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Re: Latest Military Hardware

Post by Cap »

Nodack wrote:
Wed Aug 04, 2021 10:54 am
I don’t know why that text has a line through it.
I do. The original text says “detect[ s ]” (without spaces), and the board is interpreting the [ s ] as the strike through tag.

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Re: Latest Military Hardware

Post by Indy »

I realize you can always have a passenger (or someone else) blow in it for you, but that type of required safety measure could save so many innocent lives each year in the US alone.

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Re: Latest Military Hardware

Post by Nodack »

Works for me.

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Re: Latest Military Hardware

Post by Cap »

Drunk driving kills over 10K Americans a year.

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Re: Latest Military Hardware

Post by Indy »

Cap wrote:
Thu Aug 05, 2021 10:00 am
Drunk driving kills over 10K Americans a year.
And it is probably just confirmation bias, but it seems the people that die are more likely not the drunk guy.

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Re: Latest Military Hardware

Post by Charlie Smithy! »

I've never understood why alcohol gets categorized as being "drugs and alcohol" when it's obviously a drug in and of itself.

I'll step off my soapbox before I get preachy, but while I realize some people have self-control with it, I lost a dear friend of mine to alcohol, and for sure, that for certain colors how I feel. Dude had a legit anxiety about (for some reason) not being able to drink, and therefore not being able to socialize.

Ugh. Thanks for letting me get that off of my chest.

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Re: Latest Military Hardware

Post by Indy »

No need to apologize and your post didn't seem preachy to me. Alcohol, nicotine, weed, opioids, caffeine, cocaine, MDMA, LDS (llap) whatever. They are just substances that alter how we feel/perceive things. Some of us have very different reactions than others, to each of these. I am sorry to hear about your friend. I would assume alcohol causes more untimely death than any other 'drug' in the world.

I use caffeine nearly every day, in the form of tea. I used to use so much, that when I skipped a day I would get awful headaches as my body went through withdrawal.

I didn't use alcohol until I was in my 30s. I sometimes like to have a beer when I am dining out, and I like to drink a whisky at home every now and then. I actually drink more during Suns season because I will have a glass of whisky for most games if I am watching at home.

I haven't used any of the others I listed above. I guess I have had codeine once or twice, but it makes me sick. Same with weed--but I only tried it once and didn't feel anything except nausea. Probably better I don't try anything, because I think 3 out of my 4 grand parents were alcoholics.

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Re: Latest Military Hardware

Post by Nodack »

There are certainly lots of drugs out there. You can die from just about anything if over done. I remember the story of parents who punished their daughter for something she did by making her drink so much water that it actually killed her. I have had lots of experience with alcohol and pot. I have done shrooms a couple of times and didn’t like it. I did ecstasy once in Amsterdam and all it did was make me talk a lot. I have never done Cocaine. I was afraid I would like it and get hooked.

There have been some very famous creative people that did hard drugs. Charley Parker did heroin and morphine. Legendary producer Quincy Jones has claimed that soul legend Ray Charles introduced him to heroin when he was only 15 years old, adding that Malcolm X was their dealer.

Steve Jobs was a huge fan of LSD and Pot and has been quoted as saying that LSD was one of the most profound experiences of his life.“Throughout that period of time [1972–1974] I used the LSD approximately ten to fifteen times,” Jobs said. “I have no words to explain the effect the LSD had on me, although, I can say it was a positive life changing experience for me and I am glad I went through that experience.” Jobs also smoked marijuana or hashish. Apparently, LSD was Steve Jobs’ drug of choice. In fact, he wanted little to do with anyone who didn’t experiment with the drug. Not only did Jobs want to have colleagues who explored their own minds with psychedelics, but he also chalked up his own success to drugs. “Think differently “

Bill Gates was also a fan of LSD.

I have never tried LSD. I have been curious as a musician to see if any doors would open that I wasn’t aware of. As a musician you learn the rules of music. You study the scales and the chords and learn to play all the music everyone else has already written. After many years and schooling you become proficient and start noticing you sound just like everyone else. You are good and can play a lot of styles but you can lose any originality. Sometimes someone comes along that breaks all the rules because they don’t know the rules and they create something new. Sometimes it seems someone does LSD and it opens doors they didn’t know existed.

In comparing pot to alcohol I would say alcohol is the most dangerous by far. Alcohol lowers your inhibitions and that can be fun and it can get you into a lot of trouble too. I will sometimes have a shot before going on stage because it does lower my inhibitions. I am naturally shy on a mic and avoid talking. Sometimes I am a lead singer and they expect me to be outgoing and personable and a shot helps.

I have had a lot of experience early on like most people with alcohol. You start to drink and it’s fun so you continue to drink more until you realize you aren’t in control anymore. You might get behind the wheel and are not in control and don’t really care. You might do something you will regret the next day if you don’t kill someone or get arrested starting a fight. That usually means you are about to get sick and say the words every first time drunk says. “I’ll never drink again!” which is usually forgotten two days later. After getting sick a couple of times and getting into trouble from being drunk some people start to figure it out and moderate their intake of alcohol. Some people are addictive in nature and can’t stop drinking. They drink every day. I almost never drink at home unless we have guests over for dinner or a party. Hundreds of thousands of people die from alcoholism every year.

Pot is a completely different animal. It doesn’t lower your inhibitions. It doesn’t make you outgoing. It makes you mellow and for some a little paranoid. If you drive paranoid. “I don’t want to get busted. Don’t drive too fast but, don’t drive too slow and attract attention either. Stay with a group of other cars so you don’t stand out. It’s not good to drive impaired at all but if I have to choose which driver is safer I would go with the pot guy seven days a week.

If you get stoned on stage you are more likely to not say anything on the mic and be oblivious to the crowd because you are so into the music and don’t care about the crowd. I can listen to my favorite group straight and enjoy it. If you get stoned at home and then listen to the same song it’s like hearing it for the first time and you become totally immersed in it and start to hear every detail of every instrument. “OMG these guys are SO good!”

I can practice exercises straight and go through the motions. Get stoned and practice and you hear and feel every aspect of your instrument and spend hours becoming one with it. Give a back rub straight and you might do a good job rubbing spots. Give a back rub stoned and you feel every muscle in their back and give the best back rub of their life. Brush your teeth stoned and you feel every little crevice and spend twice as long brushing as you normally would. So far throughout history there hasn’t been one recorded death from smoking pot ever. Alcohol is cumulative. Drink more and get more wasted. Drink too much and you die. Pot is different. Take one hit and you get stoned. Smoke 25 hits and are pretty much just as stoned. Smoke 50 joints in a row and you might get a headache but not really be any more stoned. Also getting stoned for the first time usually hits people the hardest. After years you sort of become more immune and it just makes you feel mellow and not as stoned.

I am rambling now and giving probably way too much info. Drugs basically alter your perceptions and you see things differently than you normally do. They can be highly addictive and it can destroy lives. They can also enhance your life. I have a coffee every morning like millions of people do. The caffeine wakes me up and gets me going. It’s definitely a drug too. Adrenaline is a drug for many and can kill too. Some are adrenaline junkies and try more and more dangerous sports etc. to get high until they get injured or die.

Life is dangerous and exciting. Choose wisely.

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Re: Latest Military Hardware

Post by Nodack »

I obviously scared everybody away.


Mystery behind our thoughts revealed: Scientists find ‘gatekeeper’ of conscious awareness ... ess-brain/
When a person is awake, their brain is flooded with an almost constant flow of information from the body’s five senses. The brain immediately sorts through the information and, depending on how strong the sensory signals are, decides whether it should be treated consciously. Why the brain makes people consciously aware of some signals when others of similar strength are processed unconsciously has been a mystery for decades. Researchers at the University of Michigan have identified what part of the brain is responsible for making this call.

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Re: Latest Military Hardware

Post by Nodack »

‘Ten years ago this was science fiction’: the rise of weedkilling robots
The makers of robot weeders say the machines can reduce pesticide use and be part of a more sustainable food system ... ustainable

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Re: Latest Military Hardware

Post by AmareIsGod »

Thanks Dack! That was a good read. My wife and I are big on the climate and this is positive news. Could definitely use it these days.
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Re: Latest Military Hardware

Post by Nodack »

Wish I could rename this thread from military hardware to just new tech.

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Re: New Tech

Post by Superbone »

Nodack wrote:
Sun Aug 15, 2021 4:53 pm
Wish I could rename this thread from military hardware to just new tech.
It’s a shame that can’t happen. ;)
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Re: New Tech

Post by Nodack »

Thanks Superbone!

I used to be able to do that.

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Re: New Tech

Post by Superbone »

Nodack wrote:
Sun Aug 15, 2021 6:41 pm
Thanks Superbone!

I used to be able to do that.
Actually, somebody else did it.
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Re: New Tech

Post by Nodack »

Someone with great powers. :)

New Tech is a much better name.

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Re: New Tech

Post by Superbone »

Nodack wrote:
Mon Aug 16, 2021 12:29 am
Someone with great powers. :)

New Tech is a much better name.
With great power comes great responsibility. ;)
I agree and it peaks my interest more.
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Re: New Tech

Post by Nodack »

1073-HP Porsche Mission R Previews the Electric Future of Customer Racing ... re-racing/

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Re: New Tech

Post by Nodack »

Fusion gets closer with successful test of new kind of magnet at MIT start-up backed by Bill Gates ... agnet.html

Fusion took a key step forward in its movement from the lab to commercial viability with the successful test of a key technology — a very powerful magnet that uses very little energy.

If fusion can be achieved on earth and commercialized, it will provide a nearly unlimited source of clean energy without producing the waste of nuclear fission, which can remain radioactive for thousands of years.

The new magnet from CFS and MIT is strong enough that when the team builds a its donut-shaped fusion machine, called a tokamak, with these magnets, it will be able to achieve “net energy,” meaning that the fusion machine makes more energy that it takes to initiate and sustain the reaction, CFS and MIT’s PSFC said.

So far, no company has been able to achieve net energy fusion.

“This magnet will change the trajectory of both fusion science and energy, and we think eventually the world’s energy landscape,” said Whyte.

“This is not hype, this is reality. With advances from across the fusion industry, we’re seeing a new, clean, sustainable, always available energy source being born,” Holland said.

The high temperature superconducting magnet demonstrated on Sunday will be used in its test fusion device, called SPARC, which is already under construction in Devens, Mass., and is and on track to demonstrate net energy from fusion by 2025, the teams said.

Its first fusion power plant, called ARC, is slated to be online by the early 2030′s.

The difference between SPARC and ARC (which are not acronyms so technically they don’t stand for anything) is “the reliability and the lifetime,” Mumgaard said. First you build a test plane, and then the passenger plane, Mumgaard said.

Sounds exciting. Kind of like Graphene. “In the future…

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Re: New Tech

Post by AmareIsGod »

Also, I can attest to LSD being instrumental in many positive changes in my life. I tried it a little later in life and had about 3 very controlled but fairly high level doses I took.
What is smallball? I play basketball. I'm not a regular big man. I can switch from the center to the guards. The game is evolving. I'd be dominAyton if the WNBA would let me in. - Ayton

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