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Re: Suns News: Week 15 2/1-2/7

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 12:52 am
by Danimal
And the Barkley rant was just plain funny

Re: Suns News: Week 15 2/1-2/7

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 10:43 pm
by EDC

Re: Suns News: Week 15 2/1-2/7

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 11:55 pm
by Danimal
I know things are rough right now. But its my birthday so I am trying to stay positive. Remember its not the owner or anyone else which is the heart beat of the suns, its fans like us!

Perhaps the article will lighten the mood around here:
Suns panda to every need

In order to turn around the franchise, the Suns have taken drastic steps lately. First there was the firing of cannon fodder assistant coaches like unwanted Christmas puppies, then the firing of head coach Jeff Hornacek. What has followed has been a dramatic attempt to try and change the clubs culture. After being told he had been given the head coaching job, a nervous chill ran through coach Watson. Being the youngest coach in the league, this was understandable. Lost for ideas, he quickly went through his dvd collection until he found his all time favourite basketball video – Semi-Pro by Will Farrell. It was instantly clear to Watson that he had to install the same culture that sent the Tropics to 4th place in the ABA and then bankruptcy – EVERYBODY LOVE EVERYBODY.

Under the previous regime, tape watching sessions simply involved putting in video of the last blowout loss, lighting the dvd player on fire and coach saying ‘fuck watching this shit’. ‘But now we have a different culture’ read Watson from a pre-written note on his hand. ‘The guys turn up early now to these sessions in their pyjamas and we don’t watch game tape we watch Finding Nemo and other pixar classics. Kids love those films and that’s essentially what our players are kids disguised as adults who get paid millions of dollars to play basketball badly. What the use of playing basketball if there is no love? First we build love, make love then worry about basketball. After all basketball is just a game, even if people are paying hard earned money to see it.

Its not all fun and games though, Watson does have a serious and strategic side. In only his 2nd practise, Watson again dipped into his DVD collection. Baseketball by the south park guys was seen as important for building fundamental in the team’s young core. Watson said emphatically ‘We can’t play defence so we thought teaching the guys how to yell abuse at wide open shooters was the logical next step!’

The Sun’s PR office has said this culture change is already having a ripple effect throughout the valley. People and national media are talking about the Suns again! Sarver mentioned ‘”just last week I visited an elementary school that I wanted to turn into a parking lot. I heard the coach saying to his players, ’ now watch the Suns games closely. Watch the way they don’t pass, don’t defend and don’t give a crap…and kids never play like that, never play like that ever!’ That was something to be proud of, that we are having such an impact at grass roots level.”

The Suns have been trying to do everything to win back local support. Sometimes mingling with fans so much before games that the Suns don’t actually turn up until the 2nd quarter of most matches.
To think Watson nearly chose a different path. ‘Yeah we almost took the short cut to success and by success I mean love. I thought we would do what that college team did and get a bunch of whores for the team. But in the end Rob didn’t want to break a 50 so we had to look for a plan B. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise, that wouldn’t have been true love anyway and I need the players to learn about it the right way and not on a pay by hour basis.’

Watson was asked about former coach Jeff Hornacek. ‘You know I don’t want to just replicate what happened during his time here, I want to build on it. And you can see that in the fact we have started a new losing streak now, with love and hard work and love we might make it to the franchise best losing streak. But I don’t want to put too much pressure on the kids. Watson was then seen ruffling the hair of a few of his players after what he called a competitive practise. ‘Something are greater than basketball and today it was Mario Kart. The players always get up for the new video game sessions. Its great to see their drive and effort during the video games. If it doesn’t translate to the basketball court, so be it, I just love spending time with these guys.’

Watson is also quick to depend his players. When asked in the post game presser about goodwin’s turnovers, he mentioned that he did a lot of things that didn’t show up in the box score. So even if he only dished out minimal assists, the main thing is that he dished out at least 5 hugs on the bench, that’s growth.

Rob Sarver has thrown his full resources behind the new coach. The team is reported to be flying in specialist baby Panda carers from Chengdu China. ‘We have to take as much care of these fragile millionaires as possible!’ remarked Watson. ‘I mean Morris was getting all those dnp’s before due to diaper rash. If you want to shoot long contested two’s that’s fine, if you doing it because you love it, its fine, but no one loves diaper rash so I can’t have that happening to one of my players, one of my loved ones’ a tear forming in his eye.

Watson has also been quick to defend and promote Morris. ‘People keep talking about the off field incident. I can tell you the truth about that. They weren’t beating up that guy for sending their mother a text. They were just showing him love. But you know in the way a drunken baby kangaroo would with arms going everywhere and a few love kicks to the head while someone else holds you down. He’s the leader of this team and on that occasion he was setting a great example of how to love another human being.

To speed up the process, the Suns will be shipping in several bottles of Markieff’s mothers breast milk to get him through the rest of the season. Watson said proudly ‘we think its important to show him we love him, by giving him a taste of home’.

Re: Suns News: Week 15 2/1-2/7

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 12:34 am
by Charlie Smithy!
Happy birthday, Danimal!

I edited your post just to space the paragraphs out a bit - I can tell it's got a Robot kinda vibe to it, and I could really use the laugh right about now. :)

BTW, you share your birthday with my father, who is now a senior citizen (technically, he says).

...and I'm now half his age.

The passage of time...:(

Re: Suns News: Week 15 2/1-2/7

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 12:37 am
by Danimal

Re: Suns News: Week 15 2/1-2/7

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 3:03 am
by Superbone
Happy BDay, Danimal!

Re: Suns News: Week 15 2/1-2/7

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 8:52 am
by 3rdside

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: Suns News: Week 15 2/1-2/7

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 9:16 am
by carey
Happy birthday mate. Hope you have a good one. Sorry you couldn't celebrate with a Suns win.

Re: Suns News: Week 15 2/1-2/7

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 11:18 am
by Mori Chu
Happy Birthday, Danimal! You had me giggling with Semi-Pro. I thought it was a legit article until that point, haha.

Re: Suns News: Week 15 2/1-2/7

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 3:38 am
by Nodack
Happy Birthday Danimal! Slightly belated now. Cute story.