NY Gov. Cuomo scandal

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Re: NY Gov. Cuomo scandal

Post by In2ition »

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Re: NY Gov. Cuomo scandal

Post by Nodack »

In2ition wrote:
Wed Feb 02, 2022 4:29 pm
Idk the answer to these questions. This may not be the end of things at CNN, and just another domino. Sounds like Chris Cuomo is pissed and trying to burn the whole thing down. Hopefully, this is the end of it and they turn things around and become trusted once again.
I didn’t have a problem with trust with them. A sex scandal has nothing to do with me trusting their news. They all have them. FOX News has had a lot of sex scandals. I stopped watching CNN after Trump and their boss got into it and CNN became the anti- Trump channel. I got tired of their slanted news. I didn’t think they were lying. I just thought everything had an anti-Trump theme. I disliked Trump as much as anyone else that saw him for what he is but, I want my news unbiased as much as possible. I watch Racheal Maddow but not really anyone else at MSNBC. I read mostly.

CNN has as much of a chance gaining Republican viewers as FOX does getting Dems. Almost zero chance.

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Re: NY Gov. Cuomo scandal

Post by In2ition »

Nodack wrote:
Thu Feb 03, 2022 2:15 am
In2ition wrote:
Wed Feb 02, 2022 4:29 pm
Idk the answer to these questions. This may not be the end of things at CNN, and just another domino. Sounds like Chris Cuomo is pissed and trying to burn the whole thing down. Hopefully, this is the end of it and they turn things around and become trusted once again.
I didn’t have a problem with trust with them. A sex scandal has nothing to do with me trusting their news. They all have them. FOX News has had a lot of sex scandals. I stopped watching CNN after Trump and their boss got into it and CNN became the anti- Trump channel. I got tired of their slanted news. I didn’t think they were lying. I just thought everything had an anti-Trump theme. I disliked Trump as much as anyone else that saw him for what he is but, I want my news unbiased as much as possible. I watch Racheal Maddow but not really anyone else at MSNBC. I read mostly.

CNN has as much of a chance gaining Republican viewers as FOX does getting Dems. Almost zero chance.
Good on you for wanting your news unbiased as much as possible. But then you say you watch Rachael Maddow? Maddow ran a running dialog on "the walls are closing in" & "bombshell" reports on Trump. She promoted her illegally releasing Trump's tax returns like it was Geraldo Rivera opening up Cappone's vaults. Am I wrong to believe that you were 100% in on everything that was said and believed it with religious fervor?

CNN wasn't lying? Come on, man. You're so much smarter than that. I could give you numerous things that they lied about for months on end. As far as sex scandals, yeah, I kind of think that all the news outlets are filled with shitty people. Do they all have multiple pedos working for them? Idk, but CNN did, and there are probably more to come out. I'm hearing that the Zoom Gone Wild with Jeffery Toobin may have much more to the story. Don Lemon is going to be another one soon, and Cuomo kept all his emails and even has audio recordings that will probably be coming out.
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Re: NY Gov. Cuomo scandal

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I love watching Racheal. Of course she is 100% biased and doesn’t try to hide it. You don’t need to try to damage her rep with me. It won’t work. She is very good at pointing out all the BS Republicans do and of course a Republican would hate that. She occasionally gets things wrong. Most of the time she gets things right, even if it is biased. She won’t be around MSNBC much anymore. She is starting some other projects and will be gone for three months.

CNN is always lying? Yes, point out all the lies they tell. I see them as 100% biased against Republicans but, I don’t see them making up total BS like FOX News. Every time CNN or MSNBC gets something wrong they own it and announce that they got it wrong. They had their own sex scandal on their own front page. FOX News would never do that. I didn’t see FOX News announce that they were lying when they said all the Jan 6th people were BLM and Intifada. They didn’t post a disclaimer after they were busted saying they got it wrong…on purpose.

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Re: NY Gov. Cuomo scandal

Post by In2ition »

Nodack wrote:
Thu Feb 03, 2022 11:05 am
CNN is always lying? Yes, point out all the lies they tell.
Wait, did Fox say it was ALL BLM & Antifa? I'm a bit skeptical of that being the case, but it's true that there were BLM & Antifa there.

Are CNN ALWAYS LYING? No, I do not think they always lie. There will be truths, and then wrapped around a lie.
You are in luck. Jimmy Dore just did a vid on their lies.

Did they not push the Pee Pee tapes? Yeah, that was a lie.
How about the Trump cages? It was based off a picture taken during Obama's administration, and built by Obama's administration.
Outrage about the Covington kid? Heck, they are paying the kid a lot of (undisclosed settlement amount) money, because they lied.
How about the Russian bounties? It never made sense at the time, and then months later we find out is was the Chinese that did the bounties, but that didn't stop them from saying "RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA!!!"
How about Charlottesville, that later Biden claimed that was the reason he came back to run for President? Hat tip, if you listen to the whole sound bite, and not the cut up piece that painted Trump unfairly as RACIST. That was a bold faced lie.
Another was Lafayette park. Remember how it was reported that Trump had the park cleared of protestors by police, just so he could walk across the street to have a photo op? Yeah, it came out that Trump never told anyone to clear out the park, and it was done for another reason, unrelated to Trump.
Hunter Biden's laptop? They reported that ?? number of heads of national security claimed it was Russian disinformation, and they ridiculed anyone that would report it. Turns out it was always true. Yeah, that's another lie.
Remember when they pushed the Jussie Smollett was accosted in a hate crime? Another lie.
Joe Rogan is taking Horse dewormer? Yeah, another lie, and Joe Rogan should sue them.
This is from a long time ago, but remember "Summer of Love" and mostly peaceful protests? $2 billion worth of damages and how many direct deaths? Yeah, they lied again.
Cuomo Covid response? Dude was the best ever...until it was shown he purposefully led many to their death, purposefully and for political reasons and then tried to hide it
Officer Sicknick was killed by the Insurrectionists? Nope, Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick Suffered Two Strokes and Died of Natural Causes, Medical Examiner Rules
Kyle Rittenhouse drove across state lines with guns to commit premeditated murder on 3 black people? Uh, no. That was a lie again, and I'm pretty sure that Kyle is suing them and will probably win.
And on and on. I haven't watched much lately, but happened to see Jim Acosta lying about Tucker Carlson just yesterday, so they are not cleaning up their act, that I can tell.

At what point do you take them lying to you personally and as a reason not to trust them? Because, you've been gaslit so much, you can't possibly have any skin left on you.
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Re: NY Gov. Cuomo scandal

Post by Nodack »

The Pee Pee tapes have never been proven or disproven as far as I know. It was a rumor like Biden pooping his pants. You claim it’s proven fact.

Trump cages? Yes, those were pictures of kids in cages during Obama. Trump had them in the same cages. Were they lying about the kids in cages? As I understood when illegals were arrested for something like bringing in a kilo of cocaine on their possession they were separated from their kids because they aren’t sending their kids to jail too. As I understood Trump was charging everyone who crossed the border of a crime of crossing the border and separated all of them and the US had no system to track who it separated.

Lafayette park? It appeared to everyone that the protesters were cleared so Trump could do his photo op and hold the Bible upside down. It was later found out after an investigation that they didn’t know Trump was going to do his photo op until later and that they don’t know why the park police acted so violently without warning the protesters. They did use tear gas after saying they didn’t. The networks covered the investigation and Trump got to announce he was innocent.

Charlottesville? “Fine people on both sides”? Trump not a racist? Good luck with that.

Jussie Smollett told everyone he was accosted. They reported what he said. It was later found out HE was lying. You blame CNN. Ok.

Joe Rogan said don’t get the vaccine, take Ivermectin instead. Right wingers say it cures Covid. Health officials says it doesn’t. It IS used as a horse dewormer so, were they lying? Go ahead and sue.

Hunter Biden again? Hunter Biden and his laptop are Benghazi to me. I don’t care if you prove Hunter Biden is a serial killer. I get it. If you attack Hunter you hurt Joe Biden. Enjoy.

Cuomo? It was found out that he was a womanizer and his record on Covid was bad. If he was a Republican he would still be in office and defended by FOX. The entire Democratic world dropped Cuomo like a hot potato the nano moment they found out. His brother tried to defended him and was shut down. That makes CNN liars?

Kyle Rittenhouse drove across state lines with guns to commit premeditated murder on 3 black people? He did drive across state lines and did kill 3 people with an assault rifle he paraded around with at a protest. I know you won’t agree with me but, he was looking for trouble and found it. In the Maga universe he is a hero. I dont see him as one.

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Re: NY Gov. Cuomo scandal

Post by In2ition »

I thought we could get some common ground here, as everything is common knowledge now. I honestly don't understand how you can continue to cape for these losers, and act like they are pure as snow. Did you even watch the Jimmy Dore vid? Can you debunk any of the points that he made on their lying? You can't, because they were lying and the truth came out.
Nodack wrote:
Thu Feb 03, 2022 12:54 pm
The Pee Pee tapes have never been proven or disproven as far as I know. It was a rumor like Biden pooping his pants. You claim it’s proven fact.
Nodack, turn the page. They never happened. It was actually based on a story that was told by another politician that happened to him. It's completely fabricated and false and proven it's fake af.
Nodack wrote:
Thu Feb 03, 2022 12:54 pm
Trump cages? Yes, those were pictures of kids in cages during Obama. Trump had them in the same cages. Were they lying about the kids in cages? As I understood when illegals were arrested for something like bringing in a kilo of cocaine on their possession they were separated from their kids because they aren’t sending their kids to jail too. As I understood Trump was charging everyone who crossed the border of a crime of crossing the border and separated all of them and the US had no system to track who it separated.
So if you don't understand the situation, it was a lot of people were trafficking kids that weren't their own. Since human trafficking is much higher money for them than even being mules for drugs. They had to separate them to make sure that they belonged to the people that they were with. You really want kids trafficked? I think Biden does. He kept the cages, made new ones and then lost track of 1/3 of all the migrant children.https://www.axios.com/migrant-children- ... ocialshare They have no idea where they are at now. So the US Government has become the largest human trafficking organization in the world. Just f'n amazing how this is allowed and people are silent about it.
Nodack wrote:
Thu Feb 03, 2022 12:54 pm
Lafayette park? It appeared to everyone that the protesters were cleared so Trump could do his photo op and hold the Bible upside down. It was later found out after an investigation that they didn’t know Trump was going to do his photo op until later and that they don’t know why the park police acted so violently without warning the protesters. They did use tear gas after saying they didn’t. The networks covered the investigation and Trump got to announce he was innocent.
It's the job of the news organizations to make sure that the story was correct. It was pushed, because it worked with their narrative that they wanted. It's lying, no matter how you want to spin it.
Nodack wrote:
Thu Feb 03, 2022 12:54 pm
Charlottesville? “Fine people on both sides”? Trump not a racist? Good luck with that.
Of course, you didn't hear the entire quote. He said immediately that he wasn't talking about the white supremacist's or nazis and said that they should be condemned. That was in the full quote, but once the quote gets cut and the rest of it is dropped off, it looks like he says that the racists are fine people, but he never said that. It's pretty despicable to continue a lie and claim it's still true. But, Joe Biden is a liar and has been probably forever. Remember when he said that he graduated with 2 degrees and the top of his law school class? How about when he plagiarized a speech from the UK? He continues to do it. Just today he said that you couldn't buy a cannon when the 2nd amendment was put in the constitution. Yes, you could buy a whole ship filled with cannons or a bunch of cannons. CNN knew they lied about and continued to lie about it forever. Probably still do.
Nodack wrote:
Thu Feb 03, 2022 12:54 pm
Jussie Smollett told everyone he was accosted. They reported what he said. It was later found out HE was lying. You blame CNN. Ok.
Everyone and their mother knew Smollett was lying when he came out with his story. Hell, Dave Chappell did a whole skit about it. The police knew it didn't add up, yet it was pushed that it was true for a long time, without them even questioning it. Then they continued to do so after it was plainly obvious to anyone with a brain. Kim Fox tried her best to cover for the guy, and it was a conveniently timed story to push Kamal and Corey Booker's anti-lynching bill.
Nodack wrote:
Thu Feb 03, 2022 12:54 pm
Joe Rogan said don’t get the vaccine, take Ivermectin instead. Right wingers say it cures Covid. Health officials says it doesn’t. It IS used as a horse dewormer so, were they lying? Go ahead and sue.
Yes, they were lying. It was prescribed by a Dr. Did you even watch the vid I put in there? Yeah, he should sue, because he was defamed. Once again, this was lying that was pushed and pushed.
Nodack wrote:
Thu Feb 03, 2022 12:54 pm
Hunter Biden again? Hunter Biden and his laptop are Benghazi to me. I don’t care if you prove Hunter Biden is a serial killer. I get it. If you attack Hunter you hurt Joe Biden. Enjoy.
Just say that you have no idea what is on the laptop. It incriminates Joe and his family for dirty business dealings in which they used his political status. Hell, I think that Hunter left the laptops on purpose so that they would get found and he would be set free from having to deal with everything he's been forced to do. I kind of feel sorry for the guy, his dad is a POS.
Nodack wrote:
Thu Feb 03, 2022 12:54 pm
Cuomo? It was found out that he was a womanizer and his record on Covid was bad. If he was a Republican he would still be in office and defended by FOX. The entire Democratic world dropped Cuomo like a hot potato the nano moment they found out. His brother tried to defended him and was shut down. That makes CNN liars?
"If he was a Republican..." just stop, this is juvenile now. They covered for this guy, when everyone knew you don't put the sick back into the nursing homes. Don't say that you didn't know that, because I know you're smarter than that. They were flat lying about the guy and propping him up as the best things since sliced bread.
Nodack wrote:
Thu Feb 03, 2022 12:54 pm
Kyle Rittenhouse drove across state lines with guns to commit premeditated murder on 3 black people? He did drive across state lines and did kill 3 people with an assault rifle he paraded around with at a protest. I know you won’t agree with me but, he was looking for trouble and found it. In the Maga universe he is a hero. I dont see him as one.
He didn't kill 3 people, it was 2, let alone anyone black. He wasn't looking for trouble, as was shown in the trial. And he didn't go across state lines with the guns. Everything that they portrayed him as was false. He will most likely win any defamation suite against CNN, because....wait for it...THEY WERE LYING!!!
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Re: NY Gov. Cuomo scandal

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Re: NY Gov. Cuomo scandal

Post by Mori Chu »

We've strayed a bit from the thread topic, which is Cuomo's scandal and resignation. I think the big picture here is that, yes, Cuomo was a scumbag, he got caught, and it's good that he's gone. I don't see Dems trying to rally behind the guy or defend him. And now, Zucker seems to also be a scumbag and is also gone. And again, Dems / media folks don't seem to be rushing to his defense.

If your takeaway here is that Dems are all scumbags, please note that generally speaking, when a scumbag emerges from within the ranks, the party roundly rejects and expels him. (Notable exceptions exist, such as Bill Clinton.) I do not see similar rigor among the GOP to hold their own accountable.

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Re: NY Gov. Cuomo scandal

Post by In2ition »

Health agency under Cuomo 'misled public' on nursing home deaths

Under ex-governor Andrew Cuomo, New York's health agency undercounted at least 4,100 Covid-related nursing home deaths, according to a state audit.

The New York health department "misled the public", said state comptroller Thomas DiNapoli in his 58-page report.

Mr Cuomo last year admitted to a "delay" in reporting but did not apologise.

The politician, a Democrat, resigned in August after an inquiry found he sexually harassed multiple women.

Mr Cuomo has repeatedly denied the sexual harassment allegations against him. In January, prosecutors in New York dropped a groping charge against the former governor, saying the accuser was "credible" but there was not enough evidence to bring the case to court.

In the early days of the pandemic, Mr Cuomo was lauded for his handling of the pandemic after New York experienced one of the worst initial covid outbreaks in the country. In October 2020, he published American Crisis, a book of "leadership lessons" from that time.

It was later revealed that during his administration, the state health department had significantly undercounted nursing home deaths. This new report, released on Tuesday, marks the third state inquiry into how Mr Cuomo's administration failed to be transparent about the true tally.

"The public was misled by those at the highest level of state government through distortion and suppression of the facts when New Yorkers deserved the truth," Mr DiNapoli said in a statement.
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Re: NY Gov. Cuomo scandal

Post by Mori Chu »

The fact that Cuomo is trying to make a comeback in public life is completely ridiculous. That guy is toxic, and he'll never come remotely close to holding elected office ever again. He should take a hint and call it a career, in terms of elected office.

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Re: NY Gov. Cuomo scandal

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He needs to lose badly in an election first.

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Re: NY Gov. Cuomo scandal

Post by Mori Chu »

Nodack wrote:
Sat Mar 19, 2022 10:40 am
He needs to lose badly in an election first.
I doubt he'd even get out of a primary. The Democratic voters won't nominate him after everything that's come out.

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