Israel hasn't occupied Gaza since 2005. They forcefully pulled every citizen they had there out of Gaza, kicking and screaming, and returned it to the Palestinian people. They also left pretty significant infrastructure in place when they pulled out, which Hamas decided to destroy rather than using Jewish buildings. Since 2005, the Gazans have elected Hamas, whose charter calls for the destruction of Israel (and Jews abroad), and who have taken the Billions they received in aid globally and poured it into a complex system of tunnels used mostly for terrorist purposes rather than use that aid for the benefit of their people.
For all the talk in this chat of "Genocide" and "Apartheid," people should be aware that the population of Gaza has increased 4x since Israel withdrew and that there are over 2 million Israeli Arabs who live mostly peacefully alongside Israelis. They have regular jobs, work alongside Israelis and serve in Government positions.
This will sound callous, but is fundamentally true: If Israel wanted to commit genocide, it could. But it doesn't want to, so it doesn't. Hamas, on the other hand, does want to commit genocide, but it can't, so it doesn't. Please read the following on the civilian/combatant fatality ratio, and where this conflict stands in the history of urban warfare: ... on-1883286.
It's sad that people on here seem unwilling to recognize who started this most recent part of the conflict (there was a ceasefire in place on Oct 7th) and how often the democratically elected, socially liberal ally of the US is being villainized, while the jihadi/sharia terrorist organization has mostly gotten a pass other than some "Hamas is also bad" type equivalencies. I didn't see anyone post anything here when the video came out with the 7 kidnapped Israeli women (still all either hostages or killed) surrounded by terrorists gleefully talking about how they were the ones "who can get pregnant." I don't see anyone posting about the indiscriminate rocket fire into Israeli civilian areas from Gaza - mostly because the Iron Dome system intercepts the rockets, which speaks nothing about the intent. In fact, evidence is starting to come out that Hamas, who is known to hide behind civilians as a tactic, was storying munitions in the refugee tents during recent Rafah tragedy and those munitions are what caused the level of destruction.