World Politics

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Re: World Politics

Post by Nodack »

Cap wrote:
Fri Oct 21, 2022 7:11 pm
Nodack wrote:
Thu Oct 20, 2022 11:30 am
Vote for Masters and Lake to lower inflation and gas prices. At least that’s what they are saying. Masters and Lake will get elected and just flip a switch and we will have lower prices.
The governor has nothing to do with gas prices. A more fossil fuel-friendly, Putin-friendly, MBS-friendly Congress might actually reduce gas prices a little, but that would do a hell of a lot more harm than good in the long run.
That makes total sense. Too bad most people will just believe what they are told. “Mexico is going to pay for the wall. Mark my words!”

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Re: World Politics

Post by Mori Chu »

Brazil is having their Presidential election today. It looks like their Trumpy leader, Bolsanaro, may be actually losing? This would be great news if so.

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Re: World Politics

Post by Nodack »

If he is Trumpy then he will scream “FRAUD!!!”

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Re: World Politics

Post by Nodack »

There are a staggering 15,000 anti-hijab protesters currently in the custody of Iran's cruel Revolutionary Guard Corps - and lawmakers have voted for them all to be sentenced to death ... source=nba
During a two-month purge of terror in 1988, 30,000 political prisoners - including women and children - were put to death in a horrendous wave of industrial slaughter.

The Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini installed death committees, which loaded political inmates onto forklift trucks six at a time, attaching them to cranes and hanging them by the neck.

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Re: World Politics

Post by Mori Chu »

Frightening. I hope other countries put enough pressure on Iran that their regime backs off from this appalling sentence to execute 15k protestors.

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Re: World Politics

Post by Nodack »

Their allies are China and Russia. Both would be willing to look the other way without a second thought. They have recently given Russia drones to use against Ukraine and there are rumors that Iran soldiers are on the ground in Ukraine fighting.

Iran has simple rules. Abide by them or die. Iran would not be a place I ever want to visit. Their people are great. Their leaders aren’t so great. They make Conservatives in the US look like progressive hippies. Maga seems to want to emulate some of Iran’s policies. Maga wanted to end elections and just have a supreme leader Trump. They want the US to be based on Christianity. No abortions, no gays, other religions are bad.

The only answer for the Iranian people is an uprising like sort of like what brought the current tenants to power.

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Re: World Politics

Post by Nodack »

Another hot spot in the world is Haiti. That is a super poor country. Their leader was assassinated and gangs now run the country. It’s totally out of control. Crime, violence and rape are off the charts bad. The US and UN have been there before and it always ends bad. Visions of dead Marines being dragged through the streets while people cheer is etched in my mind. Biden is trying to get some other country to step up and go in. The UN has threatened the gang leaders and sanctioned them, whatever that means to a gang member. It’s super bad there. Their people need help. It doesn’t look like any is coming.

History tells me that men can be violent and not care about who they hurt to get what they want. My ancestors the Vikings raped and pillaged for 300 years until they were stopped by other men who banded together to stop them from stealing their wealth and raping their women. There was no England until the different areas banded together as a unified country to finally stop them. NATO banded together to stop Russia. Ukraine isn’t in NATO.

Haiti hasn’t been attack by another country. It’s problems are all internal.

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Re: World Politics

Post by Nodack » ... 1670165171
Iran’s attorney general said the country had disbanded its so-called morality police and is considering altering the requirement that women cover their heads in public, a move that analysts said was aimed at peeling away support for antigovernment protests.

It is unclear if such comments reflect a high-level decision by Iran’s rulers to make significant changes in the system of enforcing the hijab law or if they are temporary overtures aimed at helping to suppress the protests, analysts said.

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Re: World Politics

Post by Mori Chu »

^ I was also seeing sources online saying that it is untrue that Iran has disbanded their morality police. I don't know if the story is really verified yet. fwiw.

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Re: World Politics

Post by Nodack »

War is moving to space.

Space race 2.0: China is building weapons to attack U.S. ‘ground, sea, or air targets from orbit’ ... ck-us-gro/
China is rapidly building a large force of space weapons, including sophisticated anti-satellite missiles, lasers, jammers, orbiting killer robots and cybertools, to “blind and deafen” a war enemy, the U.S. military is warning.

The Pentagon released details of Beijing’s growing space arms arsenal last week in its annual report to Congress on the Chinese military.
“The [People’s Liberation Army] continues to acquire and develop a range of counter-space capabilities and related technologies, including kinetic-kill missiles, ground-based lasers, and orbiting space robots, as well as expanding space surveillance capabilities, which can monitor objects in space within their field of view and enable counter-space actions,” the 195-page report states.

The report said Chinese space forces and related support elements continue to “mature rapidly.”
The Pentagon report, based on Defense Intelligence Agency information, discloses for the first time that China is working on space-based weapons capable of attacking enemy targets on Earth’s surface.

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Re: World Politics

Post by Nodack »

Journalists are being jailed and killed in record numbers ... rd-numbers
A record number of journalists — 533 — are currently being detained worldwide, according to a new report from Reporters Without Borders (RSF) first shared with Semafor.

The number of detained women journalists has also risen to a record-breaking total of 78, a nearly 30% increase from 2021, the press advocacy organization said.

At least 57 journalists were killed while working this year, a nearly 19% increase from last year; 65 journalists are currently being held hostage, and 49 reporters are missing, according to RSF.

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Re: World Politics

Post by Mori Chu »

Didn't know where to put this. China apparently flew a "spy balloon" over to the US.

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Re: World Politics

Post by Nodack »

Not sure what to make of that. A Chinese weather balloon strayed over the US accidentally? They have satellites. They can just take pictures of whatever they like any time they want so, why an old school balloon? More questions than answers.

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Re: World Politics

Post by Mori Chu »

Of course a bunch of Republicans are saying they want to shoot the balloon down with their guns, despite the fact that it's too high to shoot down. They are also calling Biden weak for not shooting it down yet.

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Re: World Politics

Post by Mori Chu »

Just for a LOL.

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Re: World Politics

Post by Nodack »

If that’s the balloon then by all means shoot it down.

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Re: World Politics

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Re: World Politics

Post by Kryptonic »

Mori Chu wrote:
Sat Feb 04, 2023 1:39 pm

I heard the pilot rolled his window down and used a blow dart 😉

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Re: World Politics

Post by Nodack »

A symbolic gesture I guess. Whatever info China gained was already gained since it was shot down over the Atlantic. It slowly fell to earth and touched down over water. I wonder who was there to meet it and collect it.

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Re: World Politics

Post by Mori Chu »

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