Biden Administration misc. activities

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Re: Biden Administration misc. activities

Post by Indy »

There is plenty of evidence Biden is extorting Ukraine to stop investigating him. Got it.

So why was Trump withholding funding Congress approved for them?

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Re: Biden Administration misc. activities

Post by Mori Chu »

The GOP wants Hunter Biden to be a thing so badly. "Stop trying to make Hunter happen. It's not going to happen."

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Re: Biden Administration misc. activities

Post by Nodack »

Biden and Democrats been failing. They just wasted a bunch of time negotiating an infrastructure bill with Republicans when anyone who has spent more than two minutes following politics knows Republicans are just running out the clock as much as possible. Waste as much time negotiating as possible and then vote no. The first federal judge under Biden was confirmed 4 1/2 months after he was elected. Trump got over 200 judges confirmed. Republicans spent all their time confirming judges, not trying to make deals with Dems. Dem FAIL. GOP WIN.

Trump got the Justice depart to try to get reporters to turn over their sources. They secretly spied on them trying to find those sources. Biden was elected and they found out about Trumps illegal activities getting the Justice Department to spy on reporters. What did Biden do? He continues the practice. FAIL

Merric Garland was Obama’s pick for the Supreme Court. Republicans said FU, we don’t confirm any Judges nominated by a Dem. Biden is elwcted and now Merric Garland is the new Attorney General. He is in charge of cleaning up the mess left over by Trump/William Barr’s illegal activities. What has Merric Garland decided to do? Nothing. FAIL

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Re: Biden Administration misc. activities

Post by In2ition »

Nodack wrote:
Wed Jun 09, 2021 3:26 pm
Biden and Democrats been failing. They just wasted a bunch of time negotiating an infrastructure bill with Republicans when anyone who has spent more than two minutes following politics knows Republicans are just running out the clock as much as possible. Waste as much time negotiating as possible and then vote no. The first federal judge under Biden was confirmed 4 1/2 months after he was elected. Trump got over 200 judges confirmed. Republicans spent all their time confirming judges, not trying to make deals with Dems. Dem FAIL. GOP WIN.

Trump got the Justice depart to try to get reporters to turn over their sources. They secretly spied on them trying to find those sources. Biden was elected and they found out about Trumps illegal activities getting the Justice Department to spy on reporters. What did Biden do? He continues the practice. FAIL

Merric Garland was Obama’s pick for the Supreme Court. Republicans said FU, we don’t confirm any Judges nominated by a Dem. Biden is elwcted and now Merric Garland is the new Attorney General. He is in charge of cleaning up the mess left over by Trump/William Barr’s illegal activities. What has Merric Garland decided to do? Nothing. FAIL
Did you get that from Rachel Maddow? I saw her talking about it myself.
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Re: Biden Administration misc. activities

Post by Nodack »

Yes, some of it. Been reading about it too. I can’t believe you would watch Racheal Maddow.

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Re: Biden Administration misc. activities

Post by Nodack »

This isn’t really a Biden thing. More like a general economy thing.

Deutsche Bank issues dire economic warning for America ... or-america

If the U.S. economy descends into an inflation spiral like that experienced after World War II, we could be on the brink of excruciating economic pain.

However, the profligate spending by Congress is only part of the problem.

According to Deutsche Bank, “Monetary stimulus has been equally breath-taking. In numerical terms, the Fed’s balance sheet has almost doubled during the pandemic to nearly $8tn. That compares with the 2008 crisis when it only increased by a little more than $1t, and then increased another $2tn in the subsequent six years.”

The Deutsche Bank report concludes with this dire warning, “We worry that inflation will make a comeback. Few still remember how our societies and economies were threatened by high inflation 50 years ago. The most basic laws of economics, the ones that have stood the test of time over a millennium, have not been suspended. An explosive growth in debt financed largely by central banks is likely to lead to higher inflation. … Rising prices will touch everyone. The effects could be devastating, particularly for the most vulnerable in society. Sadly, when central banks do act at this stage, they will be forced into abrupt policy change which will only make it harder for policymakers to achieve the social goals that our societies need.”

As mentioned above, the German people are well aware that skyrocketing inflation in and of itself can spark more than just economic upheaval. Hyperinflation, like that experienced in post-World War I Germany, can also lead to social disorder and political chaos.

In fact, one of the reasons Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party came to power in Weimar Germany was the public's resentment concerning the hyperinflation they suffered as a result of endless money printing by Germany’s central bank in the 1920s to pay off World War I reparations.

Throughout history, we have seen inflation-spurred panic manifest in social, political and economic turmoil. The looming question is how Americans will deal with the strong possibility of a post-pandemic inflation environment the likes of which could be unprecedented in our nation’s history.

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Re: Biden Administration misc. activities

Post by Superbone »

Nodack wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 11:59 am
Throughout history, we have seen inflation-spurred panic manifest in social, political and economic turmoil. The looming question is how Americans will deal with the strong possibility of a post-pandemic inflation environment the likes of which could be unprecedented in our nation’s history.
Or... might not.
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Re: Biden Administration misc. activities

Post by Mori Chu »

If Manchin and Sinema won't play ball, there isn't very much the Biden administration can do. A few exec orders, a few judges, maybe some reconciliation bills. But nothing transformational. 2022 and 2024 may be rough for the Dems if voters feel like they didn't get much done.

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Re: Biden Administration misc. activities

Post by Indy »

Mori Chu wrote:
Fri Jun 11, 2021 2:06 am
If Manchin and Sinema won't play ball, there isn't very much the Biden administration can do. A few exec orders, a few judges, maybe some reconciliation bills. But nothing transformational. 2022 and 2024 may be rough for the Dems if voters feel like they didn't get much done.
That is the McConnell plan, and he is masterful at it.

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Re: Biden Administration misc. activities

Post by virtual9mm »

Superbone wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:59 pm
Nodack wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 11:59 am
Throughout history, we have seen inflation-spurred panic manifest in social, political and economic turmoil. The looming question is how Americans will deal with the strong possibility of a post-pandemic inflation environment the likes of which could be unprecedented in our nation’s history.
Or... might not.
Exactly how I think Biden's long honeymoon will end. A financial crisis could kill the USD's reserve currency status and destroy the US standard of living almost instantaneously. It is the ability to borrow that has sustained the US for so long.

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Re: Biden Administration misc. activities

Post by In2ition »

Producer prices climb 6.6% in May on annual basis, largest 12-month increase on record

Jeff Cox
@JEFFCOXCNBCCOM ... -2021.html

- Producer prices as of May rose 6.6% over the past 12 months, the fastest increase on record.
- At the same time, retail sales declined 1.3%, worse than the 0.6% estimate.
- Month over month, the producer price index increased 0.8%, also faster than the 0.5% estimate.

Producer prices rose at their fastest annual clip in nearly 11 years in May as inflation continued to build in the U.S. economy, the Labor Department reported Tuesday.

The 6.6% surge was the biggest 12-month rise in the final demand index since the Bureau of Labor Statistics began tracking the data in November 2010.

On a monthly basis, the producer price index for final demand rose 0.8%, ahead of the Dow Jones estimate of 0.5%.

Those higher price pressures came amid a pronounced dip in retail sales, which fell 1.3% in May, worse than the 0.6% estimate, according to the Census Bureau. The disappointment in that number was tempered by a sharp upward revision to the April number, which went from flat to a gain of 0.9%.

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Re: Biden Administration misc. activities

Post by Nodack »

The pandemic wreaked havoc on the entire world. We printed money and gave it to Americans to keep people afloat until the pandemic was over. It looks like the pandemic is nearly over except for the vaccine holdouts threatening to ruin progress we made. Now financially we are going to pay the piper in many ways. Inflation seems like the first obstacle to recovery. Many things changed during the pandemic. People started working from home and now want to continue to work from home. I think it’s definitely time to wean the unemployment thing and make people go back to work. There is a huge shortage of workers in many sectors that have been threatening supply chains. Republicans will do anything in their power to make sure America doesn’t come back. They will never ever approve ANY judge Biden picks under any circumstances.

My brother just got back from right wing “military” training in some undisclosed place in AZ. My mother in law just visited my real mother and all my mother wanted to talk about is right wing propaganda. My mother in law was like “Get me the hell out of here!”

Republicans refuse to do ANYTHING besides give tax breaks to the rich and appoint Magaterrorist judges. That’s it. Infrastructure? No way! Health care? Not in this lifetime. That’s SOCIALISM! Trump is their leader no matter if he’s in office or not? Pfft. He is evil to the freaking core and they think he is Gods chosen one? I am beyond myself how ANYONE could follow that POS.

Am pretty sure America is done. Republicans want a civil war SO BAD they can almost taste it with giddy anticipation. I am totally done with Republicans. I don’t even want to talk to any of them about anything ever again. 70% believe Trump won!???? Fucking ridiculous! They can shove their Qanon devil worshipping pedophile “SOCIALISM!” BS up their ass!

Trump will be reelected. Abortion will be outlawed across the nation. Gays marriages will be banned. Gays will be banned from the military. Democrats will be hunted by right wing militants. All of the courts will be presided over by Magaterrorists judges. Killings of blacks by right wing police will skyrocket and they will have blanket immunity. BLM will be listed as a terrorist organization and any protests will be met with a swift brutal violent response. Any right wing violence will be called necessary by good people and ignored.

Trump had to figure out how to manipulate the government to his purposes last time. Now he is an expert. Inspector Generals will all be filled will Trump yes men. The DOJ will be just another Trump supporter willing to do ANYTHING no matter how illegal if Trump asks and he will. Our allies will change. Russia will be our best ally. NATO will be something we don’t want anything to do with.

America is DONE! Trump and Magaterrorists killed it. RIP.

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Re: Biden Administration misc. activities

Post by 3rdside »

Hope all's well post surgery 'dack!

Two things on the US's side:

- Democrats are currently in power and they're fully aware of the Republicans game, so checks and balances are being reviewed and reinforced.
- Republicans are fundamentally running on hypocrisy and lies, or a form of stupidity if you will, and stupidity doesn't win.

The USA was finished if Trump got back in, it's got a fighting chance with Biden .. I have faith.

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Re: Biden Administration misc. activities

Post by Mori Chu »

We're utterly fucked unless the Dems can pass some legislation to stop all the voting restriction laws the GOP are passing in various states, and prevent them from just throwing out the people's votes based on bogus claims of fraud. They simply won't certify the winner next time if a Dem wins, you can count on that. Manchin, Sinema, and the other "moderate" Dems are refusing to cooperate, and it may lead to the end of free and fair elections in America.

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Re: Biden Administration misc. activities

Post by 3rdside »

While the D's seem fairly intent on shooting themselves in the foot, and doing so often, I think they'll find a way to keep elections fair and free at least and America's institutions solid.

And Stacey Abrams will have a big role to play offsetting voter suppression, I'm sure.

No guarantees by the way, just arcs of history bending towards justice kind of thing.

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Re: Biden Administration misc. activities

Post by Nodack »

I wonder if the Biden/Putin summit did any good. I didn’t see any of it. I caught a little of Putins press conference after. I just assume everything he says is a lie just like Trump.

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Re: Biden Administration misc. activities

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Re: Biden Administration misc. activities

Post by Mori Chu »

3rdside wrote:
Thu Jun 17, 2021 1:32 am
While the D's seem fairly intent on shooting themselves in the foot, and doing so often, I think they'll find a way to keep elections fair and free at least and America's institutions solid.

And Stacey Abrams will have a big role to play offsetting voter suppression, I'm sure.

No guarantees by the way, just arcs of history bending towards justice kind of thing.
I mean, how, exactly? They have the majority in the House and Senate as well as the Presidency, and they can't get any legislation passed. They have two bills sitting around to protect voting rights, and they can't get the votes they need for them. How exactly do you protect elections when they won't take action to do so as it's sitting right in front of them?

If they don't get their asses in gear, they'll lose the House majority in 2022. Then 2023-4 will literally be full of baseless-but-still-politically-damaging impeachments and investigations of Biden, led by the new GOP House Speaker. Then the GOP retakes the Senate in 2024, and regardless of who wins the Presidency, we are totally fucked. If the GOP wins, we're fucked obviously. If the Democrat wins, the GOP state governments will invent bogus fraud claims and refuse to certify the victory. Then we'll plunge into a Constitutional crisis where the GOP runs Congress and has a majority of their crooked justices on the Supreme Court to help decide it. The line toward authoritarianism is very clear here and can be executed in only 2-3 years.

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Re: Biden Administration misc. activities

Post by Nodack »

Our government is broken. It no longer functions. Game set match. Nothing more to say. It was a nice run.

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Re: Biden Administration misc. activities

Post by 3rdside »

Mori Chu wrote:
Sun Jun 20, 2021 7:53 am
3rdside wrote:
Thu Jun 17, 2021 1:32 am
While the D's seem fairly intent on shooting themselves in the foot, and doing so often, I think they'll find a way to keep elections fair and free at least and America's institutions solid.

And Stacey Abrams will have a big role to play offsetting voter suppression, I'm sure.

No guarantees by the way, just arcs of history bending towards justice kind of thing.
I mean, how, exactly? They have the majority in the House and Senate as well as the Presidency, and they can't get any legislation passed. They have two bills sitting around to protect voting rights, and they can't get the votes they need for them. How exactly do you protect elections when they won't take action to do so as it's sitting right in front of them?

If they don't get their asses in gear, they'll lose the House majority in 2022. Then 2023-4 will literally be full of baseless-but-still-politically-damaging impeachments and investigations of Biden, led by the new GOP House Speaker. Then the GOP retakes the Senate in 2024, and regardless of who wins the Presidency, we are totally fucked. If the GOP wins, we're fucked obviously. If the Democrat wins, the GOP state governments will invent bogus fraud claims and refuse to certify the victory. Then we'll plunge into a Constitutional crisis where the GOP runs Congress and has a majority of their crooked justices on the Supreme Court to help decide it. The line toward authoritarianism is very clear here and can be executed in only 2-3 years.
Filibuster reform?

Again, I'm not talking too much details, mainly ideals, as it seems like there's enough at stake i.e. the entire free world that the D's sort some things out.

Also again, don't hold me to any of this.

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