Obama is the founder of ISIS

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Obama is the founder of ISIS

Post by AmareIsGod »

Apparently Obama founded ISIS. The applause is despicable. People depress me more and more by the day.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the ... unded-isis
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Re: Obama is the founder of ISIS

Post by AmareIsGod »

Saw this in the comments and almost spit up my Cheerios.

CNBC Studios: 
QUICK: So, Mr. Trump, if I understand you correctly, you're saying that President Obama is responsible for the Lincoln Assassination. 
TRUMP: Many people have said that, yes. And crooked Hillary Clinton. You know...how they say in baseball, a Double Hitter? They were the Double Hitter of the Lincoln Assassination. 
QUICK: Mr. Trump, the Lincoln Assassination took place in 1865. How would it even be possible for either of them to have been involved? 
TRUMP: I've sent teams...teams...back to look for this. They are saying amazing things, amazing things, that they've found. Incredible things. 
QUICK: How would it even be possible... 
TRUMP (Interrupting irritably): Look. Believe me. I have seen this. Unbelievable evidence. Just unbelievable. A disaster. One of the great catastrophes of all time. Horrible. Terrible. Disgusting. (Wipes hands on pants). 
QUICK: But John Wilkes Booth was proven...how... 
TRUMP: How? They walk in. They walk into the booth, or the veranda, or whatever they call it, boom. It's done. I've seen it. They committed this. They invented this. 
QUICK (Shaking head): So you blame... 
TRUMP: There's only one person to blame. Obama. And Hillary. I just know that they did this, they got us into a mess the likes of which this country has never seen, walked in, forty-five degree angle, went into Henry Ford Theater, wherever, and boom, finished, done. Obama and Hillary. Crooked Hillary! And I promise that my first act as President will be to rescind the assassination, rescind it entirely, even if I have to use Article Seventeen of the Constitution, I'll do it. I'm the only one who can do it. And I'll get it done. 
QUICK (Pauses): We'll be right back.
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Re: Obama is the founder of ISIS

Post by Mori Chu »

Trump is really digging himself into a hole the past few weeks. Insulting the Khans, and the "2nd Amendment people should do something" about Hillary comment, and this "Obama is the founder of ISIS" stuff, and the thing about using nukes as a first strike, on and on. I really think he's going to lose by a huge margin. He's demonstrating himself to be utterly unqualified for the job.

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Re: Obama is the founder of ISIS

Post by O_Gardino »

I don't think it will be that clear cut.

True, those who will vote against Trump have stronger reasons against him than normal. We hate/fear him a lot more than we normally do with other politicians.


America loves to vote in the opposing party after 2 terms with the previous president. There will be plenty of votes for Trump just because people want someone who isn't a Democrat, and there will be plenty of Dems who just don't vote because they are disillusioned after 8 years with not much visible change.

America hates Hilary, and is generally sick of the Clintons. Even the Dems are split over her. There are going to be a lot of frustrated Dems who just don't vote because they don't want to vote Clinton.

Trump voters aren't traditional political supporters. They are fans of his personality. They really don't care about the content of what he says; they aren't thinking "how will these policies and approaches play out in the presidency?" What they care about is the strong statements, the strong reaction they feel when he speaks, the alpha male posturing. He's entertaining TV, and a lot of people don't separate tv/social media from real life. That is a huge and growing portion of the population. As evidence, I give you the Bernie supporters, who also valued strong statements, finger pointing, and a (differently) lovable persona over consideration about the candidate actually doing the job of president.

Bottom line, it's always surprising when the incumbent party wins the presidency after 2 terms in office. This year, Trump is so bad that Hillary might actually win despite everything. But it won't be a landslide.
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Re: Obama is the founder of ISIS

Post by Indy »

^This. Well, it actually might be a small landslide, but not because of how unqualified, dangerous, or inflammatory he is. It will be because his supporters didn't think he could win so they didn't bother to go to the polls.

Trump is a wonderful bully. He is a guy that grew up learning how to treat people to get them to back down, even though most people know what he is doing isn't right, he is lying, and don't like him. But there is a huge culture in this country that is taught (more like trained in a Pavlovian-sense) to bow down to the most aggressive person regardless of who it is.

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Re: Obama is the founder of ISIS

Post by Cap »

Indy wrote:But there is a huge culture in this country that is taught (more like trained in a Pavlovian-sense) to bow down to the most aggressive person regardless of who it is.
Probably has more to do with evolutionary psychology than a cultural quirk. Monkeys do the same thing.

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Re: Obama is the founder of ISIS

Post by Indy »

Cap wrote:
Indy wrote:But there is a huge culture in this country that is taught (more like trained in a Pavlovian-sense) to bow down to the most aggressive person regardless of who it is.
Probably has more to do with evolutionary psychology than a cultural quirk. Monkeys do the same thing.
Perhaps there is a lot of that too. But I think that socioeconomic status plays a part of it. I think there is a reason why dictators are more likely to emerge in poorer countries, and it isn't about the money, per se. We are at a point in this country where much of the "middle class" is close to being underwater. And when you fight your whole life to get ahead and still can't, for some it is empowering to see someone succeed, and to support them, so you too feel like you are succeeding (even when it couldn't be further from the truth).

I liken it to an addict that knows if they start drinking tonight they are going to regret it tomorrow, but at least if they do it, they are doing it on their own terms and 'controlling' the breakdown, instead of living in the real world and having the breakdown come from somewhere they are not expecting.

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Re: Obama is the founder of ISIS

Post by Mori Chu »

As evidence, I give you the Bernie supporters, who also valued strong statements, finger pointing, and a (differently) lovable persona over consideration about the candidate actually doing the job of president.
I see some similarity between the rise in popularity of Trump and Sanders. But I do think Sanders and his supporters had specific valid issues that they were campaigning for (income inequality, racial justice, free college, health care for all, non-intervention in foreign wars), as opposed to Trump's side that to my ears doesn't have much actual policy and planning to fall back on. "Build a wall" and "stop losing, start winning" doesn't really sound like much of a plan to me.

The other day I saw a post on Facebook by my uncle supporting Trump. It kind of blew me away. My uncle is deaf and has cerebral palsy, so he limps and stammers a bit. Why would a disabled person support Trump after his mockery of that disabled reporter? Why would a person like my uncle, who is happily now receiving health insurance under Obamacare when he couldn't get it before (pre-existing conditions, huge charges, etc.), claim that the program is a failure? etc.

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