Covington Catholic MAGA kids vs Native American guy

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Covington Catholic MAGA kids vs Native American guy

Post by Mori Chu »

Do we want to talk about that? It's all over the news this weekend. I'm talking about the clip of the teens from Covington Catholic high school wearing MAGA hats and surrounding Nathan Phillips, a Native American man who was singing and playing an instrument during an Indigenous People's protest.


It sounds like the original narrative about this story was oversimplified, because there were other actors and events that helped lead to the footage and photos that many folks reacted to so viscerally. We can debate exactly who is in the wrong and how much. I still think the MAGA dudes should not surround and intimidate Phillips.

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Re: Covington Catholic MAGA kids vs Native American guy

Post by Nodack »

Lots of people are spinning this all kinds of ways. The students were supposedly hassling the indian. Blacks and others were supposedly hassling the students and calling them names.

I watched the video and I see a bunch of kids with maga hats having the time of their life making fun of the indian guy. They don’t seem to be in any danger or show any kind of fear whatsoever. The one kid stands his ground right in the indians face with a sly smile and imo is attempting to intimidate him.
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Re: Covington Catholic MAGA kids vs Native American guy

Post by In2ition »

Has anyone seen the full footage of this? I know the immediate reaction is vilify this kid and group of kids and say that they were trying to intimidate and attack this poor native american elder. Shouldn't we wait and see the entire thing and find out the full truth before condemning them? I've seen people find out and broadcast this kid's name in a way of trying to destroy him.
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Re: Covington Catholic MAGA kids vs Native American guy

Post by Mori Chu »

Nodack wrote:
Mon Jan 21, 2019 8:55 pm
Lots of people are spinning this all kinds of ways. The students were supposedly hassling the indian. Blacks and others were supposedly hassling the students and calling them names.

I watched the video and I see a bunch of kids with maga hats having the time of their life making fun of the indian guy. They don’t seem to be in any danger or show any kind of fear whatsoever. The one kid stands his ground right in the indians face with a sly smile and imo is attempting to intimidate him.
The kids are to blame. There is context that another group of folks who are Black Israeli protestors were egging on the white Catholic kids, which is helpful to know, but it doesn't explain the Covington Catholic kids surrounding, mocking, and intimidating the Native American singer/chanter. They got right up in his face with their racist MAGA hats, they mocked his singing by chanting out off-key notes and doing a "tomahawk chop" motion to mock Native Americans, they got in a tight circle around him, stood right up in his face, smirking, taunting, intimidating. Anybody defending these racist assholes is a gaslighting fool.

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Re: Covington Catholic MAGA kids vs Native American guy

Post by In2ition »

Marty [Mori Chu] wrote:
Tue Jan 22, 2019 1:58 am
Nodack wrote:
Mon Jan 21, 2019 8:55 pm
Lots of people are spinning this all kinds of ways. The students were supposedly hassling the indian. Blacks and others were supposedly hassling the students and calling them names.

I watched the video and I see a bunch of kids with maga hats having the time of their life making fun of the indian guy. They don’t seem to be in any danger or show any kind of fear whatsoever. The one kid stands his ground right in the indians face with a sly smile and imo is attempting to intimidate him.
The kids are to blame. There is context that another group of folks who are Black Israeli protestors were egging on the white Catholic kids, which is helpful to know, but it doesn't explain the Covington Catholic kids surrounding, mocking, and intimidating the Native American singer/chanter. They got right up in his face with their racist MAGA hats, they mocked his singing by chanting out off-key notes and doing a "tomahawk chop" motion to mock Native Americans, they got in a tight circle around him, stood right up in his face, smirking, taunting, intimidating. Anybody defending these racist a****** is a gaslighting fool.
Does anyone else see this and think it reminds them of 1984's "2 minutes of hate"?

Have you actually seen the full video of what happened and how it started, not just Nathan Phillips being surrounded by the students while he beat a drum in the kid's face while he smuggly smiled at him?
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Re: Covington Catholic MAGA kids vs Native American guy

Post by Mori Chu »

In2ition wrote:
Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:25 am
Does anyone else see this and think it reminds them of 1984's "2 minutes of hate"?

Have you actually seen the full video of what happened and how it started, not just Nathan Phillips being surrounded by the students while he beat a drum in the kid's face while he smuggly smiled at him?
I have seen the video. I think it's interesting that you characterize Nathan Phillips's behavior that way. I do not consider singing a tribal song and playing a drum to be as aggressive as you imply. What I consider much more aggressive are a large group of men physically surrounding a single unarmed minority man, at very close physical distance, wearing clothing that gives a clear indication of dislike of ethnic minorities.

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Re: Covington Catholic MAGA kids vs Native American guy

Post by In2ition »

Marty [Mori Chu] wrote:
Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:35 am
In2ition wrote:
Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:25 am
Does anyone else see this and think it reminds them of 1984's "2 minutes of hate"?

Have you actually seen the full video of what happened and how it started, not just Nathan Phillips being surrounded by the students while he beat a drum in the kid's face while he smuggly smiled at him?
I have seen the video. I think it's interesting that you characterize Nathan Phillips's behavior that way. I do not consider singing a tribal song and playing a drum to be as aggressive as you imply. What I consider much more aggressive are a large group of men physically surrounding a single unarmed minority man, at very close physical distance, wearing clothing that gives a clear indication of dislike of ethnic minorities.
In what way did I describe Nathan Phillips? I said that he was "beating a drum in the kid's face", is that not what happened?

These are "men"? Did you not see Phillips approach the boys and get right up into the face of this kid? Granted, the kid held his ground and eventually is caught smuggly smiling at him, but the elderly Phillips did gently tap his drum and sign the song of his people.

A MAGA hat does not mean there is a indication of dislike of ethnic minorities. I'm sure there are some people that do not like minorities and happen to wear the hat, but it certainly doesn't mean everyone or even most people.
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Re: Covington Catholic MAGA kids vs Native American guy

Post by Nodack »

It was an event that brought a bunch of different sides together in one place and those sides didn’t like each other. The black Israelites said some shit. The Catholic groups was loud and proud and in walks the group of indians along some sort of parade route singing native songs and ends up in the middle of them. The Indians did walk up to the students and stopped right in front of them and sang. The students did have a good time mocking them but, no violence happened. Nobody got hurt.

All it really proves to me is that we aren’t a United States of America. People cared enough to show up and that means something. Maybe if we can convince each other to care about each other we could improve things. Maybe if we could elect leaders that try to unite us instead of divide us we could improve things.
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Re: Covington Catholic MAGA kids vs Native American guy

Post by Mori Chu »

I mostly agreed with this article. The immediate twitter/media reaction to this whole situation, followed by the rapid 180/retractions/apologies, were both symptoms of a media that hasn't quite figured out its role in 2019. They so desperately want to report breaking news, and also to please their readers, that they often take the wrong angle on a complicated story. ... on/580987/

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Re: Covington Catholic MAGA kids vs Native American guy

Post by Nodack »

I am pretty biased at this moment in time but, I have friends and family who vote Republican and Democrat. The President, media and politicians all do their part to divide us. They have good reasons to divide us but we as Americans have better reasons to unite.
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