess we just have to sit back and let the professionals do their job. Also, don't believe everything that is being fed and framed about each candidate. The media no matter what side of the isle you lean can make anyone out to be the Devil.
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