Trump's Muslim ban

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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by Flagrant Fowl »

It definitely feels like it when they put out stuff like that.

Just like mainstream media, I think you have to filter through the riffraff, but occasionally there are some gems of information and perspective.
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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by In2ition »

carey wrote:Is Info Wars like The Onion? They published a piece yesterday saying Lady Gaga's halftime show was going to be a satanic ritual.
No, it's not like the Onion. They do believe very strongly that Lady Gaga has participated in and is very involved in Satanic worship. He did predict what the halftime show would look like, but his interpretation of what it symbolizes is up for debate. I do have to shake my head at some of the stuff they put out there.
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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by Mori Chu »

It saddens me that people actually read Info Wars and try to extract factual information from it.

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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by In2ition »

Marty [Mori Chu] wrote:It saddens me that people actually read Info Wars and try to extract factual information from it.
It saddens me that media has become so biased that it suppresses news or makes things up to support the story they are trying to push, which forces people to see through the bs and find other ways of getting the real information, even if they have to sift through some garbage. A lot of people just buy the bs from msm and others buy the garbage from alt media. Don't worry Marty, they will start suppressing the media that they don't want you to hear or the opinion and pov that they don't agree with.
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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by Nodack »

What news are they making up or surrpressing?

I watch CNN the most and believe they have a liberal bias but, I don't see them making up news or suppressing news. I don't see how any news stays completely unbiased against Trump when the he constantly attacks their credability and calls them fake news. I let myself decide and CNN has a lot more credability than Trump at this point on my scorecard. Trumps camp makes up stuff every single day that is clearly not true whether CNN or whoever reports it or not.

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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by In2ition »

Nodack wrote:What news are they making up or surrpressing?

I watch CNN the most and believe they have a liberal bias but, I don't see them making up news or suppressing news. I don't see how any news stays completely unbiased against Trump when the he constantly attacks their credability and calls them fake news. I let myself decide and CNN has a lot more credability than Trump at this point on my scorecard. Trumps camp makes up stuff every single day that is clearly not true whether CNN or whoever reports it or not.

"Remember the Bowling Green massacre!"
Wasn't that a misspeak? Obviously there was no massacre, but there were Bowling Green terrorists.

There was a lot of stuff, I'm surprised that you haven't seen this or realized it yourself.
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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by Indy »

In2ition wrote:
Nodack wrote:What news are they making up or surrpressing?

I watch CNN the most and believe they have a liberal bias but, I don't see them making up news or suppressing news. I don't see how any news stays completely unbiased against Trump when the he constantly attacks their credability and calls them fake news. I let myself decide and CNN has a lot more credability than Trump at this point on my scorecard. Trumps camp makes up stuff every single day that is clearly not true whether CNN or whoever reports it or not.

"Remember the Bowling Green massacre!"
Wasn't that a misspeak? Obviously there was no massacre, but there were Bowling Green terrorists.

There was a lot of stuff, I'm surprised that you haven't seen this or realized it yourself.
If by misspeak you mean she meant to say people plotting a crime and instead had "massacre" and also said they were taking innocent soldiers lives, all by a slip of the tongue, sure. But she also repeated the exact same phrasing in two other interviews in the run up to that TV interview. It was not a misspeak. It could have been a mistake, like she actually believed there was a massacre that happened to the solider in Bowling Green. If that is the case, that is really scary, since a person in her position should know if a terror attack actually occurred. If it wasn't a mistake, and she meant to say that, then it is even scarier.

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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by carey »

If you truly believe she misspoke I have a bridge to sell you.
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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by In2ition »

Indy wrote:
In2ition wrote:
Nodack wrote:What news are they making up or surrpressing?

I watch CNN the most and believe they have a liberal bias but, I don't see them making up news or suppressing news. I don't see how any news stays completely unbiased against Trump when the he constantly attacks their credability and calls them fake news. I let myself decide and CNN has a lot more credability than Trump at this point on my scorecard. Trumps camp makes up stuff every single day that is clearly not true whether CNN or whoever reports it or not.

"Remember the Bowling Green massacre!"
Wasn't that a misspeak? Obviously there was no massacre, but there were Bowling Green terrorists.

There was a lot of stuff, I'm surprised that you haven't seen this or realized it yourself.
If by misspeak you mean she meant to say people plotting a crime and instead had "massacre" and also said they were taking innocent soldiers lives, all by a slip of the tongue, sure. But she also repeated the exact same phrasing in two other interviews in the run up to that TV interview. It was not a misspeak. It could have been a mistake, like she actually believed there was a massacre that happened to the solider in Bowling Green. If that is the case, that is really scary, since a person in her position should know if a terror attack actually occurred. If it wasn't a mistake, and she meant to say that, then it is even scarier.
Idk, I guess it doesn't matter. Either way, we're all screwed.
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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by Nodack »

I don't know what she meant. She didn't say the truth, which happens a lot with her and Trump. It could have been an honest mistake. After so many of them it get's a little suspicious.

I know I am hard on Trump. I think he deserves it. He showed a complete lack of respect for so many people while trying to get elected and has been so dishonest about just about everything he says that I myself have zero respect for the guy. When he and his team comes out with fabricated stories and tries to use them to cause fear it pisses me off.

Trump is so mad that people are disrespecting him. It really chaps his hide. He doesn't think that is fair or right that they should be allowed to do that to the President of the US. Did he not notice that he spent the last eight years disrespecting Obama. He was the king of the birther movement. He has said a lot of nasty things about Obama and pretty much every person who ever worked for the government in any capacity was insulted at least once by Trump. Now he expects... no, he demands respect. You earn respect. It seems to me that if you want people to respect you you have to start by respecting them first.

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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

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President Trump, in another broadside against the news media, on Monday accused "the dishonest press" of failing to report terrorist attacks.

Speaking to troops at MacDill Air Force Base in Florida, the headquarters of the U.S. Central Command, Trump cited a series of recent attacks and then added, "It's gotten to a point where it's not even reported, and in many cases the very, very dishonest press doesn't even want to report it."

Trump told the troops that the media "have their reasons, and you understand that," but didn't elaborate beyond that.

Trump initially cited no examples of the media's failure to report terrorist attacks. Onboard Air Force One as he returned to Washington with the president, press secretary Sean Spicer said terrorist attacks "aren't exactly covered to a degree on which they should be" and said they would release a full list of examples soon.

Late Monday evening, the White House did just that. According to a White House official, the point they were trying to make "is that these terrorists attacks are so pervasive at this point that they do not spark the wall-to-wall coverage they once did."

"If you look back just a few years ago, any one of these attacks would have been ubiquitous in every news outlet, and now they're happening so often...that networks are not devoting to each of them the same level of coverage they once did," the administration official continued.

Politifact rated Trump's claim as "Pants on Fire," writing that they "found no support for the idea that the media is hushing up terrorist attacks on U.S. or European soil. The media may sometimes be cautious about assigning religious motivation to a terrorist attack when the facts are unclear or still being investigated. But that's not the same as covering them up through lack of coverage. There is plenty of coverage of in the American media of terrorist attacks

Another example of Trump making shit up. Stand in front of our military and attack the press for being dishonest, lying right to their faces. Oh, sorry, not a lie, s "Alternate facts" once again.

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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by Nodack »

War crime? Perhaps a little over dramatic but,

US embassy relocation to Jerusalem 'a war crime' ... 49859.html

If the Trump's White House approves the relocation, it would overturn decades of international consensus on Jerusalem.

The message to the Palestinians and Arab world would be clear and provocative, said Nabil Shaath, a senior Palestinian official and former Palestinian foreign minister.

"Moving the embassy is the same as recognising Jerusalem as Israel's united capital. It's a war crime," he told Al Jazeera.

"There's no way we or the Arab world could accept it. It would mean the end of the US as the broker of the peace process. We would fight back and mobilise the rest of the world against the move."

The Israeli army has been advising the government of Benjamin Netanyahu on the possible fallout too, according to a report last week in the Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth. A change of address would be seen as a US green light for Israel to extend its sovereignty over the city and its holy places, including the al-Aqsa mosque, in the view of Israeli military intelligence.

Reactions could include mass protests from the Islamic movements inside Israel; riots in the occupied Palestinian territories and neighbouring states such as Jordan, which is the official guardian of al-Aqsa; and the collapse of Mahmoud Abbas' Palestinian Authority.

The Israeli army believes the move also risks inflaming the wider Muslim world and increasing the threat of terror attacks against Israeli and Jewish sites around the world.

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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by Nodack »

These guys want to impeach Trump already.

Legal Scholars: Why Congress Should Impeach Donald Trump
It has been widely acknowledged that, upon swearing the Oath of Office, President Donald Trump would be in direct violation of the foreign-emoluments clause of the U.S. Constitution.
Never heard of the foreign-emoluments clause? You’re not alone. It’s tucked away in Article I, Section 9, of the Constitution. It's clause number 8. It states, in pertinent part: "... no person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under [the United States], shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office or Title of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State.”

This clause was included in the Articles of Confederation and, later, in the Constitution itself. It was borne out of the Framers’ obsession with preventing in the newly minted United States the sort of corruption that dominated 17th and 18th century foreign politics and governments — characterized by gift-giving, back-scratching, foreign interference in other countries and transactions that might not lead to corruption but, nonetheless, could give the appearance of impropriety.

The Trump Organization does or has done business in Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Panama, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, St. Martin, St. Vincent, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and Uruguay. And, while serving as President, Trump, through his interest in the Trump Organization, will continue to receive monetary and other benefits from these foreign powers and their agents.
Examples of existing business arrangements that constitute violations of the foreign-emoluments clause include: China’s state-owned Industrial and Commercial Bank of China is the largest tenant in Trump Tower, and the state-owned Bank of China is a major lender to Trump. Trump’s business partner in Trump Tower Century City in Manila, Philippines is Century Properties, which is run by Jose Antonio, who was just named special envoy to the United States by the president of the Philippines. Further, many Trump Organization projects abroad require foreign government permits and approvals, which amount to substantial financial benefits that also constitute foreign emoluments.

Worse, taking the position that the foreign-emoluments clause doesn’t even apply to him, Trump has stated that: “I can be President of the United States and run my business 100 percent, sign checks on my business.” And: “The law is totally on my side, meaning, the president can’t have a conflict of interest.”

To address this unprecedented corruption of the Oval Office and this threat to our Constitution and our democracy, we believe Congress must move forward now with an impeachment investigation of President Trump. More than 575,000 people from across the country have already called for this, joining a new campaign launched moments after President Trump took the Oath of Office. The President’s possible conflicts of interest have become increasingly apparent.

In the meantime, instead of starting to “make America great again,” the 45th President should read the Constitution and “make the President honest again.”After all, he swore to uphold the Constitution.

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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by SDC »

Merkel offers cash handouts worth millions of pounds for migrants to return home in an embarrassing U-turn ... z4YMuyQcGF

Merkel creates "exit centers" to defuse political pressure ... lin-attack

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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by SDC »

this isnt normal, indonesia.

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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by SDC »

300 of Obama's refugees part of FBI terror investigations!

Let that sink in...

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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by Mori Chu »

Refugees are statistically less likely to commit crimes or acts of terror than native American-born citizens.

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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by SDC »

Marty [Mori Chu] wrote:Refugees are statistically less likely to commit crimes or acts of terror than native American-born citizens.
the paris attacks where done by at least 3 terrorists pretending to be syrian refugees.

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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by Mori Chu »

Muslim Ban #2 is being struck down by judges in Hawaii and Maryland. Yay! ... ing-236086 ... gers-today

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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by Nodack »

So called judges.


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