Stormy Daniels

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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Nodack »

Maybe with a magnifying glass you could...
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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Mori Chu »

Her 60 Minutes interview is tonight on CBS, right after the Duke/Kansas NCAA tournament game. I dare say a large number of people will watch it.

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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by ShelC »

The backlight of my TV went today so I only get sound, no picture. No basketball and no Stormy makes ShelC something something...

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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Flagrant Fowl »

Marty [Mori Chu] wrote:Her 60 Minutes interview is tonight on CBS, right after the Duke/Kansas NCAA tournament game. I dare say a large number of people will watch it.
No news was broken during the piece, not that there was expected to be anyway. I don't think the interview will hurt Trump for those still on the fence about him or who simply didn't really care about this before. He lied. She lied. So a lot of people, especailly those in the 60 minutes demographic, are likely to shrug it off.

The campaign contribution by Cohen is actually something, but it's going to get burried in the heap of flaming bullshit already surrounding Trump.

It's been said coutless times, but if Trump were not a white, wealthy (supposedly), Republican (also supposedly) he would've never made it this far.
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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by ShelC »

Exactly. We're living in one big reality show at this point.

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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Cap »

Flagrant Fowl wrote: It's been said coutless times, but if Trump were not a white, wealthy (supposedly), Republican (also supposedly) he would've never made it this far.
Well he got this far largely by scapegoating minorities, so yeah, that would have been a hard sell for someone other than a white Republican.

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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Mori Chu »

BOOM. FBI raids office of Michael Cohen, Trump's lawyer. They say he may be guilty of bank fraud and/or violations of campaign finance law. ... cohen.html ... story.html

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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Nodack »

Mueller and Sessions will be fired tomorrow is my guess and that will spell the end of Trump IMO.
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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by ShelC »

Going after Cohen is huge. Gates and Manafort are one thing, Cohen knows all of Trump's business over the past few decades.

Good thread about legalities of Attorney-Client privileges

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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Nodack »

That was a really good law thread for awhile and then the bots came in.
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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Mori Chu »

Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in press conf today that Pres Trump thinks that he has the authority to directly fire Mueller without firing Rosenstein or having the AG do it. I really hope it doesn't go down that way, though that would be extremely clear-cut in terms of obstruction of justice.

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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by In2ition »

What's the link of a payment to a porn star to a Russian connection investigation? I'm trying to catch up on current events.
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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Nodack »

Its the same connection that a BJ in office had to do with the Whitewater Investigation. It’s the same connection the nine Republican Benghazi investigations trying to prove Hillary killed Americans had to do with Hillary’s email server. It’s the same connection that mail fraud had to do with Al Capone and prohibition.

The FBI is investigating Trump and his election team and in doing so have uncovered crimes. If the FBI is investigating you for mail fraud, seize your computer and find gigabytes of kiddy porn they are going to still charge you for that crime. Having an affair while married isn’t a crime unless you are in the military. Having your lawyer announce that he paid your mistress hush money out of his own pocket without you knowing anything about it weeks before the election raises ethical issues, smells of BS and might have broken some laws. ... stein.html
WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. agents who raided the office of President Trump’s personal lawyer on Monday were looking for records about payments to two women who claim they had affairs with Mr. Trump as well as information related to the role of the publisher of The National Enquirer in silencing one of the women, according to several people briefed on the investigation.

Besides enraging Mr. Trump, the early-morning searches, associates said, also led him to privately wonder whether he should fire Rod J. Rosenstein, the veteran prosecutor appointed by Mr. Trump to serve as deputy attorney general. Mr. Rosenstein personally signed off on Monday’s F.B.I. decision to raid the office of Mr. Cohen, several government officials said.

Mr. Trump considered firing Mr. Rosenstein last summer. Instead, he ordered Mr. Mueller to be fired, then backed down after the White House counsel refused to carry out the order, The New York Times reported in January.

As Mr. Trump has stewed over the developments, he has cast blame in many directions. Privately, people close to the president said, he has blamed Mr. Cohen for acknowledging the payments to Ms. Clifford.
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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by ShelC »

Initially I had read that the $130K paid to Stormy Daniels had come from election funds. Not sure if that's true but that would be a violation of campaign finances or something. Also read that they were looking into a $150K payment from a Ukrainian billionaire to Trump. There's a lot of overlap and gray area but it sounds like Mueller found things outside of the Russia investigation that he thought should be looked into and notified the FBI/US Attorney's office in Manhattan and they opened the probe and conducted the search. So even if Trump were to fire Mueller, it wouldn't necessarily stop this investigation into his lawyer. Bottom line, Trump's been a dirty businessman for a long time and Cohen knows a ton, if not everything. They're looking into bank fraud, probably tax evasion, embezzlement, payoffs, et because that's how Trump's operated for a long time. I'm sure there are a ton of other millionaires/billionaires who play the same game but they're not President.

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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Indy »

Also, Cohen is married to a Ukranian, speaks Russian, has brokered all of the financing deals for Trump with the oligarchs, and has a close friend (convicted felon) that is close to Putin. He's the one that sent the email to Cohen that said "Our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it. I will get all of Putin's team to buy in on this, I will manage this process."

The really strange thing is that Cohen, when asked where he got the money to pay her, said he took out a line of credit on his house to pay 130k. This from a guy that has millions. He bought a 58 million dollar home, but had to take a HELOC out to pay 130k. He should be able to find that in his couch cushions like I used to do before going to Peter Piper Pizza. Crazy.

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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Indy »

In2ition wrote:What's the link of a payment to a porn star to a Russian connection investigation? I'm trying to catch up on current events.
I am not sure, but I will bet the search warrant was very clear on that. You don't get multiple republicans, including those appointed by Trump, to sign off on a warrant to search the person lawyer of the president of the united states without a shit ton of evidence.

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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by ShelC »

You don't get multiple republicans, including those appointed by Trump, to sign off on a warrant to search the person lawyer of the president of the united states without a s*** ton of evidence.
Deep state, man. Deep state.

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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Mori Chu »

Sure feels like s**t is going down in the next few weeks. Wonder if we will see charges brought against the President, and/ or a war in the Middle East or with North Korea as a distraction.

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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Flagrant Fowl »

Trump is desperate for a distraction like a war. Unfortunately for him, he can't go all out against his sugar daddy, and the North Korea situation is at it's coolest in recent memory thanks to Moon Jae In.

We're just biding out time for the midterm elections, slowly stacking the deck against him. Rats are already fleeing the sinking ship. The other shoe will drop when the Dems take over by the end of the year.

My only concern is Bolton and others like him who are always looking to stir up shit abroad.
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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Mori Chu »

A war got George W Bush re-elected. "Don't want to change leaders in the middle of a war!"

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