Stormy Daniels

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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Nodack »

A war started by the word of a taxi driver in Bagdad who wanted out and was willing to make up a story about Saddams mobile WMD labs. The British interviewed him and thought his story was BS but, passed it on to the Americans anyway. The Americans never interviewed the guy but, GWB and Co. used it as their iron clad evidence to justify going to war.

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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Superbone »

Marty [Mori Chu] wrote:A war got George W Bush re-elected. "Don't want to change leaders in the middle of a war!"
If a war is what it takes to keep Trump's TV ratings up, a war is what we'll get.
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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Nodack »

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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by ShelC »

Just my opinion, but it doesn't seem like many Americans want us involved in Syria or even care at this point. It's tragic what's happening to the innocent Syrians, but also tragic what's happening in other countries like Yemen. I've seen articles pop up in the last few days against Assad in major newspapers that really scream propaganda. I find it odd that a week ago Trump was saying we were going to pull out of Syria and all of a sudden there's a chemical attack. Then you dig deeper and a month ago 4 star General Joseph Votel told Congress it was fair to say Assad's "won" the civil war with the help of Russia and Iran. If that's the case, why the attack by Assad? You start to wonder if the rebels or other "actors" in the region who want the war to keep going and get other countries involved in a larger scale may have perpetrated the attack. There are so many proxy groups, so much misinformation, so little access to the region that you don't know who is who and what info is legit. If we attacked the chemical facilities, regardless of who they belonged to or were used by, you'd hope that's a good thing as it's a limited strike and doesn't involve a larger conflict that could result in troops on the ground. And hopefully we've learned our lesson in removing bad guys like Saddam and Ghaddafi, who as terrible as they were, offered some stability in their country and the region. I understand the previous admin's concern that getting involved in Syria really wasn't our battle to fight and taking out Assad would probably only lead to more chaos, instablity in the region and years of nation building; otherwise, you end up with another shitshow that could lead to ISIS like groups taking over the territory.

The main concern needs to be Russia and Iran's influence. How do we keep them out of the region and decrease their power and influence without taking out these country's leaders, being involved on the ground and going head to head with them?

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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Mori Chu »

I'm just surprised by how many people seem to be pro-war. Bombing other countries is bad. We should do it only if absolutely, absolutely necessary. I don't think this qualifies. I especially think the US should just generally stay completely out of affairs in the Middle East, unless there's some huge UN decision to exercise military force and we're part of it. Stay away, no matter who's President (but especially if the Prez is a bit off his rocker).

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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by In2ition »

Yeah, I'm as a rule against bombing other countries that we aren't in a war against. I'm not totally sold the story we are getting is the real one. It always makes me a little nervous when it's being reported that it is a unanimous decision to bomb them.
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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Indy »

Bombing them is an act of war, no different than when Obama did it. You don't start wars. And you don't keep peace by "surgical strikes." That just creates more (deserved) hate for the US, as we continue to meddle in affairs that are not our own. The US has been doing this for over 100 years and you reap what you sow.

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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Nodack »

At this point in time there is so much propaganda everywhere that you cannot tell who is telling the truth. Did Syria use chemical weapons on their own people again or was it somebody else trying to frame them in order to get the US/UK/France involved? Russia is a big player in all of this and tensions between them and the West have escalated in the past several years. It has been reported that Russia has men on the ground in Syria fighting as well.

We attacked known chemical weapons sites? Syria said they had no chemical weapons sites under Obama. Then we bombed them after an attack and Syria came clean and said they did have chemical weapons and under an agreement would destroy all of their chemical weapons. Now there is another chemical attack and we bomb their chemical weapon making facilities? If we knew those places were chemical weapons facilities before, why did no one mention it? The whole thing is fishy across all sides. I certainly dn’t know what to believe.

I don’t think Trump really cares about Syria or what happens there. I doubt he could find it on a map. I think he was talked i to striking Syria because it would distract America from the FBI investigation and maybe prop up his poll numbers. I also wonder, Trump has been praising Russia and Putin for a long time and held off sanctions as long as he could. Some have reported/speculated that Russia has a lot of dirt on him such as financing his golf courses and pee pee tapes etc. With new sanctions going through, us bombing Syria signaling and end to praising Russia could Russia decide to go after Trump and release whatever incriminating dirt they have on him at some point?

Trump released several insulting Tweets during Obama’s Presidency telling Obama that he would be foolish to attack Syria in response to their chemical attacks and said that if Obama does decide to attack that he must get Congressional approval first. Trump attacks avter a chemical attack and doesn’t get Congressional approval first. Do as I say, not as I do just like Obama was a horrible President because he golfed sometimes according to Trump. Trump claimed he would never golf as President and then sets a golfing record.

On a sort of unrelated note, China has been beefing up their military and are about to launch their second aircraft carrier. They just ran their largest naval drills ever near Taiwan simulating an invasion of Taiwan. Their leader is very popular and they just changed their Constitution to allow him to stay in power indefinitely. China is building up and I think we should worry a little bit.

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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by carey »

China doesn't need to build their military because of the U.S. They could decimate our economy whenever they want.
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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Nodack »

How so?

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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Nodack »

Was just checking out Pravda, a Russian news site and reading their headlines. They sure are obsessed with the US.

Washington officials claim Russia attacked American military men in Syria ... a_syria-0/

Russia ready for military operation in Syria, warns of catastrophic consequences
See more at ... _attack-0/

USA's 'stupid missiles' ensure major victories for Russia on many fronts
See more at ... 2-syria-0/

Will Americans sacrifice one of their warships to start a major war?
See more at ... mentary-0/

Six reasons why Putin's victory has frightened the West
See more at ... lection-0/

Russia furious about aggression of USA and allies against Syria
See more at ... _attack-0/

Animal Trump hides behind Syrian children to kill them
See more at ... /140696-0/

SWIFT refuses to cut Russia off, even if Washington insists
See more at ... a_swift-0/

Pentagon's goal in the Middle East is to trigger major war between Israel and Iran
See more at ... le_east-0/

America always thirsty for more blood that even children can shed
See more at ... hooting-0/

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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Mori Chu »

Trump calls in to Fox & Friends for a lengthy impromptu phone call, and he may have jeopardized his standing in his various investigations with some of his comments. You can't make this stuff up. ... s-problems

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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Indy »

I can't believe there is nobody in his organization that can talk to him. It is so strange. Probably explains why nearly all of his ventures has ended in a bankruptcy filing.

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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Mori Chu »

A comedienne named Michelle Wolf did a stand-up comedy routine at the White House Correspondents' Dinner tonight. In it she roasted Trump, his administration, the media, and more. She got a lot of attention in particular for biting jokes about Sarah Huckabee Sanders.


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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by ShelC »

I've seen her before, can't remember where. She had some good jokes and of course the Rs are up in arms now.

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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Mori Chu »

She was pretty vicious. But I mean, the GOP calls others "snowflakes" when they get offended by anything. So I think they can take being roasted once a year.

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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by ShelC »

She was vicious for sure and maybe crossed the line of etiquette for that event in a sense. But if you're gonna do it, go for it! I think the media is on the defensive now because she went at them, and rightfully so.

The right calls people of the left snowflakes and libtards. And Trump's attacked everyone in every which way - Cruz's wife over her looks, the disabled reporter, and Chuck Todd are 3 of like several hundred. For the Rs to be acting righteous is the biggest joke of all.

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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Nodack »

Marty [Mori Chu] wrote:She was pretty vicious. But I mean, the GOP calls others "snowflakes" when they get offended by anything. So I think they can take being roasted once a year.

Trump cannot take being roasted ever by anybody. He went to his safe place instead surrounded by those who adore him.

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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Superbone »

Wow, the jokes about Sanders were so awkward with her sitting right there and her watching stone faced.
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Re: Stormy Daniels

Post by Flagrant Fowl »

I particularly enjoyed her jabs at CNN.
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