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Sanders vows to fight Islamaphobia, hugs Muslim Student

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 11:04 pm
by Ladmo

I actually teared up watching this. Hope none of this offends anybody. I thought this was beautiful, and I would encourage people to watch the video, regardless of your personal biases.

Re: Sanders vows to fight Islamaphobia, hugs Muslim Student

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 11:23 pm
by Ladmo ... ie-sanders

Best Moment on GOP Debate Night: Bernie Sanders

There were several memorable moments during the GOP debate, mostly at the expense of the media. I don’t usually agree with the Republicans, but I do think they have a point on all the gotcha questions they faced in the first and third debates. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed them, and even personally think the candidates deserved what they got. But I do agree we would all be better served if we had debates on the issues.

There is a case to be made that if the candidates are running negative campaigns, like most Republicans are, they deserve to be called out. Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Ben Carson … had memorable moments calling out the media during the 3rd Republican debate, but the candidate for president who had the best moment of the night was Bernie Sanders.

No, it wasn’t on Twitter, where he shined during the first two debates of the clown car. This time it was on stage at George Mason University. Bernie was holding a national student town hall meeting. A question came from an American Muslim student who said she wants to change the world. Bernie called her up on stage and gave her a hug and then gave a very personal response.

George Mason University senior Remaz Abdelgader asked Senator Sanders how he would deal with the rising tide of Islamophobia in the country she loves.

“With the growing Islamophobia in this country if you look at the Republican candidates feeding into their constituents and constantly bashing Muslims in the media, Ben Carson and Donald Trump, the biggest bigots. As an American Muslim student who aspires to change the world — (Applause) (Hug from Bernie)

“Thank you. As an American Muslim student who aspires to change the world, currently majoring in international conflict resolution, and I hope to be a human rights attorney. Hearing the rhetoric that’s going on in the media makes me sick. I as an individual am constantly trying to raise awareness and make sure that everyone is treated equally in this country. As our next president of the United States, what do you think about that?” (Bernie took Remaz’s hand and walked backed to the podium with her.)

Bernie then responded:

“I’m Jewish. My father’s parents were killed in concentration camps. I will do everything I can to rid this country of the ugly stain of racism, which has existed far too many years. Let me tell you something: what racism is about is many things, it is pent up hatred that is lashing out at people in uncontrollable stupid ways, but it is something very different than that. For many years in this country you have had politicians, and I’m old enough to know this, who played black off against white, so they told white workers who were earning pennies an hour, they said hey, you think you’re in trouble, but you’re better off than the blacks, who can’t drink at a water fountain or go to your school, and they told straight people, well you think you’ve got problems, but you’re better off than those gay people, right? And they played men against women. We played one group off against another. The rich got richer and everybody else is fighting with each other.

“Our job is to build a nation in which we all stand together as one people. [Applause] And you are right, there is a lot of anger being generated and hatred being generated against Muslims and immigrants in this country, and if we stand for anything we have got to stand together and end all forms of racism, and I will lead that effort as President of the United States.”

Bernie then gave Remaz another hug as thousands of students gave a standing ovation.

If you watch the mainstream media today, you will see Jeb Bush attack Marco Rubio for not showing up for enough votes in the Senate. You will see Chris Christie tell the moderator that his interruptions are rude even by New Jersey standards. You will see Ted Cruz slam the moderators for asking gotcha questions instead of questions with substance, you will see Jeb bush offering a big warm kiss to any Democrat who will cut spending, and the best line of the debate, you’ll see Chris Christie listing the important issues facing the country, and asking why they were talking about fantasy football.

Nothing in the two hour Republican debate was as important as the moment at the Bernie Sanders student town hall. But I’m guessing you won’t see it on CNN.

The whole Sanders town hall can be viewed at

Re: Sanders vows to fight Islamaphobia, hugs Muslim Student

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 12:05 am
by Ladmo ... lamophobia

Sanders promises to lead fight against Islamophobia

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Wednesday invoked his ancestors’ deaths in Holocaust concentration camps as he embraced a Muslim student and promised to lead the fight against racism.

“Let me be very personal if I might. I’m Jewish, my father’s family died in concentration camps,” he said to the student at a town hall speech in Virginia who asked how he would stand up to Islamophobia.

“I will do everything that I can to rid this country of the ugly stain of racism that has existed for far too many years.”

Sanders chronicled racism and discrimination’s historical roots in American culture, arguing that groups have always tried to play one group off against each other.

“Our job is to build a nation in which we all stand together as one,” he said.

“There is a lot of anger being generated, hatred being generated against Muslims in this country, that is absolutely correct. There is hatred being generated against immigrants in this country. “

Sanders’ was speaking at George Mason University billed as a student town hall. The campaign said more than 250 college campuses organized watch parties for the event.

The Democratic presidential candidate was interrupted many times by cheers from the friendly crowd. Sanders has seen significant support on college campuses and closed the speech by telling the students that their participation “give me great hope.”

“There are some out there who think, ‘Well, students and young people are apathetic, they won’t get involved, they are busy partying and so forth,’ ” he said.

“What you are saying here tonight is that you love your country and you are going to fight as hard as you can to make this the country we know it can be.”