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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by Mori Chu »

By the way, one thing I've seen people reminding about online is, in a time like this there will be lots of info floating about, lots of people claiming to have brand new footage of some kind of attack or something in UKR. We should be wary of re-sharing stuff that we haven't verified or aren't sure if it's true. Nobody's perfect, but we should all try our best to share info we have verified or that comes from reputable sources.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

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Statement from former President George W Bush:

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by Mori Chu »

The Russian attacks on Ukraine have ramped up overnight. They seem to be attacking several major cities and airports. Here's some CNN coverage:

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by In2ition »

I saw some incredible and terrifying video of the airborne drops, the aircraft coming over the skies and the explosions of military assets in Ukraine.

Apparently, Results of the first four hours of the operation against Ukraine:

Air Defence destroyed
Air Force destroyed
Navy destroyed
There are no more Ukrainian drones.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by In2ition »

Looks like the website is down and now there are reports of banks and several sites are down in Russia.

Does that mean that countries are now attacking Russia?
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Re: Russia/Ukraine

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"When we all think alike, nobody is thinking" - Walter Lippmann
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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by Nodack »


It’s officially on. A complete invasion now with Putin demanding Kiev surrender. Putin promises to destroy any country who interferes with his invasion. The West freaks out on how to deal with his aggression while Trump and his supporters praise Putin.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

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"When we all think alike, nobody is thinking" - Walter Lippmann
"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them." ~ Frederick Douglass

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

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Ukraine attack leaves Baltics wondering: Are we next? ... 238865b526

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by Nodack »

Live updates: US official: UN to vote on Russia resolution ... 0ca78142fd
UNITED NATIONS -- A senior U.S. official says the U.N. Security Council is expected to vote Friday on a resolution condemning Russia in the strongest terms possible for attacking Ukraine and demanding the immediate withdrawal of all its forces — knowing that Russia will veto the legally binding measure.

The United States believes it is very important to put the resolution to a vote to underscore Russia’s international isolation, and emphasizes that the veto will be followed quickly by a resolution in the 193-member U.N. General Assembly where there are no vetoes, the official said Thursday. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly.

“This is a first step in how the U.N. responds to this premeditated war of choice that Russia has chosen to take, and we will see action in the General Assembly in the coming days,” he said, adding that it is part of a much broader, coordinated response that includes steps the Biden administration and its allies are taking.

MOSCOW — Russian President Vladimir Putin says he was “forced” to order a military action in Ukraine because of the Western refusal to heed Russian security demands.

KYIV, Ukraine — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensnkyy has urged Moscow to end hostilities, adding that Russian airborne troops have been checked outside Kyiv.

The Ukrainian leader said many Russian warplanes and armored vehicles were destroyed but didn’t give numbers. He also said an unspecified number of Russian troops was captured.

He appealed to global leaders, saying that “if you don’t help us now, if you fail to offer strong assistance to Ukraine, tomorrow the war will knock on your door.”

MOSCOW — Russia’s Defense Ministry says the Russian military has destroyed 74 Ukrainian military facilities, including 11 air bases.

BRUSSELS — A top European Union official is pledging to make Russia suffer with “massive and targeted sanctions” that will particularly hit the country’s elite.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said the package of EU measures will include financial sanctions that will severely limit Russia’s access to the capital markets and have a severe impact on all sectors of its economy.

She said ahead of an EU summit Thursday that “these sanctions will suppress Russia’s economic growth, increase the borrowing costs, raise inflations, intensify capital outflow and gradually erode its industrial basis.”

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

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EXPLAINER: Just how hard could US sanctions hit Russia? ... d002959e87
Biden administration officials have described measures that would send Russia’s ruble crashing, isolate Moscow from the world financial system and possibly drive the country into recession. They also have said minimizing the damage to European economies is a primary concern.

World leaders move to slap sanctions on the Kremlin ... cae5acbe34
BRUSSELS (AP) — World leaders Thursday condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as “barbaric” and moved to slap unprecedented economic sanctions on Moscow and those close to President Vladimir Putin.

The West and its allies showed no inclination to send troops into Ukraine — a non-member of NATO — and risk a wider European war. But NATO reinforced its member states in Eastern Europe as a precaution against an attack on them, too.

“Make no mistake: We will defend every ally against any attack on every inch of NATO territory,” said NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg.

In the meantime, the allies began to take steps aimed at isolating Moscow and forcing it to pay so high a price that it changes course.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson called the attack “hideous and barbaric” and said of Putin: “Now we see him for what he is — a bloodstained aggressor who believes in imperial conquest.”

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

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Sanders: Trump's praise of Putin 'outrageous' ... outrageous
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Thursday blasted former President Trump, saying it was "unsurprising" that he would praise Russian President Vladimir Putin and his "murderous invasion of Ukraine as an act of 'genius.'"

"It should concern us all that Putin is exactly the kind of leader Trump would like to be, and that so few Republicans have the courage to say this out loud," the Vermont senator said in a post on Twitter.

"I said, 'How smart is that? He's going to go in and be a peacekeeper,'" Trump said. "That's the strongest peace force. We could use that on our southern border. That's the strongest peace force I've ever seen. There were more army tanks than I've ever seen. They're going to keep peace, all right."

Why Donald Trump can't stop praising Vladimir Putin ... index.html
"I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, 'This is genius.' Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine. Putin declares it as independent," Trump said. "Oh, that's wonderful."

Trump's response to Putin's invasion of Ukraine reveals divisions among Republicans ... -response/
Republican lawmakers and candidates are largely united in their belief that President Biden's response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine has fallen short

The varied and at times conflicting Republican reactions, both on the campaign trail and on Capitol Hill, underscore how the party remains deeply influenced by Trump, who praised Vladimir Putin as "savvy" after the Russian president recognized the independence of two Russian separatist-controlled areas in eastern Ukraine.

As Russia began its full scale invasion later Wednesday, Trump told Fox News that "This all happened because of a rigged election." At a Mar-a-Lago fundraiser Wednesday evening, he continued his praise of Putin, calling him "pretty smart" in "taking over a country for $2 worth of sanctions." ... 36813.html

“Two nauseating, fearful pigs who hate what America stands for and whose every action is driven by their their own weakness and insecurity, rubbing their snouts together and celebrating as innocent people lose their lives,” Bates tweeted.

While most Republicans have balked at Putin's moves in Ukraine and called for swift and steep sanctions, others aligned with Trump have echoed the former president and adopted a far less hostile view of the Russian leader and been more circumspect about any U.S. military action in Europe.

Way to take both sides Republicans. Biden isn’t doing enough to stop Putin and at the same time he shouldn’t be doing anything because Putin invading Ukraine a good thing and is Obama’s fault and Biden’s fault because of the rigged election and his fault for not doing enough of something.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by Mori Chu »

A good reminder: There are definitely images and videos floating around that people claim are from Ukraine that aren't. Be careful.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

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Oh, okay.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by In2ition »

U.S. Officials Repeatedly Urged China to Help Avert War in Ukraine
Americans presented Chinese officials with intelligence on Russia’s troop buildup in hopes that President Xi Jinping would step in, but were repeatedly rebuffed.

By Edward Wong
Feb. 25, 2022
Updated 10:06 a.m. ET ... raine.html

WASHINGTON — Over three months, senior Biden administration officials held half a dozen urgent meetings with top Chinese officials in which the Americans presented intelligence showing Russia’s troop buildup around Ukraine and beseeched the Chinese to tell Russia not to invade, according to U.S. officials.

Each time, the Chinese officials, including the foreign minister and the ambassador to the United States, rebuffed the Americans, saying they did not think an invasion was in the works. After one diplomatic exchange in December, U.S. officials got intelligence showing Beijing had shared the information with Moscow, telling the Russians that the United States was trying to sow discord — and that China would not try to impede Russian plans and actions, the officials said.

The previously unreported talks between American and Chinese officials show how the Biden administration tried to use intelligence findings and diplomacy to persuade a superpower it views as a growing adversary to stop the invasion of Ukraine, and how that nation, led by President Xi Jinping, persistently sided with Russia even as the evidence of Moscow’s plans for a military offensive grew over the winter.

This account is based on interviews with senior administration officials with knowledge of the conversations who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the diplomacy. The Chinese Embassy did not return requests for comment.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by Indy »

Of course China knew. There was talk before the olympic games that Xi asked Putin to wait to start the war until after games so they didn't take any of China's spotlight.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by virtual9mm »

I actually don't think that China's all that happy about it. They've been buying a lot of Ukrainian military hardware and tech at bargain basement prices.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine

Post by virtual9mm »

Now that I'm on this thread...why the heck didn't Biden simply put a token American military presence in Kiev? It wouldn't take much, like an airborne battalion. Just a signal to let Putin know that we wouldn't roll over.

Come to think about it, it's the same mistake Joe made in Afghanistan, isn't it.

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