Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

Post by Mori Chu »

I don't care what Mario Nawfal thinks and don't know why others would look to him as a primary source for news and information.

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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

Post by In2ition »

It's not even what he thinks, he's just reporting the news. Sheesh
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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

Post by Nodack »

We aren’t used to getting our news from people we never heard of who post on Twitter. Apparently lots of people know the guy. He sounds very busy and involved in all kinds of different business things at the same time. It was a hit piece. Were they telling the truth? Who knows?

I did read the transcript and one thing stood out to me. I always assumed these trips to Epstein’s island or whatever it was was a bunch of horny rich guys who had a thing for younger women and was set up like a brothel/house party. The transcript talks about a lot of famous women who were there too and makes it sound like just a party with a bunch of famous people. That kind of tells me that not everyone who went there was there to have sex with underage girls.

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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

Post by In2ition »

No news, just funny that this happened and who do you think he was emailing? What a dumb question to ask at this time.
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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

Post by Mori Chu »

I don't get it, is it implied that it was to Monica Lewinsky? Or some implication related to Epstein?

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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

Post by In2ition »

It was just done, so the implications are that he was emailing Epstein and all the replys mentioned Epstein as the person he was emailing. I really thought you would get it right away.
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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

Post by JeremyG »

Here’s some more from Mario:

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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

Post by In2ition »

I'm not sure how real that is, because Ransome had to retract that and later claimed it was made up.

It could be real though, I have no idea.
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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

Post by Mori Chu »

It has a siren and all caps headline; that means it must be true! ;-) Is there still more Epstein stuff planned to be released in the future? Seems like we don't have enough of it to be certain of much yet.

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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

Post by In2ition »

Yes, 1483 more pages were released today. Mario's team is reading through them and posting as they find stuff.
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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

Post by Nodack »

I’ll wait until it comes out in a real media source.

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Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

Post by In2ition »

These people are sick.

EXCLUSIVE Hyatt hotel magnate and Epstein associate Thomas Pritzker - who's accused of having sex with Virginia Roberts Giuffre in newly released docs - is seen leaving pedophile's Manhattan townhouse in unearthed photos
    Thomas Pritzker was photographed leaving Jeffrey Epstein's Upper East Side townhouse in January 2019, exclusive photos show
      The billionaire hotel magnate was among the dozens of Epstein associates named in recently unsealed court documents
        The files revealed Epstein victim Virginia Roberts Giuffre had claimed in her 2016 deposition that she had sex with Pritzker 'once'
        PUBLISHED: 09:00 EST, 11 January 2024 | UPDATED: 09:00 EST, 11 January 2024 ... house.html
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        Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

        Post by Kryptonic »

        Mori Chu wrote:
        Tue Jan 09, 2024 12:32 pm
        It has a siren and all caps headline; that means it must be true! ;-) Is there still more Epstein stuff planned to be released in the future? Seems like we don't have enough of it to be certain of much yet.

        Democrat Calls Out Republicans Over Trump’s Connection to Pedophile
        Rep. Jared Moskowitz has been taking Republicans to task all day over their obsession with Hunter Biden

        BY RYAN BORT

        JANUARY 10, 2024 ... 234944308/

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        Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

        Post by In2ition »

        Kryptonic wrote:
        Thu Jan 11, 2024 6:05 pm
        Mori Chu wrote:
        Tue Jan 09, 2024 12:32 pm
        It has a siren and all caps headline; that means it must be true! ;-) Is there still more Epstein stuff planned to be released in the future? Seems like we don't have enough of it to be certain of much yet.

        Democrat Calls Out Republicans Over Trump’s Connection to Pedophile
        Rep. Jared Moskowitz has been taking Republicans to task all day over their obsession with Hunter Biden

        BY RYAN BORT

        JANUARY 10, 2024 ... 234944308/
        I can't help what people have in their twitter posts, as far as sirens. Are you trying set Mori off with these in your post? ;)

        Has anything come out of the Epstein files yet that was presented in court that Trump visited Epstein Island? The only thing that's come out were questions about him, and they said he never even flirted with the girls, nor received a massage, nor was ever on the island.

        So, until he gets actually implicated in wrong doing, this is just an attempt to smear Trump by a unserious Dem and Dem controlled media publication. Nothing more. I'll wait until something real shows up.
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        Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

        Post by Superbone »

        Dude, there is video of Trump partying with Epstein.
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        Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

        Post by Kryptonic »

        Oh the irony is hilarious….

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        Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

        Post by In2ition »

        Superbone wrote:
        Fri Jan 12, 2024 12:11 am
        Dude, there is video of Trump partying with Epstein.
        So that is proof of what? That he knew Epstein? Of course, they both lived in Palm Springs. They were both rich and probably went to the same parties there, along with a lot of other people. No one is arguing that Trump didn't know Epstein. Do you have any photos or video of him with the girls?

        If there were pics of someone in highschool at a party next to the school drug dealer, does that mean that person was doing drugs? I just don't think that proves that they did. My neighbor does drugs and has for a long time. I've interacted with him, does that mean I do drugs too?

        We also have information that Trump kicked Epstein out and banned him from Mar-a-Lago after finding out that he was harrassing a minor there. We also have information that he helped the police with their investigation of Epstein.
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        Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

        Post by Mori Chu »

        Everybody's innocent until proven guilty. There are plenty of photos, documents, testimony to show that Trump and Epstein were friends and hung out in the past at some point. He was in his flight logs (though not to his creepy island). They seem to have had a falling out over the purchase of a piece of property, and then from that point onward Trump seems to have spoken critically of Epstein. I don't know if we know much more than that. I think it looks suspicious, but unless anybody has hard evidence of illegal activity, I don't see any further point in worrying about it.

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        Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

        Post by In2ition »

        Mori Chu wrote:
        Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:28 am
        Everybody's innocent until proven guilty. There are plenty of photos, documents, testimony to show that Trump and Epstein were friends and hung out in the past at some point. He was in his flight logs (though not to his creepy island). They seem to have had a falling out over the purchase of a piece of property, and then from that point onward Trump seems to have spoken critically of Epstein. I don't know if we know much more than that. I think it looks suspicious, but unless anybody has hard evidence of illegal activity, I don't see any further point in worrying about it.
        Agreed about nearly everything, but I thought the falling out was when Epstein tried to solicate a minor at Mar-a-Lago.
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        Re: Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking arrest

        Post by Mori Chu »

        This article summarizes their falling out (over competing on a real estate deal) pretty well: ... story.html

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