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Re: Russia/Ukraine

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Well it's a good thing Elon Musk is a level headed humble man...

(What a fucking nightmare.)
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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by Nodack »

Nodack wrote:
Mon Jun 26, 2023 10:06 pm
I agree that Prigozhin verbally attacked Russian military leadership on a regular basis for not supplying enough ammunition and blamed them for allegedly bombing and killing a bunch of Wagner troops. That directly led to the mutiny. Attacking them is sort of attacking Putin. Putin is the leader of the military. Declaring war on them, taking out several aircraft, grabbing a couple of cities and vowing to go to Moscow to change leadership making Putin and several others flee the capital is serious mutiny. Putin kills people who just say things he doesn’t like. Prigozhin Is seriously dangerous to Putin now. The Russian people love the guy. He just blabbed that the war is a bunch of BS and a land grab. Prigozhin being promoted in Belarus. I don’t believe that for a second.
A message posted on the Wagner Telegram channel on Saturday said: 'Putin made the wrong choice. All the worse for him. Soon we will have a new president.'
It’s amazing in politics how fast stances can change. I firmly believe Prigozhin feared for his family’s lives and caved to save them. Whether he did or not remains to be seen. All those Wagner forces that were under Prigozhin are supposedly safe and won’t be punished. Other reports say they must join the Russian army. Other reports say the Wagner forces are going to stay a force in Belarus.

IMO Putin is very vindictive and there is no way he lets Prigozhin off the hook with a slap on the wrist. One day in the not so distant future we will hear of Prigozhin dying suddenly.

The Ukrainian army you would think would be able to capitalize off all this Russian turmoil.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by Kryptonic »

Nodack wrote:
Sat Sep 09, 2023 10:04 am
Nodack wrote:
Mon Jun 26, 2023 10:06 pm
I agree that Prigozhin verbally attacked Russian military leadership on a regular basis for not supplying enough ammunition and blamed them for allegedly bombing and killing a bunch of Wagner troops. That directly led to the mutiny. Attacking them is sort of attacking Putin. Putin is the leader of the military. Declaring war on them, taking out several aircraft, grabbing a couple of cities and vowing to go to Moscow to change leadership making Putin and several others flee the capital is serious mutiny. Putin kills people who just say things he doesn’t like. Prigozhin Is seriously dangerous to Putin now. The Russian people love the guy. He just blabbed that the war is a bunch of BS and a land grab. Prigozhin being promoted in Belarus. I don’t believe that for a second.
A message posted on the Wagner Telegram channel on Saturday said: 'Putin made the wrong choice. All the worse for him. Soon we will have a new president.'
It’s amazing in politics how fast stances can change. I firmly believe Prigozhin feared for his family’s lives and caved to save them. Whether he did or not remains to be seen. All those Wagner forces that were under Prigozhin are supposedly safe and won’t be punished. Other reports say they must join the Russian army. Other reports say the Wagner forces are going to stay a force in Belarus.

IMO Putin is very vindictive and there is no way he lets Prigozhin off the hook with a slap on the wrist. One day in the not so distant future we will hear of Prigozhin dying suddenly.

The Ukrainian army you would think would be able to capitalize off all this Russian turmoil.
Like death and taxes…. We all know Putin takes out any and all opposition.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by Nodack »

Most people want to take out their competition. Most people do it by winning. He just kills all his competition. I guess that’s more efficient.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by Nodack »

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by Nodack »

Ukraine’s counteroffensive has failed to achieve very much success and there is only a month left of fighting time before the weather shuts down any kind of offensive for the winter months. That’s a win for Russia. The longer this goes on the less likely Ukraine gets the support they need.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by Nodack »

Wow, Putin kissing Musks ass big time publicly. How strange is that? Putin and the US competing with each other for Musks allegiance?

Russia’s Putin praises Elon Musk as an ‘outstanding person’ and ‘talented businessman’ ... erson.html

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by Nodack »

The war has developed into a sort of stalemate. Russia turning to NK and Iran for help in resupplying and Ukraine turning to the West. Ukraine counteroffensive didn’t break through Russia’s line of defense and now time is running out. The West has been steadily upping the lethality of the weapons they are sending Ukraine and now are considering sending long range capabilities.

Biden expected to make final decision soon on sending long-range missiles to Ukraine ... index.html
President Joe Biden is expected to make a final decision soon on sending long-range missiles to Ukraine for the first time, a major step recommended by the State and Defense departments after months of Ukrainian requests, people familiar with the discussions told CNN.

Discussions about sending the long-range Army Tactical Missile Systems, also known as ATACMS, picked up substantially in recent weeks, the sources said.

No final decision to send the missiles has been made, officials said. But “there’s a much greater possibility of it happening now than before,” one official familiar with the discussions said. “Much greater. I just don’t know when.”

Currently, the maximum range of US weapons committed to Ukraine is around 93 miles with the ground-launched small diameter bomb. The ATACMS, which have a range of around 186 miles, would allow the Ukrainian military to strike targets twice as far away – even further than the UK-provided long-range Storm Shadow missiles, which have a range of about 155 miles.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by Nodack »

As the war drags on it gets harder and harder for Ukraine to get allies to keep sending them military supplies. It’s next to impossible for any side to make progress in the winter and Ukraine has failed to makes significant advances this summer. Russia has dug in and seems content to just defend the land they took for now. Ukraine has been dealing Russia some blows though. The longer range UK missiles have been wreaking havoc on Russia’s Black seas fleet and operations in Crimea. Someone has been carrying out attacks on Russia’s air fields deep in Russia destroying military hardware and that has Russia a little worried.

Poland and Ukraine have been at odds a little bit with Poland blocking Ukraine grain sales that would undercut their sales. Poland has announced that they will no longer send any military hardware to Ukraine. Poland is fearful that they are next on Putin’s list of countries to conquer and have decided to spend massively on building up their own military for what they see as the inevitable future war with Russia.

Biden and Zelenskyy both know that if Trump is elected, all aid to Ukraine would stop immediately. I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump tried to help Putin if he was elected. Putin is just going to bide his time and wait for the next election to see if he has an enemy or an ally in the WH.

Biden has slowly been ratcheting up the lethality of the hardware the US is sending. Biden has made a decision on those long range missiles he was debating on sending Ukraine and has decided to go ahead with it. They have a range of 180 miles.

Bidden tells Zelenskyy that U.S. will send Ukraine ATACMS long-range missiles ... rcna116876

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by Nodack »

Russians loves Tucker Carlson.

Russian TV teases launch of Tucker Carlson show

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by TOO »

Of course they do, Tucker hates America too.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by Nodack »

I think Tuckers career is based off of creating controversy and conspiracies. The more outrageous the better.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by Nodack »

News is reporting that Putin suffered a heart attack and they found him on the floor. I have heard a bunch of rumors of Putin’s health demise for the past year+ that have been false so I take this with a grain of salt. ... lin-Russia
Vladimir Putin is alleged to have suffered a "cardiac arrest" in his private Moscow apartment on Sunday evening.

A Telegram Channel believed to be run by a former Kremlin insider reported that incident saying the Russian leader was found by guards on the floor of the bedroom "lying on the floor, rolling his eyes."

Doctors were reportedly called immediately and they later diagnosed the 71-year-old as having suffered a "cardiac arrest."

Putin was then moved to a special medical facility built in the apartment where he underwent intensive care, the source claims.

The unverified report comes following persistent speculation surrounding Putin's health amid rumours of a long-hidden medical condition.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by Superbone »

If true, would have been a perfect time to pull the Walter White on Jesse's girlfriend maneuver or lack thereof.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by Nodack »

I’ll have to look that up.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by Kryptonic »

Superbone wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 10:00 am
If true, would have been a perfect time to pull the Walter White on Jesse's girlfriend maneuver or lack thereof.
Damn... that went dark FAST! :lol:

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by Superbone »

Nodack wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 10:50 am
I’ll have to look that up.
If you haven't seen the show, you really should. But here is a spoiler if you really want to know:
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"Too little, too late, too unbothered."
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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by Nodack »

Superbone wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 11:14 am
Nodack wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 10:50 am
I’ll have to look that up.
If you haven't seen the show, you really should. But here is a spoiler if you really want to know:
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That is dark.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by Mori Chu »

Not NATO but it's a start.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by Nodack »

Aid dries up. Putin wins. Goodby Ukraine.

Moscow glows triumphant as front freezes and Western aid for Ukraine stalls ... r-AA1lIjmb
With Western aid for Ukraine stalling in Washington and Brussels amid Kyiv’s failed counteroffensive, and the front lines largely at a stalemate with Russia occupying some 30 percent of Ukraine’s territory, President Vladimir Putin is ending 2023 on a triumphant note.

“I am certain that victory will be ours,” Putin declared Thursday during his first annual news conference since the February 2022 invasion.

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