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Re: Latest Military Hardware

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Transcript: UFOs & National Security with Luis Elizondo, Former Director, Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program ... n-program/

MS. ALEMANY: And several of these UFO sightings have been above secret nuclear weapons facilities. Almost every major nuclear power across the globe really has reported and declassified these sightings.

MR. ELIZONDO: There does seem to be some sort of congruency or some sort of intersection between these UAP or UFO sightings and our nuclear technology with nuclear propulsion, nuclear power generation, or nuclear weapons systems. Furthermore, those same observations have been seen overseas in other countries. They too have had the same incidents. So that tells us this is a global issue.

Now in this country we’ve had incidents where these UAPs have interfered and actually brought offline our nuclear capabilities. We also have data suggesting that in other countries these things have interfered with their nuclear technology and actually turned them on, put them online. So that is equally, for me, just as concerning. I think that there is certainly at this point enough data to demonstrate there is an interest in our nuclear technology, a potential to even interfere with that nuclear technology. And when you look at all these naval ships out there--let’s take the Nimitz battle carrier fleet for example--in some cases you’re talking about a nuclear footprint probably bigger than most cities. You have a nuclear-powered carrier with aircraft on board that--and then you have nuclear-powered destroyers. You have nuclear-powered submarines, some of those with nuclear weapons on board, or nuclear--certainly nuclear capabilities. I’ll just say that. So, I think--I think, yeah, it shouldn’t be a surprise that maybe there is an increased interest in our capabilities as it relates to our nuclear technology. And the Navy is certainly not immune to that.
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Re: Latest Military Hardware

Post by Indy »

From his wikipedia page

Reporter for the New Republic Jason Colavito questioned why if Elizondo was so concerned that UFO's "were an imminent national security threat, he didn’t take his concerns to national security journalists or to Congress". Instead, "He joined up with Puthoff and Team Space Ghost at their new entertainment company".[30]

According to The Intercept writer, Keith Kloor, "Elizondo and Mellon have come to rely on a largely passive and credulous press to generate sensational UFO headlines". Kloor notes that Elizondo received considerable media attention from a 2017 New York Times story called “Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious UFO Program", and gained visibility by starring in the History Channel TV series.[1] Air & Space magazine wrote that the TV series "cast Elizondo as a burly, intrepid, backpack-toting crusader seeking to expose the truth in the face of a stonewalling government bureaucracy and a culture of ridicule. In doing so, the History Channel followed a long tradition within ufology of portraying the UFO investigator as a heroic figure determined to tear away the veil of secrecy surrounding extraterrestrial visitors".[31]

New York Times Pentagon correspondent Helene Cooper interviewed Elizondo in 2017. Cooper characterized Elizondo's behavior as typical of intel officers, who are "really spooky guys, they’re very secretive, they tend to be more paranoid". According to Cooper, "There was a lot of looking over to make sure nobody was seeing us, he sat with his back to the wall. He said, because he wanted to see if anybody came in". Cooper explained to "The Daily" podcast host Michael Barbaro that at the time she spoke to Elizondo, she found him very credible, but when she got on the metro after the meeting she began to have second thoughts, saying "the farther away I got from the interview the less believable it seemed".[32]

In the 2021 New Yorker article, reporter Gideon Lewis-Kraus writes that after talking with Elizondo, it was difficult to tell what AATIP had accomplished, and when pressed, Elizondo "invokes his security oath like a catchphrase". When in 2019 Elizondo was interviewed by Tucker Carlson, Elizondo stated that the government had fragments of a UFO, "then quickly invoked his security oath".[4]

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Re: Latest Military Hardware

Post by Nodack »

How UFO sightings went from joke to national security worry in Washington ... gs-search/

Why Have There Been So Many UFO Sightings Near Nuclear Facilities? ... rendlesham
It started in the 1940s, near A-bomb development sites. More recently, something has been stalking nuclear carrier strike groups.
Why are so many UFOs being reported near nuclear facilities—and why isn’t there more urgency on the part of the government to assess their potential national-security threat?
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Re: Latest Military Hardware

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Navy ditches futuristic railgun, eyes hypersonic missiles ... e1b46bce5b

The U.S. Navy pulled the plug, for now, on a futuristic weapon that fires projectiles at up to seven times the speed of sound using electricity.

But the Defense Department is turning its attention to hypersonic missiles to keep up with China and Russia, and the Navy cut funding for railgun research from its latest budget proposal.
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Re: Latest Military Hardware

Post by virtual9mm »

Nodack wrote:
Thu Jul 01, 2021 9:37 pm
Navy ditches futuristic railgun, eyes hypersonic missiles ... e1b46bce5b

The U.S. Navy pulled the plug, for now, on a futuristic weapon that fires projectiles at up to seven times the speed of sound using electricity.

But the Defense Department is turning its attention to hypersonic missiles to keep up with China and Russia, and the Navy cut funding for railgun research from its latest budget proposal.
It's quite a shame.

I do believe that the real story, though, is the derivative of the railgun (projectile) that could be fired from conventional guns -- re-shaping smaller rounds to go faster has supposedly dramatically increased range. And lasers are hitting prime time as short-range anti-aircraft and missile weapons.

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Re: Latest Military Hardware

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I think they are concerned with Russia and China’s progress in the hypersonic weapons race and want to make sure they don’t fall behind.

They have improved conventional weapons rounds. Now rounds fired from a howitzers are steered to their target and can even be programmed to detonate just above the ground for maximum effect.
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Re: Latest Military Hardware

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Not the latest military hardware. This is the latest medical biological breakthrough. I put it here instead of making a new thread.

Israeli doctors develop ‘pig-human’ hybrid organ for transplant ... ant-672861

The shortage of organs available for transplantation is a chronic problem globally. For the last few decades, there has been no major breakthrough in increasing supply and the number of people on waiting lists is high and ever-expanding. According to the organization Donate Life, some 8,000 Americans die each year waiting for a transplant.

A team of Israeli researchers have developed a hybrid organ – an organ from a pig with “human” blood vessels – that they believe could help alleviate the shortage of transplant organs.

There have been many attempts to implant animal organs in humans but this has largely been unsuccessful, mostly due to acute rejections, explained Dr. Shahar Cohen of Beilinson Hospital, whose team developed the hybrid organ.
The main trigger of an organ rejection is the internal lining of its blood vessels, he said. This coating is the point of contact between the transplanted organ and the recipient’s body.

“We looked for a way to produce an alternative coating that does not cause rejection,” Cohen told The Jerusalem Post.
The solution: Cohen’s team removed the coating from the pigs’ blood vessels and replaced it with a more “friendly” coating to the human immune system that was engineered in the laboratory from human placenta cells, which, as far as is known, do not trigger rejection.
“Instead of destroying the whole organ, we target only part of the organ – the most important part,” Cohen elaborated.
“We remove the pig’s internal layer of blood vessels and replace it with a ‘human layer,’ thereby humanizing the blood vessels of the organ and generating a hybrid organ – a pig organ with humanized blood vessels. This is the way to surmount the barrier to pig organs in humans.”
He said the team chose to use placenta cells because the placenta is the “ideal organ that connects two human beings and plays a key role in maintaining the connection between mother and fetus.”
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Re: Latest Military Hardware

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Russia to unveil new fighter jet at Moscow’s air show ... 32a2bafcbc

The Su-57


US F-22 Raptor


Is it me or do these look similar?
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Re: Latest Military Hardware

Post by Indy »

I feel like most modern fighter jets look pretty similar. Modern warfare is "copy what your adversary is doing publicly--but keep the cutting edge stuff hidden."

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Re: Latest Military Hardware

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Russia and China always seems to come out with our stuff a decade behind.
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Re: Latest Military Hardware

Post by Indy »

Nodack wrote:
Mon Jul 19, 2021 11:12 am
Russia and China always seems to come out with our stuff a decade behind.
Yep. We choose to spend our money on making better war machines. So we pay all of these defense contractors to develop them. Then that tech/design specs spread to the next highest bidders, and so on. We might be 5-10 years ahead on what is currently deployed, but I am not sure that is enough to set a clear dominance, especially considering we were decades ahead of China not that long ago.

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Re: Latest Military Hardware

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China is seriously building up their military. Russia does a lot of bravado claiming they are far superior to the US military. They are constantly talking about the the US and NATO invading Russia on their media. I suppose it’s to keep their public scared and behind Putin. It’s like watching Russian FOX News. Russia has gone big into hypersonic weapons and that is pretty scary stuff. Putin hates the US more than anything else so if there is a chance to hurt the US he will be all in.
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Re: Latest Military Hardware

Post by Indy »

Nodack wrote:
Mon Jul 19, 2021 12:07 pm
China is seriously building up their military. Russia does a lot of bravado claiming they are far superior to the US military. They are constantly talking about the the US and NATO invading Russia on their media. I suppose it’s to keep their public scared and behind Putin. It’s like watching Russian FOX News. Russia has gone big into hypersonic weapons and that is pretty scary stuff. Putin hates the US more than anything else so if there is a chance to hurt the US he will be all in.
I think he loves himself and his billions and billions of dollars more than he hates the US. But portraying hatred for the US is part of what got him his billions.

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Re: Latest Military Hardware

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Second Attempt To Test The Air Force's First Hypersonic Weapon Fails ... ic-missile
The Air Force insists that this abortive launch still provided valuable test data and "demonstrated several first-time events as the program continues to track toward fielding a hypersonic capability in the early 2020s.
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Re: Latest Military Hardware

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Kitchen robot in Riga cooks up new future for fast food ... 24817.html
"This robot replaces four to six human employees, reducing labour costs significantly," said Poruks, who has a background in engineering.

But he stressed that the introduction of such robots would not push up unemployment rates since "people are not lining up to flip burgers".

At a newly opened eatery in Paris, customers can watch robots build, bake and box up pizzas at a rate of up to 80 an hour.
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Re: Latest Military Hardware

Post by Superbone »

Nodack wrote:
Sun Aug 01, 2021 10:13 am
Kitchen robot in Riga cooks up new future for fast food ... 24817.html
"This robot replaces four to six human employees, reducing labour costs significantly," said Poruks, who has a background in engineering.

But he stressed that the introduction of such robots would not push up unemployment rates since "people are not lining up to flip burgers".

At a newly opened eatery in Paris, customers can watch robots build, bake and box up pizzas at a rate of up to 80 an hour.
Ooh! I want a personal one of these!
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Re: Latest Military Hardware

Post by Nodack »

I would get the cheap one. Nothing complicated. Every recipe, Plain with cheese.
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Re: Latest Military Hardware

Post by Nodack »

Infrastructure Bill Would Require Alcohol Monitors for All New Cars
Advanced monitoring systems track drivers' blood alcohol concentration and can 'prevent ... motor vehicle operation' ... -new-cars/
"ADVANCED IMPAIRED DRIVING TECHNOLOGY," which mandates new vehicles include "a system that … passively and accurately detect whether the blood alcohol concentration of a driver of a motor vehicle is equal to or greater than the blood alcohol concentration" of .08, in which case the system would "prevent or limit motor vehicle operation." Automobile manufacturers would have a three-year grace period to comply with the regulation.
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Re: Latest Military Hardware

Post by Nodack »

I don’t know why that text has a line through it.
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Re: Latest Military Hardware

Post by Cap »

Nodack wrote:
Wed Aug 04, 2021 10:54 am
I don’t know why that text has a line through it.
I do. The original text says “detect[ s ]” (without spaces), and the board is interpreting the [ s ] as the strike through tag.

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