Republican Debate #4, 2015/11/10

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Mori Chu
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Republican Debate #4, 2015/11/10

Post by Mori Chu »

Anybody watch this one? Who did well / poorly? Do you like any particular candidate so far?

CNN analysis: ... index.html

FiveThirtyEight: ... tion-2016/

I myself can't take Kasich seriously. I'm also not very interested in Cruz; too hard-line Republican for me. Don't have a good read on how well Trump is doing now; seems to be trying to be a bit nicer and softer, but is it working? Has Carly lost her buzz? Jeb, yawn. I think Rubio's a strong candidate and would make an interesting nominee. Most of the others like Huckabee and Christie I can't take very seriously.

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Re: Republican Debate #4, 2015/11/10

Post by Cap »

What do you like about Rubio?

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Re: Republican Debate #4, 2015/11/10

Post by Superbone »

I'll be honest. I don't like any of them.
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Re: Republican Debate #4, 2015/11/10

Post by Wally_West »

I think Rubio will be the nominee. The hype train for Carson and Trump will end. It is taking a lot longer than I thought it would but that shit has to stop at some point.

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Re: Republican Debate #4, 2015/11/10

Post by Ladmo »

I think Rand Paul hit the nail on the head when he pointed out that the Republican party has lost sight of what they're supposed to be.

I usually enjoy these things, but this one irritated me.

Rand was calling out everyone on the stage for their ridiculous spending increases. There was a FOX News report a week ago stating that every single tax plan of the GOP would cost trillions. Rand Paul is right about one thing, they're not really Conservatives anymore if that's going to be their platforms.

Ben Carson's snippy comments, thanking the moderators for not asking questions about things he said in the 10th grade. I guess he's trying to say all those books he wrote were written by a 10th grader. The easy joke there is to say they were written LIKE they were written by a 10th grader... Pyramids full of grain...

The moderators were busy patting themselves on the back denigrating the CNBC moderators.
While I agree that CNBC went over the line, FOX came off smarmy and full of themselves because they were able to behave with the people they support. [sarcasm]Well, who da'fuck woulda' predicted that?[/sarcasm] Do yourselves a favor, if you did such a great job of moderating, allow someone besides yourselves to talk about how wonderful you are for a change... might show a little backbone...

Trump leading the way, as he usually does, trying to act like everything he does is magically delicious, like the friggin' Lucky Charms Leprechaun... Which led to the big argument of the night over deportation, and how unhinged from reality that idea really is. The only other guy on board with Trump's xenophobic spending spree on our dime was Cruz.

And Cruz, he always comes across like a bad actor playing a part. He might actually believe all the ignorant shit he says, but he comes off as a puppet to me, sorry. He looks like he's reading a goddamn script, very poorly too I might add.

Carly Fiorina and her constant attacks on the Left, saying everything negative is equal to Socialism, meanwhile the only so-called Socialist candidate is a helluva' lot more Conservative with his spending than anyone on that stage. At some point I always hope someone will point out that creating less revenue by cutting taxes and spending the remaining money on building walls and corporate welfare is going to lead to something much worse than the dreaded S-word.

There's an old saying, by the way, "Capitalism without Socialism is Fascism."

Meanwhile, Trump is saying he won't allow wages to get too high.
Who da'fuck is cheering for this kind of bullshit? "YAY! We love being slaves!"
This was a really frustrating debate.

And Kasich was just like freaking out in disbelief, equally frustrated as I am at what has become of his party.

You look at how divisive all their views were on stage that night and you wonder how they can ever agree to a goddamn thing, and they expect anyone to ever believe they could ever lead anything. And yet, the crowd of Righties there just applauds and eats it up.

They did boo several times though, to be fair, like when Trump criticized Fiorina for talking too much. I don't think the audience knew what the fuck was going on either.

But the worst possible thing is when you see people like Rubio, Fiorina, Trump and others, beating the war drums. The night before Veterans day and they talk about creating a no-fly zone where Russian planes fly currently, and how they want to increase spending on the military, when Republicans who've been elected to office continue to make cuts to all sorts of veterans programs, and we currently outspend the next 10 countries put together on our military.

Just completely unhinged from reality.
The hyperbole and the arrogance of these people.
The negativity and lack of respect for even people in their own party.
The unwillingness to discuss differences rationally and deteriorate into pettiness and petulance.

I can't be the only one who's seeing this and wondering how they can survive as a party.
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Re: Republican Debate #4, 2015/11/10

Post by Mori Chu »

Cap wrote:What do you like about Rubio?
I don't like Rubio's politics and wouldn't vote for him. But he's poised, polished, charismatic, and a great speaker/debater. He is also Latino, which would immensely help the GOP in appealing to minority voters.

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