Environment and climate change

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Re: Environment and climate change

Post by Mori Chu »

Nodack wrote:
Tue Aug 16, 2022 12:06 pm
It is a little scary. A friend of mine in Phoenix is considering moving back to Ohio because he is afraid the water shortage will decimate housing prices and destroy the economy in Phoenix.
I do think that there's a decent likelihood that Arizona will not exactly be the best place to live after 20-30 years' more global warming.

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Re: Environment and climate change

Post by Indy »

Nodack wrote:
Tue Aug 16, 2022 12:06 pm
It is a little scary. A friend of mine in Phoenix is considering moving back to Ohio because he is afraid the water shortage will decimate housing prices and destroy the economy in Phoenix.
I have lots of family in Ohio, and many are farmers. It isn't that uncommon from them to have to drill new wells because they are drying up, too.

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Re: Environment and climate change

Post by Nodack »

There s a lot of droughts going on all over the world.

Croatia - Farmers: Persistent droughts likely to decimate this year’s crop yields
https://hr.n1info.com/english/news/farm ... op-yields/

China races to alleviate drought, power cuts amid record heatwave
https://www.reuters.com/world/china/chi ... 022-08-17/

Europe-Record-setting high temperatures and dry weather have affected nearly half of Europe in recent weeks, drying up bodies of water, damaging crops, prompting water restrictions, sparking wildfires, and more.
https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2022/ ... ht/671143/

Mega-drought, glacier melt, and deforestation plague Latin America and the Caribbean

Severe Drought in South America
https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/image ... th-america

Droughts are getting worse around the world, here’s why and what needs to be done
https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/08/ ... limate-un/

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Re: Environment and climate change

Post by Nodack »

If these drought conditions continue to worse around the world that would force the world to place a higher value on water. If you have ever been to the Caribbean you have probably noticed people that own homes there are very strict on water usage. They live on islands without fresh water rivers. Some capture and collect rain water that falls on their property. Others pay to have water delivered to them, which can be expensive.

“In the Virgin Islands more than 90% of the population utilize rainwater harvesting.”
Rainwater harvesting involves collecting rain from rooftops and storing it in cisterns, usually built into the house foundation. During times of heavy rainfall the cisterns may overflow and run-off. On the other hand, in times of low water levels residents may need to purchase water from private vendors, which can be costly and difficult for those living in hard to reach areas.

Then again they do get a lot more rainfall there than say Phoenix that has over 300 sunny days a year. If Phoenix is forced to get rid of pools, man made lakes and stops watering lawns that would help cut water usage, but make Phoenix not quite as attractive.

There is always a chance that the drought will end. I lived in Phoenix in 1978 when we had a 100 year flood that wiped all but one bridge across the Salt river out. While we are experiencing drought some places are experiencing floods. Mother Nature will do what she wants, when she wants. El Niño could make an appearance.

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Re: Environment and climate change

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Lakes are drying up everywhere. Israel will pump water from the Med as a solution
https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/19/middleea ... index.html

Despite its name, the Sea of Galilee in northern Israel is actually a freshwater lake, and it's one that has sustained life for millennia. Climate change and unsustainable water management are leaving lakes dried up all over the Middle East and beyond, but the Israeli government is hopeful it has a solution: It plans to pump water from the Mediterranean sea, take the salt out of it and send it across the country to top up the lake when needed.

Israel has plenty of expertise in desalination. As a water-insecure nation, it has for more than two decades been taking seawater from the Mediterranean and treating it through a process called reverse osmosis, essentially taking the salt out of the water to make it drinkable. It's a process that other parts of the world, including California, have turned to in times of drought, but in Israel, it's an everyday reality. Five desalination plants along the coast now provide nearly all the tap water for the country's 9.2 million people.

"They looked into the future climate change, and what's going to happen [with] rainfall in this area, and also looked at the increase in population and projected increase in demand of water," Gideon Gal, senior scientist and head of the Kinneret Limnological Laboratory, told CNN. "And they realized that 30, 40 years from now, there's going to be a serious problem in maintaining [water] levels in the lake, and maintaining water quality unless something is done."

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Re: Environment and climate change

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À billion crabs are gone. The planet is changing.

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Re: Environment and climate change

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Re: Environment and climate change

Post by Nodack »

It probably sounds crazy but, the first thing I thought of was Russia.

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Re: Environment and climate change

Post by Nodack »

A big cold front from Siberia is coming. Texas still didn’t do anything about their non insulated power grid and it will undoubtedly go down again. Time to blame wind turbines and Dems again.

Extremely cold air from Siberia will send US into deep freeze days before Christmas
https://www.accuweather.com/en/winter-w ... st/1385381
"I would not be surprised to see some areas in Montana or North Dakota approach 30 degrees Fahrenheit below zero, which would come close to some of the extreme cold observed back in 1983 and 1989."

That push of bitterly cold air in February 2021 stressed energy grids in the South, most notably in Texas, where there was a deadly, multiday power grid failure. "This round of cold will undoubtedly increase the energy demand across a wide swath of the nation due to the increased demand for heating purposes," added Buckingham.

This time around, Texans will likely find themselves shivering again.

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Re: Environment and climate change

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The following may be the biggest owning in Twitter history.

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Re: Environment and climate change

Post by Mori Chu »

So that guy Andrew Tate who Greta made fun of, he has just been arrested on human trafficking charges (!).

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Re: Environment and climate change

Post by Superbone »

The worst of the worst!
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Re: Environment and climate change

Post by Nodack »

Arizona suburb sues Scottsdale for cutting off its water

Arizona's drought conditions have reached a critical stage for one community just outside Scottsdale. Residents in the unincorporated community of Rio Verde Foothills are suing the city to restore water delivery services, cut off due to extreme drought conditions in the Colorado River.

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Re: Environment and climate change

Post by AmareIsGod »

The Guardian: ‘If you win the popular imagination, you change the game’: why we need new stories on climate.

https://www.theguardian.com/news/2023/j ... ew-stories
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Re: Environment and climate change

Post by Mori Chu »

This seems bad. Good thing climate change is just a Chinese hoax!

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Re: Environment and climate change

Post by Nodack »

Looks like it’s going to be another record hot year in Phoenix. Going for another record number of 110 degree days in a row. Oh yeah, there are still huge fires in Canada choking much of the North East. Maybe all that apocalyptic flooding going on in the NE will help with all that smoke. They say water temperature in parts on the Florida Keys could reach 96 degrees this week. A sauna by law is only allowed to go to 101 degrees. The warmer the water the bigger the Hurricane.

Whether or not you believe in climate change or whether or not you believe man is causing climate change, one thing if certain. The frequency of natural disasters has increased over the years.

https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/billio ... -series/US

There are several lines of thinking when it comes to climate change. One is that it isn’t happening at all and that the weather always fluctuates. Another line of thinking is that we humans are causing the climate change and if we don’t change our ways, really bad weather will continue to get worse as the planet gets hotter. Another line of thinking is that maybe the planet is getting hotter and bad things might happen as a result but, man didn’t cause it. The planet is changing and we are all just along for the ride. The divide goes right down party lines of course.

I’m just another guy having to decide who is right and who is wrong and I have come to the conclusion that climate change is happening and that it is causing more and more damage. If we all go green, buy electric cars and recycle everything will it slop climate change? That is the gazillion dollar question. I saw the fossilized ocean fish found in the bottom of the Grand Canyon and realized that there has been quite a bit of changes in earth’s climate over the past several billion years with no help from humans. Then again a giant meteor landing can have serious implications on life too.

Believe, don’t believe. Then there is reality. It might get even hotter in Phoenix and we will just have to adapt like humans do. Conserve water better. Solar everything. Stay out of the Sun during the afternoon. Design homes that are efficient in desert climate. Underground thermal cooling?

Tornados? Almost nothing stands up to a direct hit from one. I guess don’t live in Tornado alley. General severe weather can happen anywhere anytime so, better make homes strong and don’t live in a flood plain.

Living on the East coast hurricane alley is getting to be a dangerous place to live.more and more bad hurricanes is dangerous and expensive. They need to adapt. If you live near the ocean, your home better be on stilts and rated for a cat 5 storm or you’re playing Russian roulette. Government bailouts from emergencies are getting more and more expensive. As the ice melts, ocean levels rise and prime real estate becomes literally under water. The good news is that by the time this reaches critical mass I will have probably perished from this earth already and it won’t matter to me. If Putin pushes the red button it could bring on a sudden change in the climate on earth for everyone.

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Re: Environment and climate change

Post by Nodack »

How to Survive a Blackout in a Heat Wave
No matter where you live, you should be prepared to live without power during extreme heat.
https://heatmap.news/climate/heat-wave- ... wer-outage
According to new research published this spring, a two-day citywide blackout in Phoenix during a heat wave could lead to half the population — some 789,600 people — requiring emergency medical attention in a metropolitan area with just 3,000 available beds. As many as 12,800 people could die, the equivalent of more than nine Hurricane Katrinas.…

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Re: Environment and climate change

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‘It’s brutal’: As premiums continue to soar, another home insurer is leaving Florida
https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/brut ... 00374.html
Tuesday, Farmers Insurance informed the state it was dropping home, auto and umbrella policies across Florida, potentially affecting tens of thousands of people. It’s the fourth company to leave the Florida market in the last year — most citing rising risks from hurricanes. Farmers, a large company with a national presence, also has reduced new business in California, citing extreme weather and wild fire threats.

“This business decision was necessary to effectively manage risk exposure,” the company wrote in a statement.

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Re: Environment and climate change

Post by Mori Chu »

Found this interesting.

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Re: Environment and climate change

Post by Nodack »

This is definitely the hottest Phoenix weather ever I think. I have a tall bush next to our jacuzzi and the wall between our neighbor. I grow it tall for privacy. It has done its job for many years. Every summer it gets a little toasty and small parts of it die from the heat. Usually it’s minor and it recovers when the heat subsides. By the next summer it recovers and looks great. Last summer really took a toll on it with several branches turning brown and dying. It had mostly recovered before this summer.

This year with our multiple 110+ days in a row the bush is somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 dead and we have a way to go to get through summer. I have decided to dig it up and replace it with an umbrella. Global warming or just increasingly hotter weather by chance?

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