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Third Presidential Debate: Wed 10/19

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 8:53 am
by Mori Chu
Debate is tonight. Moderated by Chris Wallace of Fox News.

I think this one will be a hit piece on Hillary. Fox News has their man in there as moderator, and Trump is desperate; this is his one last chance to try to make a dent in her poll numbers. I think they'll gang up on her 2-vs-1 and really grill her about everything from email servers to Benghazi to the Clinton Foundation to WikiLeaks to Bill Clinton's women to whatever else they can try to make stick. I bet Dems will be a bit miffed afterward and be upset about the debate, and they'll call the moderator biased. There's my prediction for the night! :-)

Re: Third Presidential Debate: Wed 10/19

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:57 am
by ShelC
Probably accurate. I think the Trump Show is finally done (at least in terms of voters). He's been responsible for his own undoing. I just hope things don't get ugly when he loses.

Re: Third Presidential Debate: Wed 10/19

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 10:53 am
by Indy
They will, Shel. He won't concede, even when the vote is clearly not close. He could literally contest the results in ever district he lost in every county. And with a 4-4 supreme court, we could move forward without a president in January. Maybe Obama can do a month-to-month until they figure it out.

Re: Third Presidential Debate: Wed 10/19

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 11:03 am
by Cap
Indy wrote:And with a 4-4 supreme court, we could move forward without a president in January.
Um, no. In the event of a 4-4 split on the court, the ruling from the lower court stands.

At any rate, I don't see a replay of Bush v Gore happening. The 5 Republican appointees on that court went through some awful contortions to justify stopping the recount. While it's conceivable that Thomas and Alito might do the same thing for Trump, I don't think Roberts and Kennedy would.

Re: Third Presidential Debate: Wed 10/19

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 11:58 am
by Indy
Even if it means who else adds a member to their team, or as their successor?

Re: Third Presidential Debate: Wed 10/19

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 12:02 pm
by Indy
Also, if he contests in dozens, or hundreds of districts, do you think that will all be resolved in two months?

Re: Third Presidential Debate: Wed 10/19

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 12:18 pm
by Cap
Indy wrote:Also, if he contests in dozens, or hundreds of districts, do you think that will all be resolved in two months?
December 4, the "safe harbor" date, it's over, ready or not.

Remember in 2000, the SCOTUS basically ran out the clock. First they issued that BS injunction halting the recount while they considered the case, then issued a ruling that Gore was entitled to a recount on the merits, but it had to be completed by the safe harbor deadline. They issued this ruling just two hours before that deadline, making it impossible to have the recount to which they had found Gore was technically entitled.

Re: Third Presidential Debate: Wed 10/19

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 12:19 pm
by ShelC
Everyone - politicians, the media, the judges/courts - should just give him the silent treatment until he goes away.

Also, what's the drinking game tonight?

Re: Third Presidential Debate: Wed 10/19

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 12:22 pm
by Cap
"Believe me"
"Global elites"

Re: Third Presidential Debate: Wed 10/19

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 12:26 pm
by Nodack
How about drink every time Trump says disaster or rigged? For Hillary it could be temperment or judgement.

It probably will be a hit piece on Hillary. FOX gets their turn. CNN got theirs.

I'm pretty sure Trump will be in full blown attack mode. I think Hillary knows she is ahead and will be trying to just not say anything dumb. I think she will come off a little weak by doing that and needs to stand up to him.

I am a little worried about the aftermath when Trump loses the election and his supporters start shooting minorities and burning Mosque's etc. They have interviewed a bunch of them and they are talking civil war if he loses. Maybe its just talk but, Trump isn't doing anything to stop that talk. He's actually going way out of his way to fan the flames and that is dangerous and just another reason Trump isn't fit to be President. Trump doesn't seem to believe in the American system and he and his followers seem to want the burn it all down.

Re: Third Presidential Debate: Wed 10/19

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 5:53 pm
by Superbone
Cap wrote:"Believe me"
"Global elites"
If you really want to get drunk, add "Huge" and "Tremendous".

Re: Third Presidential Debate: Wed 10/19

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 6:15 pm
by Mori Chu
Take a swig every time the word "email" or "Wikileaks" gets used.

Re: Third Presidential Debate: Wed 10/19

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 7:59 pm
by AmareIsGod
What did I miss? Was flying during the debates and just got home.

Re: Third Presidential Debate: Wed 10/19

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 8:41 pm
by Nodack
Trump just commited political suicide.

Donald Trump would not say if he would accept the results of the election during Wednesday’s third and final presidential debate.

“I will look at it at the time,” the Republican nominee said, referring to the election results. When he was further pressed by moderator Chris Wallace to answer the question directly, Trump said, “I will keep you in suspense

That comment alone killed any chance he had.

I think Trump started out well. He was calm and actually answered the questions. Hillary as usual was able to push his buttons and send him into la la land.

I have no doubt in my mind now that he has absolutely no chance of winning and I am grateful.

Re: Third Presidential Debate: Wed 10/19

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 11:19 pm
by Nodack
I expected the moderator to be pro Trump and anti Clinton since he was from FOX News but, Chris Wallace ended up being the best moderator in recent memory. He didn't let either one of them get away with anything and managed to keep them talking about real issues for most of the debate. He was universally praised by all sides. I thought the debate was great.

Re: Third Presidential Debate: Wed 10/19

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 5:05 am
by Indy
Wallace lost control near the end, but overall, he was wonderful. He was very fair and balanced.

Re: Third Presidential Debate: Wed 10/19

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 7:29 am
by Mori Chu
My prediction in the OP here was wrong. Chris Wallace did a great job as moderator. Asked them both tough questions and follow-ups. Here are my thoughts that I posted on Facebook about the debate.

Trump is down by 7+ points right now. He needed a knockout in this debate to have a good chance in the election. He did not do so. Hillary Clinton is almost assuredly going to be the next President.

The moment from the debate that stuck out to me the most was when he said that he wouldn't necessarily peacefully accept the results of the election, that he'd look into it and keep the element of surprise or something to that effect. I find that frightening. I'm worried that there may be violence at polling places on election day and/or that he may raise heck after the votes are in, leading to an undermining of confidence in our government and our election.
I just hope that Election Day is a peaceful one and a start to a calmer era. Be safe out there.

A few other thoughts:

- This debate had a lot more discussion of actual issues than the others. That was a good thing.

- I was really worried about the moderator, Chris Wallace, because he's from Fox News. But I have to say that he did an excellent job. He asked them both tough questions and he used follow-ups to keep them both on topic and get substantive answers out of them.

- Trump on Mexicans: "Bad Hombres." Oof.

- Trump on Clinton: "She's a nasty woman." Double oof. Hillary had a really nice little line about Trump's objectifying women and how there isn't a woman out there who doesn't know what that feels like.

- I thought the impromptu closing statements really said a lot. Hillary talked about bringing people together, our diversity, working for all Americans, families, our children, etc. Trump talked about how you can't walk down the street without getting shot, ISIS, literally finger-pointing, how everything is crooked Hillary / Obama's fault, etc. The contrast in tone was really telling.

Re: Third Presidential Debate: Wed 10/19

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 8:47 am
by Superbone
Game, set, and match.

Re: Third Presidential Debate: Wed 10/19

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 10:29 am
by Indy
Superbone wrote:Game, set, and match.
The debates don't sway anyone, really. I have yet to speak to anyone that was going to vote for Trump that is now going to vote for Hillary. He is self-destructing, and has been for 3-4 weeks or so. But keep in mind that even as a self-destructing, racist, misogynistic xenophobe, 40-44% of the voters in this country support him.

Re: Third Presidential Debate: Wed 10/19

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 10:34 am
by Nodack
The debates are really for the undecideds. I find it hard to believe at this point that somebody hasn't made up their mind yet. The poll numbers have changed since the debates have started so somebody is changing their mind because he is slipping and her lead is widening. Before the first debate he had caught up to her and was surging ahead.
I just hope that Election Day is a peaceful one and a start to a calmer era. Be safe out there.
I do early mail in voting.

On a side note they made one change I like this year. They let you choose which judges to keep. I have no idea which judges are good or bad so I always leave them blank. This year they handed out pamphlets that showed their records and their peers voted on whether they are fit for office. Most of them had great records but, one in particular was voted not fit for office a lot and I voted against.