Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

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Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

Post by Mori Chu »

This looks to be a big story in the coming weeks and months:
Epstein, 66, is expected to be arraigned in federal court in New York on Monday on charges that he molested dozens of underage girls in New York and in Florida, the sources said. His arrest, first reported by the Daily Beast, comes nearly two weeks after the Justice Department announced that it would not throw out his 2008 non-prosecution agreement, even though a federal judge ruled it was illegal. ... 74872.html

This dude is an absolute creep. He rounded up underage girls to sell them for sex work in his private residences, offering them up to his wealthy friends and associates. He seems to have connections to a frighteningly large group of rich people, including actors, businessmen, politicians, and more. He's been mentioned as a friend of Bill Clinton's, Donald Trump's, and a prince of England's. He has some connections to others within the Trump cabinet including the current secretary of labor, Alex Acosta, who helped Epstein get a super lenient sentence for similar charges in 2008.

Oof. My hope is that anybody who participated in this disgusting underage prostitution ring is brought to justice, no matter who they are. Thoughts?

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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

Post by In2ition »

Totally agree. Heinous
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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

Post by Superbone »

In2ition wrote:
Mon Jul 08, 2019 8:43 pm
Totally agree. Heinous
Yep. Lock him up. Forever.
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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

Post by In2ition »

I've heard a lot about Epstein and the Lolito express of his for years now. I've heard he has a lot of ties into many many big players in Washington. In fact, James Comey was one of them. I heard that Comey's daughter has been appointed as a prosecutor in this case, so I kind of expect many of those connected to Epstein to be suppressed, but that's my skepticism coming out. I have no idea what's true or not in this, but I hope it all comes out.
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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

Post by Mori Chu »

In2ition wrote:
Tue Jul 09, 2019 6:19 am
I've heard a lot about Epstein and the Lolito express of his for years now. I've heard he has a lot of ties into many many big players in Washington. In fact, James Comey was one of them. I heard that Comey's daughter has been appointed as a prosecutor in this case, so I kind of expect many of those connected to Epstein to be suppressed, but that's my skepticism coming out. I have no idea what's true or not in this, but I hope it all comes out.
What ties does Epstein have to James Comey, exactly? Can you provide a link to a reputable source?

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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

Post by In2ition »

Marty [Mori Chu] wrote:
Tue Jul 09, 2019 10:46 am
In2ition wrote:
Tue Jul 09, 2019 6:19 am
I've heard a lot about Epstein and the Lolito express of his for years now. I've heard he has a lot of ties into many many big players in Washington. In fact, James Comey was one of them. I heard that Comey's daughter has been appointed as a prosecutor in this case, so I kind of expect many of those connected to Epstein to be suppressed, but that's my skepticism coming out. I have no idea what's true or not in this, but I hope it all comes out.
What ties does Epstein have to James Comey, exactly? Can you provide a link to a reputable source?
Sorry Marty, I have no links, nor am I searching for them. It was over 3 yrs ago, so I'm not even sure I could find them anymore.
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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

Post by Mori Chu »

I'm googling it and can't find anything concrete about any ties between Epstein and James Comey. I'm going to assume that you are mistaken unless someone shows me some sort of tangible article or link or evidence or something.

I'm not trying to ignore you or be dismissive of what you have to say, in2. It's just that I am super cautious about believing right-wing-media-sourced claims about certain politicians. Like if a Republican news source says something about James Comey, Bob Mueller, Hillary, Obama, Christopher Steele, AOC, etc., you have to get another valid source on it. They lie about this stuff and just fabricate way too much.

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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

Post by In2ition »

Marty [Mori Chu] wrote:
Tue Jul 09, 2019 1:33 pm
I'm googling it and can't find anything concrete about any ties between Epstein and James Comey. I'm going to assume that you are mistaken unless someone shows me some sort of tangible article or link or evidence or something.

I'm not trying to ignore you or be dismissive of what you have to say, in2. It's just that I am super cautious about believing right-wing-media-sourced claims about certain politicians. Like if a Republican news source says something about James Comey, Bob Mueller, Hillary, Obama, Christopher Steele, AOC, etc., you have to get another valid source on it. They lie about this stuff and just fabricate way too much.
It's fine, you don't have to believe me, since I can't prove it or even provide any sources. This was reported before the election.

If you don't read the news, you are uninformed. If you read the news, you are misinformed.

Btw, I see more stuff lied about on left wing news outlets, so who really tells the truth?
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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

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Let's not.

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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

Post by Nodack »

The only thing I found was this from what appears to be a right wing site and it really just says Comey’s daughter is prosecuting the case and that seems to be the only connection. Nothing about Comey hanging out with Epstein and young girls. ... stein-case

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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

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Labor Secretary Alex Acosta resigns due to his ties to Epstein. ... 1562939135

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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

Post by Mori Chu »

... Still waiting for any evidence whatsoever that shows any connection between Epstein and James Comey. Nothing on Google, nothing in any of the articles about Epstein. Another right-wing conspiracy theory with no merit to it whatsoever. But hey, both sides are equally bad, right?

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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

Post by Nodack »

This split between the two party’s is tearing the country apart and I don’t like it. I have many friends and family on both sides who are great people. There are people controlling the narrative who like us divided. We make our own decisions, not them.

I almost never go on Facebook. I went on today and saw a lot of my friends and family members posting political BS from both sides that was disturbing. I never respond. I watched dozens of videos of police encounters. I saw police do some unscrupulous things. I also saw people totally disrespecting the police which I found just as distasteful.

I kind of feel like we as a country have lost our soul and are rudderless. We have leaders who are pitting Americans against Americans for their own benefit and it makes me sick. It’s all about money and power and we are just pawns. Everybody knows I think Trump is an amoral narcissistic serial lying sexual predator racist ego maniac draft dodging tax evading russian puppet con man criminal traitor. He represents our moral compass and his compass has always been broken, which means our moral compass is broken.

I hear you mori. I think the GOP has gone off the rails with Trump. They think the Dems have gone off the rails. They have us pitted against each other and we can go along with it or we can just say no. Most of my friends in Phoenix are Libs and most of my family around the country are Republicans. I think I am going to try an experiment and try reaching out somehow to them on their political posts and see of I can’t bridge the divide somehow without pissing anybody off. We have to do something besides ratcheting up the rhetoric more.

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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

Post by ShelC »

Conspiracy theories abound and with good reason. Supposedly tried to commit suicide just a few weeks ago and should've been (or was) on 24 hr watch and still this happens. More and more info was coming out, with details as recently as yesterday. A lot of very powerful people didn't want him talking or going on trial.

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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

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He got off easy.
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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

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He did get off easy and yes there are a lot of conspiracy theories flying around already about whether it was a suicide or a hit.

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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

Post by Superbone »

Nodack wrote:
Sat Aug 10, 2019 12:05 pm
He did get off easy and yes there are a lot of conspiracy theories flying around already about whether it was a suicide or a hit.
Either way, at least there's one more monster off the planet.
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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

Post by Flagrant Fowl »

Superbone wrote:
Sat Aug 10, 2019 4:37 pm
Nodack wrote:
Sat Aug 10, 2019 12:05 pm
He did get off easy and yes there are a lot of conspiracy theories flying around already about whether it was a suicide or a hit.
Either way, at least there's one more monster off the planet.
Would've been better if he was used as a net to catch the other monsters.
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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

Post by Superbone »

Flagrant Fowl wrote:
Sat Aug 10, 2019 6:31 pm
Superbone wrote:
Sat Aug 10, 2019 4:37 pm
Nodack wrote:
Sat Aug 10, 2019 12:05 pm
He did get off easy and yes there are a lot of conspiracy theories flying around already about whether it was a suicide or a hit.
Either way, at least there's one more monster off the planet.
Would've been better if he was used as a net to catch the other monsters.
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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

Post by Nodack »

Would have been better if he was passed around as everybody’s unwilling boyfriend in prison for awhile.

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