Too Much and Never Enough Mary L. Trump

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Too Much and Never Enough Mary L. Trump

Post by Nodack »

I started reading this book and copied some quotes.

“The Apprentice traded on Donald’s image as the brash, self-made dealmaker, a myth that had been the creation of my grandfather five decades earlier and that astonishingly, considering the vast trove of evidence disproving it, had survived into the new millennium almost entirely unaltered. By the time Donald announced his run for the Republican Party nomination in 2015, a significant percentage of the American population had been primed to believe that myth. To this day, the lies, misrepresentations, and fabrications that are the sum total of who my uncle is are perpetuated by the Republican Party and white evangelical Christians.”

“I have no problem calling Donald a narcissist—he meets all nine criteria as outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)—but the label gets us only so far.”

“A case could be made that he also meets the criteria for antisocial personality disorder, which in its most severe form is generally considered sociopathy but can also refer to chronic criminality, arrogance, and disregard for the rights of others.”

“Donald may also meet some of the criteria for dependent personality disorder, the hallmarks of which include an inability to make decisions or take responsibility, discomfort with being alone, and going to excessive lengths to obtain support from others.”

“The fact is, Donald’s pathologies are so complex and his behaviors so often inexplicable that coming up with an accurate and comprehensive diagnosis would require a full battery of psychological and neuropsychological tests that he’ll never sit for. At this point, we can’t evaluate his day-to-day functioning because he is, in the West Wing, essentially institutionalized. Donald has been institutionalized for most of his adult life, so there is no way to know how he would thrive, or even survive, on his own in the real world.”

The out-of-control COVID-19 pandemic, the possibility of an economic depression, deepening social divides along political lines thanks to Donald’s penchant for division, and devastating uncertainty about our country’s future have created a perfect storm of catastrophes that no one is less equipped than my uncle to manage. Doing so would require courage strength of character, deference to experts, and the confidence to take responsibility and to course correct after admitting mistakes.

His ability to control unfavorable situations by lying, spinning, and obfuscating has diminished to the point of impotence in the midst of the tragedies we are currently facing. His egregious and arguably intentional mishandling of the current catastrophe has led to a level of pushback and scrutiny that he’s never experienced before, increasing his belligerence and need for petty revenge as he withholds vital funding, personal protective equipment, and ventilators that your tax dollars have paid for from states whose governors don’t kiss his ass sufficiently.”

“The atmosphere of division my grandfather created in the Trump family is the water in which Donald has always swum, and division continues to benefit him at the expense of everybody else. It’s wearing the country down, just as it did my father, changing us even as it leaves Donald unaltered. It’s weakening our ability to be kind or believe in forgiveness, concepts that have never had any meaning for him.”

“By the time this book is published, hundreds of thousands of American lives will have been sacrificed on the altar of Donald’s hubris and willful ignorance. If he is afforded a second term, it would be the end of American democracy.
No one knows how Donald came to be who he is better than his own family. Unfortunately, almost all of them remain silent out of loyalty or fear. I’m not hindered by either of those.”

“I hope this book will end the practice of referring to Donald’s “strategies” or “agendas,” as if he operates according to any organizing principles. He doesn’t.”

“Donald’s ego has been and is a fragile and inadequate barrier between him and the real world, which, thanks to his father’s money and power, he never had to negotiate by himself. Donald has always needed to perpetuate the fiction my grandfather started that he is strong, smart, and otherwise extraordinary, because facing the truth—that he is none of those things—is too terrifying for him to contemplate.
Donald, following the lead of my grandfather and with the complicity, silence, and inaction of his siblings, destroyed my father. I can’t let him destroy my country.”

“Donald’s displays of confidence, his belief that society’s rules didn’t apply to him, and his exaggerated display of self-worth drew some people to him. A large minority of people still confuse his arrogance for strength, his false bravado for accomplishment, and his superficial interest in them for charisma.”

“By the time he was twelve, the right side of his mouth was curled up in an almost perpetual sneer of self-conscious superiority”

Excerpt From
Too Much and Never Enough
Mary L. Trump

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Re: Too Much and Never Enough Mary L. Trump

Post by Superbone »

Thanks for the read. It matches with what I've observed for the past 4 years. (I never paid attention to him before that. And I never will again.)
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Re: Too Much and Never Enough Mary L. Trump

Post by ShelC »

There's nothing that will change anyone's minds if they're a Trump supporter at this point. That much I'm convinced of. Maybe the corona response put a dent in things, but these books, stories, leaks are just "fake news" and attempts at character assassination with regards to his base.

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Re: Too Much and Never Enough Mary L. Trump

Post by Indy »

ShelC wrote:
Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:59 am
There's nothing that will change anyone's minds if they're a Trump supporter at this point. That much I'm convinced of. Maybe the corona response put a dent in things, but these books, stories, leaks are just "fake news" and attempts at character assassination with regards to his base.
I think the only thing that could change minds is some of the families of the dead. Not a lot of them, but some. Considering so many are dead (and will die) in Florida, it could hurt him in that state (and their 29 EVs).

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Re: Too Much and Never Enough Mary L. Trump

Post by Mori Chu »

I haven't bought that book and don't plan to read it. I feel like it's just a total unload, a chance to bash the guy. I hate Trump more than just about anybody, but I don't see the point of reading hundreds of pages of loathing for the guy like the quotes you described. I also don't like when people, especially non-doctors, try to remotely diagnose the guy as having various psychological disorders.

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Re: Too Much and Never Enough Mary L. Trump

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She does have a PhD in psychology

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Re: Too Much and Never Enough Mary L. Trump

Post by Nodack »

Having a PhD in Psychology and being a close relative makes her an expert. She doesn’t just bash Trump in the book. She details the entire family history all the way from Germany.

She talks about her father Freddy more than anyone else. He was supposed to be his father’s right hand man and heir to the throne but, he was a total disappointment. He was a nice guy who wasn’t interested in the family business and that infuriated their father. He married a stewardess and that infuriated their father. He said screw it and did what he loved, being a pilot. He quit the family business and became one of the first commercial pilots for TWA. He was well respected by his peers and in the late fifties being a commercial pilot was almost like being an astronaut as far as fame goes. His father Fred had zero respect. “You’re just a bus driver in the air.” Nothing he did earned the respect of his father and he started drinking heavily. Eventually his drinking cost him his job and he came crawling back to dad who gave him a meaningless job and made him live in one of their apartments dad owned. Dad made sure that the Superintendent didn’t fix anything in the apartment. He tried to buy a house and Trump senior made sure he didn’t get the loan.

Fred senior the dad was just like Donald Trump and Donald learned early that dad wanted a ruthless fighter as a son and Donald learned to be that guy to get his fathers respect. He did the opposite of his older brother Freddy and his father rewarded him. He was belligerent, didn’t listen to anyone, started fights, bullied people. They eventually sent him to military school to straighten him out some. He was picked on and bullied but, soon figured out the system and by the time he was a senior was one of the top guys and leading the bully brigade.

Mary puts most of the blame on her grandfather Fred. He had no empathy for anyone and everything Donald Trump is today is a result of his cruel father and a F’ed up childhood. Donald was rewarded for being an ass and his brother Freddy was punished his entire life for not being a ruthless ass.
Last edited by Nodack on Wed Jul 15, 2020 9:51 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Too Much and Never Enough Mary L. Trump

Post by Indy »

Nodack wrote:
Wed Jul 15, 2020 9:45 am
Having a PHD in Psychology and being a close relative makes her an expert. She doesn’t just bash Trump in the book. She details the entire family history all the way from Germany.

She talks about her father Freddy more than anyone else. He was supposed to be his father’s right hand man and heir to the throne but, he was a total disappointment. He was a nice guy who wasn’t interested in the family business and that infuriated their father. He married a stewardess and that infuriated their father. He said screw it and did what he loved, being a pilot. He quit the family business and became one of the first commercial pilots for TWA. He was well respected by his peers and in the late fifties being a commercial pilot was almost like being an astronaut as far as fame goes. His father Fred had zero respect. “You’re just a bus driver in the air.” Nothing he did earned the respect of his father and he started drinking heavily. Eventually his drinking cost him his job and he came crawling back to dad who gave him a meaningless job and made him live in one of their apartments dad owned. Dad made sure that the Superintendent didn’t fix anything in the apartment. He tried to buy a house and Trump senior made aure he didn’t get the loan.

Fred senior the dad was just like Donald Trump and Donald learned early that dad wanted a ruthless fighter as a son and Donald learned to be that guy to get his fathers respect. He did the opposite of his older brother Freddy and his father rewarded him. He was belligerent, didn’t listen to anyone, started fights, bullied people. They eventually sent him to military school to straighten him out some. He was picked on and bullied but, soon figured out the system and by the time he was a senior was one of the top guys.

Mary puts most of the blame on her grandfather Fred. He had no empathy for anyone and everything Donald Trump is today is a result of his cruel father and a F’ed up childhood. Donald was rewarded for being an ass and his brother Freddy was punished his entire life for not being a ruthless ass.
So Freddy really was Fredo. :lol:

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Re: Too Much and Never Enough Mary L. Trump

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<Drum crash>

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Re: Too Much and Never Enough Mary L. Trump

Post by Superbone »

Mori Chu wrote:
Wed Jul 15, 2020 8:46 am
I haven't bought that book and don't plan to read it. I feel like it's just a total unload, a chance to bash the guy. I hate Trump more than just about anybody, but I don't see the point of reading hundreds of pages of loathing for the guy like the quotes you described. I also don't like when people, especially non-doctors, try to remotely diagnose the guy as having various psychological disorders.
I don't like it when people don't know what they're talking about. ;) She's got a PhD in clinical psychology.
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Re: Too Much and Never Enough Mary L. Trump

Post by Indy »

Superbone wrote:
Wed Jul 15, 2020 11:50 am
Mori Chu wrote:
Wed Jul 15, 2020 8:46 am
I haven't bought that book and don't plan to read it. I feel like it's just a total unload, a chance to bash the guy. I hate Trump more than just about anybody, but I don't see the point of reading hundreds of pages of loathing for the guy like the quotes you described. I also don't like when people, especially non-doctors, try to remotely diagnose the guy as having various psychological disorders.
I don't like it when people don't know what they're talking about. ;) She's got a PhD in clinical psychology.

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Re: Too Much and Never Enough Mary L. Trump

Post by Mori Chu »

I didn't phrase my message well. I didn't mean that Mary Trump is not a doctor. I meant that I especially don't like it when random people on Twitter who have no medical training try to diagnose personality disorders of politicians and celebs. It's certainly more credible a diagnosis when it comes from a psychologist who is a family member. Clearly she knows Donald Trump well and is an intelligent and articulate person who can express herself well.

Her opinions about his mental and psychological state are probably mostly as valid as you can get without an official diagnosis, so they do carry some weight. But I don't like trying to diagnose him if it's not done by a proper way by somebody who has actually tested him in whatever way is appropriate to make such a diagnosis.

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Re: Too Much and Never Enough Mary L. Trump

Post by Nodack »

“The fact is, Donald’s pathologies are so complex and his behaviors so often inexplicable that coming up with an accurate and comprehensive diagnosis would require a full battery of psychological and neuropsychological tests that he’ll never sit for.“
She does have an axe to grind. She blames Trumps dad and Trump for her fathers demise.

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Re: Too Much and Never Enough Mary L. Trump

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President Trump's 'dysfunctional' upbringing created 'dangerous situation' for America, niece claims
Mary Trump says Donald and siblings were taught to view people as "expendable." ... d=71788912

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Re: Too Much and Never Enough Mary L. Trump

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“As the bankruptcies and embarrassments mounted, Donald was confronted for the first time with the limits of his ability to talk or threaten his way out of a problem. Always adept at finding an escape hatch, he seems to have come up with a plan to betray his father and steal vast sums of money from his siblings. He secretly approached two of my grandfather’s longest-serving employees, Irwin Durben, his lawyer, and Jack Mitnick, his accountant, and enlisted them to draft a codicil to my grandfather’s will that would put Donald in complete control of Fred’s estate, including the empire and all its holdings, after he died. Maryanne, Elizabeth, and Robert would effectively be at Donald’s financial mercy, dependent on his approval for the smallest transaction.
As Gam later told Maryanne, when Irwin and Jack went to the House to have Fred sign the codicil, they presented the document as if it had been Fred’s idea all along. My grandfather, who was having one of his more lucid days, sensed that something was not right, although he couldn’t say exactly what. He angrily refused to sign. After Irwin and Jack left, Fred conveyed his concerns to his wife. My grandmother immediately called her oldest child to explain what had happened as best she “could. In short, she said, “it simply didn’t pass the smell test.”
Maryanne, with her background as a prosecutor, had limited knowledge of trusts and estates. She asked her husband, John Barry, a well-known and respected attorney in New Jersey, to recommend someone who could help, and he asked one of his colleagues to look into the situation. It didn’t take long for Donald’s scheme to be uncovered. As a result, my grandfather’s entire will was rewritten, replacing one he had written in 1984, and Maryanne, Donald, and Robert were all named as executors. In addition, a new standard was put into place: whatever Fred gave Donald, he would have to give an equal amount to each of the other three children.”

“Maryanne would say years later, “We would have been penniless. Elizabeth would have been begging on a street corner. We would have had to beg Donald if we wanted a cup of coffee.” It was “sheer luck” that they had stopped the scheme. Yet the siblings still got together every holiday as though nothing had happened.”

Excerpt From
Too Much and Never Enough
Mary L. Trump

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Re: Too Much and Never Enough Mary L. Trump

Post by Indy »

he is doing that to this country and there are way too many Irwins and Jacks, and not enough Freds, Maryannes, or Johns.

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Re: Too Much and Never Enough Mary L. Trump

Post by Nodack »

Mary Trump records Trumps sister the judge talking about Donald. ... n-secretly

Trumps sister Maryanne on Trumps Immigration policies.

“All he wants to do is appeal to his base,” Barry reportedly said in the audio. “He has no principles. None. None. And his base, I mean my God, if you were a religious person, you want to help people. Not do this.”

Barry continued saying that Trump “hasn’t read my immigration opinions” if he thinks she would be his ally on the border, adding that “he doesn’t read” in general. The president’s sister said she disagreed with “what they’re doing with kids at the border”.

In Mary Trump's audio, Barry also expressed frustration with her brother’s demeanor which she said was phony.
“His goddamned tweet and lying, oh my God,” she said. “I’m talking too freely, but you know. The change of stories. The lack of preparation. The lying. Holy sh-t.”

“It’s the phoniness of it all. It’s the phoniness and this cruelty. Donald is cruel,” she added.

Maryanne Trump Barry

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Re: Too Much and Never Enough Mary L. Trump

Post by Mori Chu »

Would be damning and the front-page headline in any other presidency (or if it were a Biden family member talking about Joe). But for Trump, it's just another weekend. Nobody will care. He has effectively completely desensitized us to his own awfulness.

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Re: Too Much and Never Enough Mary L. Trump

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The same week he was forced to pay Stormy Daniels legal fees... any of these would end a presidency for the democrats. But Bush started a war with lies and there was no consequence for him either.

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Re: Too Much and Never Enough Mary L. Trump

Post by ShelC »

Party over country.

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