World Politics

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Re: World Politics

Post by In2ition »

Brazilian Judge Pushes Nationalist Conspiracy Theory To Weaponize Federal Police Against Defenders Of Free Speech

Brazil’s Federal Police discuss me in new report commissioned by Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes

Yesterday, a Brazilian Supreme Court Justice, who is also the President of the Superior Electoral Commission, lashed out angrily at X owner Elon Musk. At an event heavily promoted by Globo News, Alexandre de Moraes claimed that Musk is part of a vast extremist conspiracy to undermine Brazil’s sovereignty and democracy. He claimed that Musk was an “irresponsible mercantilist” motivated solely by profits who had “united” with “extremist Brazilian politicians.”

But there is no evidence of any conspiracy. Musk did not know I would publish the Twitter Files Brazil. Nor did the Brazilian politicians who reacted to them. And many of the politicians and journalists who de Moraes is demonizing as “extremist” are advocates of freedom of speech, including the right to criticize de Moraes.

It’s true that some of the people who de Moraes is censoring have urged a military intervention and have made unsubstantiated claims about elections and Covid. I do not agree with many of the statements made by the people whom de Moraes has censored.

But freedom of speech means nothing if it does not protect people and ideas you disagree with. If we aren’t going to allow people to criticize democracy, elections, and vaccines, how will we ever know if they are bad? If people are spreading false information about democracy, elections, and vaccines, the best way to deal with the false information is with accurate information, not censorship.

The real extremist spreading disinformation here is de Moraes. If Musk were solely motivated by money, then he would not have stood up to de Moraes, which resulted in the Brazilian government halting all advertising on X, the resignation of X’s top lawyer in Brazil, who feared for his safety, and may result in de Moraes shutting down X in Brazil.

He is not simply demanding that social media platforms censor specific content by controversial journalists and politicians. He is demanding that all social media platforms ban them for life. He often does so through secret hearings without the right of appeal.

In fact, it’s all much worse than that. You can’t be a politician or journalist if you can’t communicate on social media. And so de Moraes is not just violating the Brazilian constitution’s protections of free speech, he is also attacking the freedom of the press, destroying careers, and interfering in elections.

De Moraes has acted unilaterally to invent entirely new laws. He is thus interfering and taking over the role of Congress and of the president. That means he is behaving like a dictator.

And now de Moraes has weaponized the Federal Police, including against me, for publishing the Twitter Files in Brazil. The Federal Police delivered two reports to de Moraes, one on April 18 and the other on April 19. The reports consist of a gigantic conspiracy theory, suggesting connections and relationships that simply do not exist.

The reports single me out and suggest it is somehow suspicious that I only have paid for one subscription on X, which is to Elon Musk. But there is nothing suspicious about this. I am paying Musk, not the other way around. And, as the Police report notes, Musk takes a percentage of the revenue of the people who subscribe to my content on X.

And the reports claim that people who de Moraes had demanded be censored had gained limited access to communicate on X, in particular through X’s Spaces, which allows for live conversation.

In other words, de Moraes is totally obsessed with silencing his enemies. It’s not enough for X to have blocked profiles. He also doesn’t want them to be able to use their voice.

It helps that the Brazilian government directly pays the Brazilian news media. The new Lula government increased government funding by 60% for Globo alone. Globo is the biggest media in Brazil. It has been demanding more censorship and running propaganda for de Moraes.

De Moraes is a brutish authoritarian. His censorship is as bad as the censorship imposed by Brazil’s military dictators. He is seeking, as a judge, to eliminate particularly politicians and journalists from public life.

This is hardly the first time de Moraes has weaponized the Federal Police. And in calling Elon Musk a foreign mercantilist, de Moraes is using the exact same kind of nationalist rhetoric that he has attacked his enemies for using.

Why does Moraes have so much power? In Brazil, people told me it was because de Moraes controls so many court cases involving rich and powerful people, including politicians and other judges.

The solution is for Brazil’s Congress to open an investigation, known as a Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI). A CPI can evaluate judicial abuses of power, and that is obviously what is happening here. Under a CPI, Brazil’s Congress could gain access to communications between police and judges or anyone else.

A CPI could also hear from the victims of censorship. It could bring light to thousands of cases under secrecy. And it could discover how social media platforms were compelled to obey or collaborate with the regime.

Musk has taken extraordinary and historic actions to protect free speech. So, too has the US Congress. Now it’s time for Brazil’s Congress to act against the anti-democratic extremism of de Moraes. It must do so before the extremist de Moraes starts arresting his political enemies and shuts down X, and thus free speech, in Brazil.
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Re: World Politics

Post by In2ition »

Now the dictator Justice is going after Mario? What a clown show.
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Re: World Politics

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We Exposed Censorship By Brazil’s Supreme Court, And Now President Lula Is Persecuting Me

PLUS: Brazil’s Attorney General Is Seeking To Entirely Shut Down X, Formerly Known As Twitter

Thirty years ago this year, I asked Brazil’s current president, who goes by the single name “Lula,” if he would turn his country into Cuba, complete with censorship. He said "no" and that he and the Brazilian people loved their freedom too much.

At no point since then did I ever imagine that I would be the victim of Cuba-style censorship and repression at the hands of
. And yet, that is precisely what is happening.

All of this is happening at the same time that Brazil’s Attorney General and Supreme Court are reportedly seeking a way to entirely shut down X, Brazil’s only free speech platform. The Brazilian government recently retaliated against X by cutting off advertising on X. X’s top attorney in Brazil resigned to protect his safety less than two weeks ago.

Yesterday, Brazil’s attorney general, Jorge Messias, urged the Supreme Court to pursue “criminal prosecution” and investigation to “identify and punish the possible culprits.” My alleged crime was publishing the “Twitter Files - Brazil.” At no point does the Attorney General suggest that either I or my coauthors Eli Vieira and David Ágape lied or presented inaccurate information in the Twitter Files - Brazil.

Rather, the Attorney General office’s six-page memo, released publicly, claims that I released “excerpts of content from confidential judicial decisions” in an “attempt to destabilize the democratic state.” This is untrue. None of the Twitter Files - Brazil contained “confidential judicial decisions.” The Twitter Files - Brazil were strictly emails between Twitter staff. There is not a single instance where we published “confidential judicial decisions.”

But even if we had, the Brazilian constitution says, “the law may only restrict the publicity of procedural acts when the defense of privacy or social interests so require" (Article 5, LX). In this case, it was imperative that we publish the Twitter Files precisely to protect the public’s right to privacy, freedom of speech, and democracy.

What’s more, the attack on me is highly selective. Brazilian news media have, for years, reported on confidential judiciary decisions and have not been subjected to such an outrageous criminal investigation as the one I am under.

Finally, there is no law against attempting to “destabilize the democratic state” through non-violent methods. The law only prohibits violent attacks on democracy. As such, the Attorney General abuses his powers and acts as a lawmaker, usurping Brazil’s Congress.

And just imagine if Brazil criminalized something as vague as “destabilizing the democratic state.” Such a law would allow President Lula to lock up nonviolent protesters, journalists, and his political rivals. Why is the Attorney General doing this? The first thing to understand is
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Re: World Politics

Post by In2ition »

China is preparing for something major. That seems increasingly obvious judging from the stockpiling of important resources. Could it be that they are preparing a major one-off devaluation of the CNY?
Andreas Steno ... -imminent/

Happy Sunday and welcome to our flagship editorial! Remember that I will be in Singapore most of next week. Please reach out if you are Singapore-based, in case we haven’t already been in touch with you.

China is preparing something BIG. That seems more and more obvious to me by the week now. The question is what that BIG thing is.

China reported a strong 5.2% YoY Q1 despite troubles on the ground, local financial institutions are hoarding bonds because of a weak credit demand growth picture and the Chinese authorities seem to be stockpiling like crazy.
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Re: World Politics

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It's not a conspiracy theory, it's a "it's pretty f'n obvious theory".
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Re: World Politics

Post by In2ition »

Seems related to the two above. Also, looks like they are preparing for war.
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Re: World Politics

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Well if Mario Nawfal AND an ape say it, it must be true.

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Re: World Politics

Post by In2ition »

Mario and Wall Street Apes isn't saying it, the AEI and the Chinese Foreign Minister are saying it. As you can clearly see. Who's trolling now?
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Re: World Politics

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Remember the reporting of bodies of murdered indigenous children found in unmarked mass graves at residential schools in Canada?

All a hoax. Never was a single shred of evidence. Not a bone. Nothing.

Ground-penetrating radar had picked up underground ‘anomalies’ near a residential school in Kamloops, BC. They could be rocks for all we know.

But someone decided to make up a story of 215 dead bodies of children. The Washington Post reported mass graves. Reporters wrote that the bodies of 3-year-old children had been found.

All a hoax.

Soon, reports of other unmarked grave sites hosting murdered indigenous children sprang up across the country.

Not a tooth was found. Not a fingernail. Absolutely nothing to substantiate any of it.

Trudeau flew the flag in Ottawa at half mast for the better part of a year. He knelt on the unmarked grave of a non-existent body while holding a teddy bear for the cameras.

Monuments of children’s sneakers — representing the fake dead — were put up and stayed up in cities for months or years.

A teacher,
, was even marched out of his class in front of his students, his job taken away, for telling the truth that there was no evidence nuns had murdered all of these kids.

The government has now spent $8,000,000 searching for bodies. Can’t find any.

Billions were even put aside for ‘reconciliation.’

100 churches have been burned to the ground across Canada in response.

All a hoax.

Was the government of Canada trying to get the churches burned down? Or, was Trudeau trying to garner favor and some type of sympathy? It's so sad.
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Re: World Politics

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The poor / bumpy US support for its allies is having a ripple effect on our standing with other countries.

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Re: World Politics

Post by In2ition »

"When we all think alike, nobody is thinking" - Walter Lippmann
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Re: World Politics

Post by Nodack »

Matt Taibbi - "Trump can do plenty of damage just by encouraging people to be as uninhibited in their stupidity as he is."[8] Taibbi refers to Trump as an ignorant individual engaged in confidence tricks, "bloviating and farting his way" along the trail of the 2016 election.[10] The author recalls Trump, "saying outrageous things, acting like Hitler one minute and Andrew Dice Clay the next."[10] The book offers a positive assessment of the campaign of Bernie Sanders for president.[12] Taibbi writes, "More than any politician in recent memory, Bernie Sanders is focused on reality. It's the rest of us who are lost."[10]

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Re: World Politics

Post by In2ition »

Ad Hominem - (Attacking the person): This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone's argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument. The fallacious attack can also be direct to membership in a group or institution.
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Re: World Politics

Post by Nodack »

Your argument is always the same. Democracy and all its institutions suck and all democratic leaders are evil tyrants bent on the destruction of their countries. They should all be replaced by authoritarian leaders such as say maybe Trump in the US who would fix everything and make the US a right wing utopian society that has no government except whatever Trump says is ok.

You say I am attacking you by quoting the guy you quoted? I just quoted him because in addition to him saying bad things about Trudeau he also wrote a book about Trump where he says a lot of non flattering things about him. Was his insight on Trudeau top notch and his insight on Trump top notch or was his insight on Trudeau top notch and his insight on Trump way off base?


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Re: World Politics

Post by In2ition »

Nodack wrote:
Tue May 14, 2024 11:26 am
Your argument is always the same. Democracy and all its institutions suck and all democratic leaders are evil tyrants bent on the destruction of their countries. They should all be replaced by authoritarian leaders such as say maybe Trump in the US who would fix everything and make the US a right wing utopian society that has no government except whatever Trump says is ok.

You say I am attacking you by quoting the guy you quoted? I just quoted him because in addition to him saying bad things about Trudeau he also wrote a book about Trump where he says a lot of non flattering things about him. Was his insight on Trudeau top notch and his insight on Trump top notch or was his insight on Trudeau top notch and his insight on Trump way off base?

What? No, I'm not saying you are attacking me. You were attacking him, and not his message.

And you are missing what my argument is. I do not always say that democracy and all it's institutions suck and all democratic leaders are evil tyrants bent on destruction of their countries. I absolutely do not say that. But, when I see it happen, I will point it out, as should we all. These are things we should all agree on. Don't let your default be, "If In2 says it, it must be the opposite of what I should think." That's silly thinking, and you know it.
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Re: World Politics

Post by Nodack »

Any Democracy defending itself from Authoritarian rule is ALWAYS attacked by you as evil and the Authoritarians trying to take over are praised. That’s a given. If ANY US institution is mentioned in ANY thread, you will ALWAYS attack it as evil.

It has become clear to many that Republicans are not interested in Democracy anymore. Most Republicans won’t say it out loud. Some will. Their actions make it clear though.

You tried to make a point that Trudeau was evil by quoting Matt Taibbi. I quoted Matt Taibbi saying Trump was evil. I wonder how a Maga mind computes that. Do you just continue to praise Matt for his insight when it comes to his attack on Trudeau and ignore his entire book dedicated to attacking Trump as fake liberal media? This guy thinks Bernie Sanders should be President. Are you going to write in Bernie Sanders now on your ballot?

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Re: World Politics

Post by Nodack »

More Matt ... nt-128837/
Trump is the perfect modern American. He’s a human consumption machine with no attention span, no self-control, no beliefs and no hobbies outside of sex, spending, eating and talking about himself. Nixon at least played the piano and read classics. He was an intellectual with a pig’s heart. Trump is just the pig part.

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Re: World Politics

Post by In2ition »

Nodack wrote:
Tue May 14, 2024 2:01 pm
Any Democracy defending itself from Authoritarian rule is ALWAYS attacked by you as evil and the Authoritarians trying to take over are praised. That’s a given. If ANY US institution is mentioned in ANY thread, you will ALWAYS attack it as evil.
Do you even understand what you are saying? Did you even take the time to read what Trudeau is doing or what the result of his law could be? It's the exact opposite of what you are claiming I ALWAYS do.

Can you please stop with the ad hominem and strawman arguments? Pretty please with sugar on top? It's not cool.
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Re: World Politics

Post by Nodack »

Take the time to see what Trudeau is doing? Your man Matt says some bad things about Trudeau? He says a lot worse about Trump and you love Trump. How about take the time to see what Trumps Maga BS has done? Next you will post how evil Brazil is now that they have ousted their Authoritarian leader. Then we will get the evil Nazi Ukraine and the pro Putin post again. How about that great Hungarian leader that Trump also loves who happens to be another Authoritarian?

Matt- “In the modern Republican Party, making sense is a secondary consideration. Years of relentless propaganda combined with extreme frustration over the disastrous Bush years and two terms of a Kenyan Muslim terrorist president have cast the party’s right wing into a swirling suckhole of paranoia and conspiratorial craziness. There is nothing you can do to go too far, a fact proved, if not exactly understood, by the madman, Trump. Huckabee”
― Matt Taibbi, Insane Clown President: Dispatches from the 2016 Circus

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Re: World Politics

Post by In2ition »

He's never been a fan of Trump. He calls it how he sees it. Do I agree with everything that he says? No

You are being ridiculous with this rant.
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