Did I watch a Republican Debate tonight or was it a Roast?

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Did I watch a Republican Debate tonight or was it a Roast?

Post by Ladmo »

Tonight's Republican "Debate..." WOW!

Based on what Republican's must think makes a great leader I think they should elect Don Rickles.

They whined all night about not having enough time to speak, while Trump crowed about reducing the length of the debate to 2 hours from 3. Seemed like the front-runners won the debate before it ever began.

Did the Moderators ask tough, challenging questions? Absolutely!
Did the Candidates respond eloquently, poised, and professional? Did anyone expect them to?

What I loved was that they crow-barred as many insults against Democrats and the media that they could, then tried to throw a pity party over how much the Left demagogues them. That was rich.

There was a lot of substance to go over, though.
The fact-checkers are going to have a field day.
I'll reserve my judgement over the important issues until we can either verify or denounce a lot of the platforms, plans, and comments made tonight, based on the fact-checkers in that evil, evil SuperPAC media that is always out to get them says... What a joke of a party...
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Re: Did I watch a Republican Debate tonight or was it a Roas

Post by Mori Chu »

No offense, Lad, but your threads and posts here are hard to respond to in a serious way because they're so deeply partisan and disrespectful to the other side. I don't like these Republican candidates, either, but you don't engender any kind of even-handed discussion when your posts often amount to, "LOL Republicans suck."

As for the debate itself, I thought the moderators didn't do a very good job. Several of the questions seemed to be leading questions designed to attack or question various flaws and issues about candidates, likely trying to force a gaffe or try to embarrass them. While a presidential candidate should be ready to handle any question, I don't think it is the moderator's role to throw punches like that. They should leave it to the candidates to criticize each other as appropriate.

I thought this was a decent summary of the debate, for what it's worth:

http://www.cnn.com/2015/10/29/politics/ ... index.html

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Re: Did I watch a Republican Debate tonight or was it a Roas

Post by Ladmo »

In this case you are absolutely right in my assessment of this debate. I have nothing respectful to say about anyone involved. I don't care for the hostile vibe from any of the participants. This was a free-for-all, wild hay-makers were thrown the whole night. On the surface, I'm not going to dignify this debate with respectful commentary.

I did however say that I will withhold commentary about the important issues discussed until the fact-checkers weigh in, so you should also take that into consideration. I wish everybody would pay attention to the important issues, but far too many people on the Right don't. I am only commenting right now on the contentious, volatile, often confrontational, and I find immature and unprofessional, attitude that seems to gain so much support from the Right-wing of the spectrum. That's not what I look for in a leader politically, and I am free to criticize this all I like, since criticism seems to be the driving force of this debate and this party.

Now, about my other messages regarding my support for other candidates like Bernie Sanders, I'm not going to apologize for that either. I've read too many comments here about people saying they don't know who he is or what his platform is, they're just not willing to support him because he's a Socialist, which is a misleading an incorrect statement. I think that's unfair and I will continue to try and inform people about what his candidacy is all about, because too many people have made it abundantly apparent that they don't know what that is.
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Re: Did I watch a Republican Debate tonight or was it a Roas

Post by Ladmo »

I'm just going to ask you one question. How many times did the participants answer the questions they were asked? I would love to see a tally of that stat.

Seemed to me they went on the defensive... no, they went on the attack, at every opportunity they had to say a word. And politically, I think it is advantageous for them to do so, as the Right-wing of the party seems to reward them for this, and this is well-known to anyone to anyone paying even a minimal amount of attention to this farce of a political season.

I did say we did get some substance in the midst of all that negativity, and I think we actually got a lot of it. I don't think much was actually gleaned from this debate, at least initially, but I look forward to checking out how the fact-checkers respond to everything that was said.

I think I'm being totally fair here, how am I not? Are you telling me they answered the questions without exploiting any opportunity to "demagogue" the "SuperPAC" Liberal media and Democrats? Seems a little hypocritical to whine about something when you happen to be doing it yourself, no? Seems a little hypocritical to whine about not having enough time to speak when you lobbied to cut the event short on time, doesn't it? How am I wrong about this, tell me, because I'm dying to know.
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Re: Did I watch a Republican Debate tonight or was it a Roas

Post by Ladmo »

I'd just like to add a couple of things I've been thinking while eating my oatmeal.

First of all, I am trying to be funny and entertaining here. Whether you agree with my comments or not, come on, this is a funny take.

Secondly, after the Democratic Debate, every single online poll had Bernie winning the debate, by landslides. CNN even went so far as to remove the results of their poll from their front page so that they could announce that Hilary won the debate, which was pointed out be Mark Ruffalo and others.

https://twitter.com/markruffalo/status/ ... 7039169536

Did I come here and complain about how unfair the "SuperPAC" media was distorting the truth so that I could promote my agenda? Or did I stand by the integrity of my beliefs and allow them to stand for themselves?

See, it would be nice for a change if I didn't have to hear these whiny crybabies on the Right blame their failure to defend their immoral and empty promises on their inability to compete with the media.

It seems to me that if they are wasting their opportunity to promote their plans on ginning up animosity towards the media or their competition that their programs and platforms really aren't worth defending.

Megyn Kelly did the same thing on FOX and became a target for trying to be a journalist. I don't agree with 99% of the shit she says or thinks, but at least she was doing her damn job that night. FOX pretty much laid the groundwork about how these debates were going to go when they were so successful that night. If they can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen, ya' know? I think we're pealing back the onion here and seeing what really ticks in the minds and hearts of these candidates, sort of seeing how the sausage is made, and it's a little sickening to me.
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Re: Did I watch a Republican Debate tonight or was it a Roas

Post by Indy »

No offense, Lad, but your threads and posts here are hard to respond to in a serious way because they're so deeply partisan and disrespectful to the other side. I don't like these Republican candidates, either, but you don't engender any kind of even-handed discussion when your posts often amount to, "LOL Republicans suck."
Sorry, Lad, but I have to agree.

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Re: Did I watch a Republican Debate tonight or was it a Roas

Post by ShelC »

For one, I don't put any stock in any polls. Not when Trump is leading, or Carson, or Hillary or Bernie. Eventually the mainstream media will determine the candidates. It'll be HIllary vs Bernie and Bush vs Rubio probably.

I did get sick of the candidates not answering the questions. At one point they asked about marijuana and the guy they asked simply went back to talking about the previous topic which I think was taxes. The moderators sucked too. The whole thing was annoying and I was more or less just interested in Trump and what he was saying but his act is starting to get stale because he's not saying anything new. At some point, you better start rolling out some details and how you plan to achieve things. Kasich was pretty fired up about the taxes and budget and came off knowledgeable but just seemed frustrated and disgruntled to the point of losing his cool.

No one else really stood out. Bush seems knowledgeable enough but comes across weak and soft and stutters and when pushed or challenged.

Still hate Rubio and Cruz. Carson is just embarassing himself. Fiorina's not a politician.

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Re: Did I watch a Republican Debate tonight or was it a Roas

Post by Indy »

ShelC wrote:For one, I don't put any stock in any polls. Not when Trump is leading, or Carson, or Hillary or Bernie. Eventually the mainstream media will determine the candidates. It'll be HIllary vs Bernie and Bush vs Rubio probably.

I did get sick of the candidates not answering the questions. At one point they asked about marijuana and the guy they asked simply went back to talking about the previous topic which I think was taxes. The moderators sucked too. The whole thing was annoying and I was more or less just interested in Trump and what he was saying but his act is starting to get stale because he's not saying anything new. At some point, you better start rolling out some details and how you plan to achieve things. Kasich was pretty fired up about the taxes and budget and came off knowledgeable but just seemed frustrated and disgruntled to the point of losing his cool.

No one else really stood out. Bush seems knowledgeable enough but comes across weak and soft and stutters and when pushed or challenged.

Still hate Rubio and Cruz. Carson is just embarassing himself. Fiorina's not a politician.

1) Pretty much a lock
2) Pretty much not going to happen. I can't see it being anyone but Trump vs Carson. I think Rubio has a better chance than Bush.
3) He keeps getting more and more support, despite the truly stupid (and scary) things he says.

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Re: Did I watch a Republican Debate tonight or was it a Roas

Post by ShelC »

I don't think the GOP would let it be Trump or Carson. They'd want a name/old guard (Bush) and an up and comer (Rubio).

EDIT: I could see it being Rubio as the candidate and Bush as the VP.

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Re: Did I watch a Republican Debate tonight or was it a Roas

Post by Mori Chu »

I didn't get too much out of this debate. Kasich had a few good things to say. Rubio looked strong. Jeb feels done. Trump and Carly seem like they're fading and won't be able to maintain their previous momentum. Carson, I don't get the appeal. He's said way too many literally insane things for me to take him seriously any more (ObamaCare = worst thing since slavery; guns = would have stopped Holocaust; vaccines are evil; we are near the End of Days; on and on). I dislike Cruz and don't want to see him get the nod or even the Veep spot.

I didn't like most of the questions and most of the moderators' behavior and questions. I didn't like the repeated reference to the "Super PAC" of the "mainstream media," the evil boogeyman of the GOP. (Though having such awful CNBC moderators only feeds into such nonsense, which is why CNBC should know better.) I don't feel I learned very much about the candidates' positions by watching this debate, which seems like the one thing the debate should have accomplished. At least the number of candidates is starting to decrease so that each one gets a little more time to talk. I want to see some of the chaff

It's a weird field. I don't love any of the candidates despite some of them showing some strengths last night. As currently presented it looks like the Republicans are in a race to lose to Hillary next fall.

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Re: Did I watch a Republican Debate tonight or was it a Roas

Post by LazarusLong »

ShelC wrote:I don't think the GOP would let it be Trump or Carson. They'd want a name/old guard (Bush) and an up and comer (Rubio).

EDIT: I could see it being Rubio as the candidate and Bush as the VP.

Who in the "GOP"? The National Committee? You are assuming there is a governing cabal that is in control. Nothing could be further than the truth. Right now, the morass that is the GOP is a pack of piranha feeding on each other....
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Re: Did I watch a Republican Debate tonight or was it a Roas

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Window is open again ... blue skies ahead?

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Re: Did I watch a Republican Debate tonight or was it a Roas

Post by OE32 »

If the GOP actually nominates one of Trump or Carson, they will in effect throw the general election. Can't say it won't happen, though.

I could see a pretty big swing toward Cruz if Carson/Trump supporters start to think twice about their candidate. Dude is angry, evangelical, radical - but also educated, and essentially a professional debater.

But really, none of these people stand a chance against Clinton on a national stage.

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Re: Did I watch a Republican Debate tonight or was it a Roas

Post by Ladmo »

I've never hidden my dislike for the Republican party, so I'm not sure what you're expecting me to say. Are what you guys saying is that I should speak more favorably about a party that I don't favor? I really don't get what you guy's points might be. I'm not stopping anyone from disputing my comments or taking the opposite side, so what exactly is it that you think I should be doing?

And to say that the substance of my criticisms goes no further than to say, "LOL Republicans suck," is absurd.

I suppose that when I pointed out how Trey Gowdy altered Benghazi hearing documents and used his own private email server, that was tantamount to drooling in a cup and mumbling "LOL."

I post a video where Brahm Resnik hands Tyler Bowyer his ass as he cites statistic after statistic that flies in the face of every Republican talking point they use to excuse not funding the AZ school system, but I guess that don't count for shit.

I post quotes and links pointing out tons of batshit crazy things Ben Carson has said, so that I have something to cite should I ever have to question why anyone would support that loony tune, but I guess there was no substance there either.

How many times are you guys going to get caught making some bullshit up about me where I have to point out how you ignored all the substance I have offered in the past?

But no, you go on thinking you two are right and all I ever do is say "LOL Republicans suck."

Sorry, but I beg to differ, and I think I just cited several instances that disprove your personal criticisms of me. And thanks a lot for making this another personal issue against me again, too bad you can't back your bullshit up with facts, though. Way to stay on topic folks, really earned my respect with that genius move...
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Re: Did I watch a Republican Debate tonight or was it a Roas

Post by Ladmo »

I've barely begun checking the fact-checkers from the debate.
Man, this is going to take some time...

Patton Oswalt had some very funny twitter posts though.

http://reverbpress.com/politics/actual- ... on-oswalt/
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Re: Did I watch a Republican Debate tonight or was it a Roas

Post by Ladmo »

LazarusLong wrote:Why Jeb Bush falls short ...

http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/arc ... es/413014/
You know, that whole exchange between Bush and Rubio is emblematic of what I find wrong with the GOP. They're all trying out-Trump Trump. Sorry if this offends anyone, but the clown-car is driving off the rails...
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Re: Did I watch a Republican Debate tonight or was it a Roas

Post by Ladmo »

OE32 wrote:If the GOP actually nominates one of Trump or Carson, they will in effect throw the general election. Can't say it won't happen, though.

I could see a pretty big swing toward Cruz if Carson/Trump supporters start to think twice about their candidate. Dude is angry, evangelical, radical - but also educated, and essentially a professional debater.

But really, none of these people stand a chance against Clinton on a national stage.
I was speaking with the leader of the Arizona Chapter of the Tea Party today, trying to gauge her opinion on last night's fiasco, and trying to see who she thought won, and she told me she had a more positive feeling towards Christie after the debate. She had been a Walker supporter, and since he has been out she hasn't known who to get behind. In fact she's more or less disgusted with the whole party right now. Not as much as the media, though. The standard reply is all about how the media handled the situation. I can agree that this was a farce, in a lot of ways, but I also think it's a bit of a cop out to go there.
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Re: Did I watch a Republican Debate tonight or was it a Roas

Post by Ladmo »

A lot of sources seem to disagree with Fiorina's supposed facts concerning her comments about how many women going jobless during Obama's administration. She don't like that much at all, interesting exchange on CNN where she continues to attack the press.

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Re: Did I watch a Republican Debate tonight or was it a Roas

Post by Ladmo »

The facts I am really concerned with are the platforms and tax plans of the candidates. I might have to wait to really digest the different sources and conclusions until this weekend. Interesting AP video that highlights some fact-checking here.

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Re: Did I watch a Republican Debate tonight or was it a Roas

Post by Ladmo »

And for those of you that don't think I'm "fair and balanced" enough, here's some fact-checking from FOX News...


Here's the thing. I wish most people did as much research politically as I do, and I wish people tried to disseminate the information they gather as much as I do, which is why I think it is patently false, insulting, and even perhaps ignorant to accuse me of ONLY EVER saying that "Republicans suck LOL."

When you start providing some substance, maybe THEN you can judge the substance you ignore from me, not before.
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