Donald Trump is racist

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Re: Donald Trump is racist

Post by Nodack »

I think it matters to them. I thnk they have picked their horse in the race and are all in, good or bad at this point.

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Re: Donald Trump is racist

Post by Nodack »

I try to understand Trumps appeal. I know plenty of good people that think he walks on water. I get it that Trump wasn’t a politician and that people have zero faith in politicians. I have no faith in any politicians, Democrat or Republican. I am totally convinced that the vast majority of them make most of their money under the table. The whole lobbying thing. Some ex lobbyist that went to prison, got out and was on a talk show saying that 85% of all politicians are on the take. The whole lobbying thing. It’s a bad thing and it ruins our democracy. The guy said that the new guys aren’t on the take yet but, after awhile they all succumb.

I get it that other people thought the same thing and thought Trump was the answer. Drain the swamp. Make America Great again. He’s a successful businessman. He said he was the only guy who could do it. He made grandiose promises and talked plain.

Completely leaving out of the equation all the stupid and sometimes illegal things he says and does and just talking actual things done he still isn’t the guy imo. He really doesn’t seem to know what he is doing and he can’t get along with anybody unless they completely kiss his ass and commit their loyalty to him and nobody else. I don’t even want to get into all the reasons I don’t like Trump again.

I am just saying to my Republican friends that he isn’t the guy to drain the swamp and clean up Washington. He just isn’t. He’s worse than the worst of them which is bad for all of us.

Now talking to my American friends of either party who want a country run by Americans who only care about making things better for all Americans, I say that we are back to square one or worse. Those Americans that didn’t trust politicians now don’t trust politicians, the media, our voting process, FBI, Intelligence community, IRS or anything connected to the government. Race relations are in a bad place. Partisanship already high has ramped up under Trump to almost scary proportions.

My point is that our politics is in a really bad place. It was in a really bad place before Trump. It’s not better. It’s worse and I have no idea how to make it better. We are all Americans. We all want the same things for the most part. Washington is corrupt. Trump is corrupt. Money corrupts. We have to figure out a way to take money out of politics. Nothing short of millions of Americans marching on Washington demanding and end to money in our politics is ever going to change anything.

We need a system that puts experts in charge of key positions. In our system a President picks the leaders of several key positions. When you have a guy picked to run the EPA because he hates the EPA you have a problem. When a surgeon is picked to run Housing you have a problem. When you pick a lady who has never sat a foot inside a public school running Education you have a problem. When a corrupt campaign manager Manafort scamming a banker into giving him tens of millions in loans in return for a possible job as Secretary of the Army you have a problem. The Secretary of the Army should come from the Army. The guy running housing should be a housing expert.

It seems so messed up to me. Not Trump, the whole system seems very flawed and inefficient.

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Re: Donald Trump is racist

Post by Indy »

I think once people pick a team, most don't ever change. If you are a Suns fan, you can say all you want that if *INSERT HATED PLAYER FROM ANOTHER TEAM HERE* ever played for the Suns, I would stop watching. But that almost never happens. You have a drunk driver, or wife beater, or even a rapist and people still support them and the team. People have a hard time changing their habits, wants, and desires. Once they pick a horse, they become blinded a bit. We all do.

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Re: Donald Trump is racist

Post by ShelC »

They'll defend and rationalize anything and everything he does:

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Re: Donald Trump is racist

Post by Superbone »

ShelC wrote:They'll defend and rationalize anything and everything he does:

Yep, scary.
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Re: Donald Trump is racist

Post by Mori Chu »

What a surprise that a GOP lawmaker from Georgia isn't particularly bothered by the N-word.

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Re: Donald Trump is racist

Post by Indy »

Marty [Mori Chu] wrote:
Sun Aug 19, 2018 12:03 pm
What a surprise that a GOP lawmaker from Georgia isn't particularly bothered by the N-word.
So are about 41% of the american voters.

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