Religion and Politics
Religion and Politics
I thought for sure we must have a thread about religion and churches and how they connect to politics, but I guess we don't have one. So here's one.
Re: Religion and Politics
I wanted to post this article. I am not anti-church or anti-religion, but I do think churches should be careful to stay out of overt partisan political advocacy.
Re: Religion and Politics
Yup. Similarly, it’s illegal to tell people to kill Democrats, but if you’re in church it’s perfectly legal to tell God to kill Democrats and tell people to be His instruments.
Re: Religion and Politics
I would think nobody tells God what to do. You would have to pray for God to kill Democrats or maybe God spoke to you and told you to be his instrument of death.
In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not gonna have to vote.
Re: Religion and Politics
The Texas Senate approved two bills on Thursday that would require public schools to prominently display the Ten Commandments and to set aside prayer and Bible study time for students and employees.
The first bill requires that a "durable poster or framed copy of the Ten Commandments" must be displayed in "a conspicuous place" in every classroom in every public school. The copy of the Ten Commandments must be at least 16 inches wide and 20 inches tall, according to the bill.
The bill will take effect in the next school year.
Texas state authorities have repeatedly pushed to insert religion into public schools, despite the First Amendment which forbids making a law "respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
John Litzler, general counsel and director of public policy at the Texas Baptists Christian Life Commission, expressed concerns about the bill, stressing that parents, not schools, should be discussing religion with their children, according to the Texas Tribune.
The Texas Senate approved two bills on Thursday that would require public schools to prominently display the Ten Commandments and to set aside prayer and Bible study time for students and employees.
The first bill requires that a "durable poster or framed copy of the Ten Commandments" must be displayed in "a conspicuous place" in every classroom in every public school. The copy of the Ten Commandments must be at least 16 inches wide and 20 inches tall, according to the bill.
The bill will take effect in the next school year.
Texas state authorities have repeatedly pushed to insert religion into public schools, despite the First Amendment which forbids making a law "respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
John Litzler, general counsel and director of public policy at the Texas Baptists Christian Life Commission, expressed concerns about the bill, stressing that parents, not schools, should be discussing religion with their children, according to the Texas Tribune.
In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not gonna have to vote.
Re: Religion and Politics
They literally think that America is for Christians only. They can't conceive of the fact that there are lots of other religions (and non-religious people) whose views should also be respected.
Re: Religion and Politics
They have their vision of what America is supposed to be. Anything outside that box doesn’t belong in “their” America. They feel their way of life is being threatened by all those people who don’t belong in their America. They would prefer an America without Democrats, Blacks, Hispanics, LGBT+ or the media that doesn’t promote their America. Their media promotes their vision of America and demonizes everyone else. Their leaders promote their vision of America and demonizes everyone else. Of course they hate non white non Christians. They are constantly told they are supposed to.
In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not gonna have to vote.
Re: Religion and Politics
Our founding fathers were mostly Christians too but they decidedly made America non-religious. We are a melting pot. That is our strength. All religions and beliefs should be welcomed.
"Too little, too late, too unbothered."
- Phoenix Suns 2023-2024 season motto.
"Be Legendary."
- Phoenix Suns 2023-2024 season motto.
"Be Legendary."
Re: Religion and Politics
As someone who is a christian I'd only ask that you don't judge all christians based off of some "extremist" ones. There are tons of shitty christians, just like their are tons of shitty non-christians.
Re: Religion and Politics
I think you can say that about any religion, race, job, political party, sports team, country or whatever. Some people are good and some are bad. Why some are good and some are bad is up for debate.
In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not gonna have to vote.
Re: Religion and Politics
100%. I want to be clear that I personally am not anti-Christian or anti-religious. My wife is a devout Catholic and so is her side of the family, and my mom is also Christian. I believe that the majority of folks regardless of their faith are good people, and I also believe that for a lot of people, faith gives them positive energy and caring for other human beings, makes them a better person. I do think that some folks in positions of power within organized religion structures become corrupt or lose their way, and this is too bad. But I don't think they represent the mainstream of their faith. I also believe we shouldn't do things at a governmental level that try to favor one religion over others; everyone should be welcomed and treated equally.
Re: Religion and Politics
I am not religious. I am happy America allows you to practice any religion or none at all. I was baptized Lutheran as a baby and have gone to several different church services of different faiths throughout my life. I just don’t buy into the whole thing. It’s all pixie dust and fantasy to me.
According to some estimates, there are over 4,000 religions, faiths groups, and denominations that exist around the world today. Researchers and academics generally categorize the world's religions into five major groups: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism.
4000 different religions? And which one is the right one? In Afghanistan Islam is the right one. In Israel Judaism is the right one. In Cambodia there is a better than 90% chance you are a Buddhist. In the US most think Christianity is the right one.
I like the Ten Commandments. It’s a great set of rules to live by. I don’t believe Moses went up the mountain and watched God carve out the Ten Commandments in front of him. I believe some man or men thought up the Ten Commandments and carved them into stone and then told everyone it was God who did it. They probably had good intentions but, was it God?
Jesus was put up on a cross and tortured before finally being stabbed by a Roman soldier finishing him off. I was told 2000+ years before I was born that Jesus died for my sins? In what world does that make any sense? Tens of millions of people have died since and what did they die for? Did they die for my sins? He was buried in a cave and the next day his body was gone so that proves he was resurrected and now lives in heaven? Ok, sure.
I think anyone should be able to practice whatever of those 4000 religions they want but, don’t try to force me into any of them. I pledged allegiance to the flag in school growing up and always said “one nation under God” because they made me and I was young and said whatever they wanted me to say. All my money says “In God We Trust”. If I take the stand in court I have to swear to tell the truth “so help me God”. I have conformed to the required amount of religion in my lifetime and have been ok with it. Whatever makes them happy.
There is a war going on. No Trans people allowed anywhere near our children. Instead make every classroom display the Ten Commandments say the pledge of allegiance and set aside time for prayer in school but ONLY Christianity, no Muslims! The US is a Christian nation and we don’t like those other false religions here.
According to some estimates, there are over 4,000 religions, faiths groups, and denominations that exist around the world today. Researchers and academics generally categorize the world's religions into five major groups: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism.
4000 different religions? And which one is the right one? In Afghanistan Islam is the right one. In Israel Judaism is the right one. In Cambodia there is a better than 90% chance you are a Buddhist. In the US most think Christianity is the right one.
I like the Ten Commandments. It’s a great set of rules to live by. I don’t believe Moses went up the mountain and watched God carve out the Ten Commandments in front of him. I believe some man or men thought up the Ten Commandments and carved them into stone and then told everyone it was God who did it. They probably had good intentions but, was it God?
Jesus was put up on a cross and tortured before finally being stabbed by a Roman soldier finishing him off. I was told 2000+ years before I was born that Jesus died for my sins? In what world does that make any sense? Tens of millions of people have died since and what did they die for? Did they die for my sins? He was buried in a cave and the next day his body was gone so that proves he was resurrected and now lives in heaven? Ok, sure.
I think anyone should be able to practice whatever of those 4000 religions they want but, don’t try to force me into any of them. I pledged allegiance to the flag in school growing up and always said “one nation under God” because they made me and I was young and said whatever they wanted me to say. All my money says “In God We Trust”. If I take the stand in court I have to swear to tell the truth “so help me God”. I have conformed to the required amount of religion in my lifetime and have been ok with it. Whatever makes them happy.
There is a war going on. No Trans people allowed anywhere near our children. Instead make every classroom display the Ten Commandments say the pledge of allegiance and set aside time for prayer in school but ONLY Christianity, no Muslims! The US is a Christian nation and we don’t like those other false religions here.
In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not gonna have to vote.
Re: Religion and Politics
Catholic clergy sexually abused Illinois kids far more often than church acknowledged, state finds ... ual-abuse/
CHICAGO (AP) — An Illinois attorney general’s office investigation released Tuesday found that 451 Catholic clergy sexually abused nearly 2,000 children in the state over a nearly 70-year period, which was more than four times the 103 individuals the church named when the state began its review in 2018. ... ual-abuse/
CHICAGO (AP) — An Illinois attorney general’s office investigation released Tuesday found that 451 Catholic clergy sexually abused nearly 2,000 children in the state over a nearly 70-year period, which was more than four times the 103 individuals the church named when the state began its review in 2018.
In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not gonna have to vote.
Re: Religion and Politics
"Too little, too late, too unbothered."
- Phoenix Suns 2023-2024 season motto.
"Be Legendary."
- Phoenix Suns 2023-2024 season motto.
"Be Legendary."
Re: Religion and Politics
Interesting. The Pope is not a fan of the US GOP.
Re: Religion and Politics
That HS football coach who went to the Supreme Court over his desire to force his players to pray with him before games, and won, immediately quit his coaching job and moved to Florida.
Re: Religion and Politics
You are what you eat. They say pro sports teams like the Suns take on the persona of their coach. It was said many times that the Suns took on the demeanor and persona of Monty Williams.
The GOP has taken on the demeanor and persona of Trump. He is their spiritual and moral leader. Nuff said…
In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not gonna have to vote.
Re: Religion and Politics
I met a guy from Australia and a couple from Finland last night at a jazz club in Rome (a quartet led by a guitarist, I’d thought you’d like to know ‘Dack.) And they were first talking to each other and brought up Trump and both groups were horrified by him and I think most of the world is like that. Like us, they don’t understand why so many buy into his shegnanigans.
"Too little, too late, too unbothered."
- Phoenix Suns 2023-2024 season motto.
"Be Legendary."
- Phoenix Suns 2023-2024 season motto.
"Be Legendary."
Re: Religion and Politics
Rome? As in Italy? You on vacation there or something? I went to Europe during Trumps tenure and most people I met were horrified by him. It was totally embarrassing. I spent some time in Italy. Found out Prego wasn’t just the name of a spaghetti sauce or a pregnant girl.
In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not gonna have to vote.