Separating immigrant/refugee children from parents

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Re: Separating immigrant/refugee children from parents

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Fox News is a helluva drug.
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Re: Separating immigrant/refugee children from parents

Post by Mori Chu »

Phoenix219 wrote:
Fri Jun 29, 2018 2:31 pm
The blindness, ignorance and stupidity on display is mind boggling. Projection much? The Hitler stuff crosses the line; the thought control and violent, harassing, nazi-like responses to any and all that disagree are ALL FROM THE LEFT. You throw around baseless accusations and insults and labels all you want but that doesn't make it true - only that the fake news media propaganda has worked entirely. Have fun with your orwellian nightmare and communist future, i'm sure you will all feel so good and virtuous about yourselves right up until its too late.

I don't even care if I get deleted. I never want the temptation to post in a place this ignorant, hateful and propaganda driven again in my life. Ignorant a******.
P219: I won't delete your opinion; this is the politics area, and you can express your political opinions. Here are a few questions for you:

Do you think the President is doing a good job overall?
Do you like the separating families at the border?
Did you like the Muslim ban?
Do you think the President and his campaign team colluded with Russia to help them win the election?
Do you think the President was right to fire James Comey?
Do you think the President has obstructed justice regarding the Mueller investigation?
Do you think it is okay that Trump makes money in his businesses through the influence of his office as the President?
Do you think he has appointed good people to his cabinet positions, such as DeVos, Ben Carson, Pruitt, etc.?
Do you think his response to the racial violence in Charlottesville was appropriate?
Do you think his involvement in the NFL kneeling situation is appropriate and good?
Do you think "the left" is turning violent?
Do you think the media is the enemy of the American people?
From 0% to 100%, how much do you think the reporters who got shot the other day deserved it?

I'll wait.

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Re: Separating immigrant/refugee children from parents

Post by Superbone »

That post tells me all I need to know about Phoenix219. I can't believe that dude considers himself a Star Trek fan.
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Re: Separating immigrant/refugee children from parents

Post by Nodack »

Trump would disband the Federation and claim they were all corrupt. Then he would meet with the Borg and call them an honorable friend.

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Re: Separating immigrant/refugee children from parents

Post by Mori Chu »

I've seen a lot of people who get stuck on the wrong media. They watch Fox or they read weird online sources like Drudge Report, Breitbart, or Daily Caller. They swear that the "mainstream" media is full of lies and that their sources are giving them the "real" news. A lot of those outlets explicitly sew distrust in the media, in information, in science, in any sources other than themselves. They're full of ridiculous conspiracy theories. People who read these sites start to get a very strange view of the world.

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Re: Separating immigrant/refugee children from parents

Post by Nodack »

FOX and places like The Drudge or Breitbart take up the Republican side.

CNN, MSNBC and others take up the Democrat side.

Both sides media smear the other side and make their side appear to be the righest side. There are lies, truths and fudged info used to sway opinion. Some places are more biased than others. Most people believe their side is telling the truth and the other side is evil and always lying. You can usually find the truth somewhere in the middle.

I have tried to do my homework. I read the News from several different news sources every day. I have formed my opinion of what is transpiring in the world like everybody else and I will voice my opinion if I choose. My opinion is that Trump is a narcissistic serial lying racist sexual predator ego maniac draft dodging traitor con man who is doing a lot of harm to “our” America. Some, like Phoenix219 are going to be pissed hearing me and others bad mouth the guy they support. Get used to it. Obama was trashed for eight years. There not a single pro Obama story written on FOX, Drudge or Breitbart in eight years. Congressmen shouted “You lie!” To Obama and Republicans voted no on every single Bill brought up. There is a LONG list of Trumps insults to Obama in those eight years.

Obama handled it with grace and pretty much ignored the 24/7/365 negative coverage by the Right.

Trump cannot stand to be criticized in any way and responds by attacking every time and ratcheting up rhetoric. Trump declared war on just about everybody. Only a dumbass would expect them to kiss hiss ass afterwards and praise his greatness.

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Re: Separating immigrant/refugee children from parents

Post by Mori Chu »

Calling the media "the enemy of the American people" is dangerous and un-American. Jeering them at rallies and encouraging your supporters to shout at them, scream/curse at them, scare them, etc. as they stand in little pens is frightening. I hate the way the media is being portrayed and treated during this administration. The recent shooting is a tragic reminder that all this rhetoric is one step away from real violence.

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Re: Separating immigrant/refugee children from parents

Post by Cap »

Remember when Fox used to slam Obama for supposedly being divisive? Now that they have a Republican President openly reveling in divisiveness, Fox seems to have forgotten that they used to call it a bad thing.

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Re: Separating immigrant/refugee children from parents

Post by Nodack »

“I’d like to punch him in the face”

“The man that was — I don’t know, you say “roughed up” — he was so obnoxious and so loud, he was screaming — I had 10,000 people in the room yesterday, 10,000 people, and this guy started screaming by himself. And I don’t know, “rough up” — he should have been, maybe he should have been roughed up. Because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing.”

“You know, part of the problem, and part of the reason it takes so long, is nobody wants to hurt each other anymore, right? And they’re being politically correct the way they take them out, so it takes a little bit longer. And honestly, protesters, they realize it. They realize that there are no consequences to protesting anymore. There used to be consequences, there are none anymore.”

“I would never give up my microphone. I thought that was disgusting. That showed such weakness, the way [Sanders] was taken away by two young women — the microphone — they just took the whole place over…That will never happen with me. I don’t know if I’ll do the fighting myself or if other people will, but that was a disgrace…”

“…He got over this railing…tries to make a rush at me — I was ready, I don’t know if I would’ve done well but I would’ve been out there fighting, folks. I don’t know if I would’ve done well, but I would’ve been ‘boom boom boom, I’ll beat the [crap out of you.]’

"Get him out," he said of a protester. "Try not to hurt him. If you do, I'll defend you in court. Don't worry about it."

“He was a guy who was swinging [punches] — very loud, and then started swinging at the audience and you know what, the audience swung back, and I thought it was very, very appropriate. He was swinging, he was hitting people, and the audience hit back. And that’s what we need a little bit more of.”

“…If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, ok. Just knock the hell — I promise you I will pay for the legal fees, I promise.”

Trump shared the doctored video, from a 2007 WWE skit in which he is seen taking down WWE owner Vince McMahon. In the version Trump shared, McMahon's face is blocked by the CNN logo.

CNN released a statement criticizing the video.
"It is a sad day when the president of the United States encourages violence against reporters. Clearly, Sarah Huckabee Sanders lied when she said the president had never done so," the statement reads.

Huckabee-Sanders responded:”The president in no way, form, or fashion has ever promoted or encouraged violence. If anything, quite the contrary, and he was simply pushing back and defending himself.”

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Re: Separating immigrant/refugee children from parents

Post by Indy »

Superbone wrote:
Sat Jun 30, 2018 1:32 am
That post tells me all I need to know about Phoenix219. I can't believe that dude considers himself a Star Trek fan.
EXACTLY. Clearly his missed the entire point of that series. Actually, all of them.

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Re: Separating immigrant/refugee children from parents

Post by Mori Chu »

Superbone wrote:
Sat Jun 30, 2018 1:32 am
That post tells me all I need to know about Phoenix219. I can't believe that dude considers himself a Star Trek fan.
This is the most accurate and deep cut I may have ever seen here. Completely undresses the cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy in his views.

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Re: Separating immigrant/refugee children from parents

Post by Nodack »

Trump wants to restrict or get rid of immigrants entering the country through relative sponsorships. You know, you have one family member who becomes a US citizen and sponsors a family member or members so they can get a green card that eventually allows them to become citizens. The President has harshly criticized family-based migration and regularly refers to it as "chain migration,"

Viktor and Amalija Knavs, the parents of first lady Melania Trump, were granted citizenship Thursday, their immigration attorney, Michael Wildes, announced. Melania sponsored them which allowed them to get green cards and now they have become US citizens. They became citizens in a way that Trump hates and wants to stop.

Just food for thought.

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