World Politics

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Re: World Politics

Post by In2ition »

So you're saying you can't actually think of anything that Trump did that would be considered a dictator. Got it.

And yes, Biden is an evil POS, and he's doing all this on purpose...or he's a complete idiot and has you fooled.
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Re: World Politics

Post by Mori Chu »

Trump tried to overturn a free and fair election. He is likely to be indicted for this. That seems pretty dictatorial to me. He threatens to "lock up" his political opponents and even journalists whose coverage he doesn't like. That seems not very rule-of-law to me. I'm not going to list all of his many offenses, but don't act like we haven't given you any examples.

I don't really care if Joe Biden pooped himself. Trump's dentures started falling out at one of his press conferences. They are both really, really old men. So what? I care about their policies and their political acts.

I think it's a real stretch to say that Joe Biden is "dangerous" or "evil." If you don't like how he's running the country, fine, but what exactly has he done that is dangerous? Passed some spending bills you didn't like? His Presidency has been calm and mild. His major military act was to pull out of a conflict. I don't see any sign that he is over-aggressive or dangerous in terms of military strength. If anything he seems to want to bend over backwards to avoid getting into a war.

I hope that Russia will stand down and stop escalating tensions in Eastern Europe, and I support moving troops into strategic positions in case they are needed, but besides that I hope we do everything we can to avoid conflict.

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Re: World Politics

Post by In2ition »

Mori Chu wrote:
Tue Jan 25, 2022 10:59 am
Trump tried to overturn a free and fair election. He is likely to be indicted for this. That seems pretty dictatorial to me. He threatens to "lock up" his political opponents and even journalists whose coverage he doesn't like. That seems not very rule-of-law to me. I'm not going to list all of his many offenses, but don't act like we haven't given you any examples.
What journalists were arrested or their homes raided? Hillary is a criminal and eventually will be locked up. Trump didn't try to overturn a free and fair election, that's just hyperbole from fools. The entire phone call showed that he didn't, but the cut up and edited one, makes it seem like he did. Nothing is going to come of this other than Trump is found to have not done anything wrong.
Mori Chu wrote:
Tue Jan 25, 2022 10:59 am
I don't really care if Joe Biden pooped himself. Trump's dentures started falling out at one of his press conferences. They are both really, really old men. So what? I care about their policies and their political acts.
You care about policies? You care about all the stuff Biden is doing that clearly even most Democrats think is wrong? You guys are the true believers in this cult.
Mori Chu wrote:
Tue Jan 25, 2022 10:59 am
I think it's a real stretch to say that Joe Biden is "dangerous" or "evil." If you don't like how he's running the country, fine, but what exactly has he done that is dangerous? Passed some spending bills you didn't like? His Presidency has been calm and mild. His major military act was to pull out of a conflict. I don't see any sign that he is over-aggressive or dangerous in terms of military strength. If anything he seems to want to bend over backwards to avoid getting into a war. Are you completely blind? He got 13 Americans killed in the withdraw and left $85 billion of new military equipment, guns, ammo, and artillery that we could see be used against us if conflict with Russia happens. What about that is calm and mild?
It's not a stretch at all. He is evil. North Korea is starting up missile testing again in his first yr. Iran is ramping up their nuclear program under Biden. We are nearly on the brink of war with Russia under him.
Mori Chu wrote:
Tue Jan 25, 2022 10:59 am
I hope that Russia will stand down and stop escalating tensions in Eastern Europe, and I support moving troops into strategic positions in case they are needed, but besides that I hope we do everything we can to avoid conflict.
I hope so to, but I'm not sure that Biden is trying to deescalate it. He might be trying to act tough in front of the cameras, but is probably trying to push it behind the scenes.
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Re: World Politics

Post by Indy »

It amazes me how little of your life is based in fact.

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Re: World Politics

Post by In2ition »

Got to go get the ice-cream after another blunder.
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Re: World Politics

Post by Mori Chu »

In2ition wrote:
Tue Jan 25, 2022 11:20 am
You care about policies? You care about all the stuff Biden is doing that clearly even most Democrats think is wrong? You guys are the true believers in this cult.
I don't think it is true that most Democrats think Biden's "stuff" is wrong. Certainly some Dems are disappointed in Biden, but a lot of the current Dem frustration is about obstruction that is blocking parts of Biden's agenda, such as BBB and voting rights reform. Most of that frustration is best directed at the 50 obstructionist Republicans who are determined to block everything Biden wants to do, as well as at Senators Sinema (8% approval among AZ Dems) and Manchin. If Biden were able to pass the things he wanted to pass, most Dems would be quite happy.
In2ition wrote:
Tue Jan 25, 2022 11:20 am
It's not a stretch at all. He is evil. North Korea is starting up missile testing again in his first yr. Iran is ramping up their nuclear program under Biden. We are nearly on the brink of war with Russia under him.
Iran is ramping up their nuclear program because Trump tore up the Iran deal that was keeping Iran from restarting its nuke program. Your guy literally removed all incentive for keeping Iran from nuclear weapons. And, predictably, now that the treaty is null and void, they are working on nukes again. 100% of this is because of Trump's petty desire to undo every Obama accomplishment.

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Re: World Politics

Post by In2ition »

Most Dems don't think he should run again. He is under water in his approval ratings and nearly half of the Dems think he's doing a bad job. You may be on the other side of that, but it's slowly shrinking. Of course only 8% of Dems are ok with Sinema. The party has been pushing out the their message about her, "HATE!!! HATE!!! HATE!!!! HATE!!! HATE!!!!!" 24/7 by every media outlet and any way they can. I'm hardly surprised that you feel the same way.

BBB and voting rights reform are a complete farce. The Voting Rights reform bills allow the Dems to win every election, because it allows them to cheat through non-sense with voter rolls, mail in ballots and ballot harvesting drop-boxes. Everyone knows that mail in ballots are an easy way to cheat. Then it also allows anyone in the world to vote in the election, not just US citizens. Then you can't question the validity of the election, even if it's as obvious as 5 people voted in a 2 person town. All of it is insane, but par for the course on idiot Dem things that they think is important.

BBB is a great way to turn inflation into hyper-inflation really quick, which is most likely the goal. Then they can swoop in and claim they have a solution for the problem that they created. It was a farce bill and wet dream of morons.

You aren't that naïve to really believe that Iran would just not stick by a sham of a deal and they just started it back up when Trump ripped it up, are you?
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Re: World Politics

Post by Indy »

jfc we are doomed

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Re: World Politics

Post by Superbone »

Here are your pals, In2:

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Re: World Politics

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"Too little, too late, too unbothered."
- Phoenix Suns 2023-2024 season motto.

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Re: World Politics

Post by Nodack »

Mail in voting has been around for a long time. I have been doing it for what seems like a decade. Trump votes by mail. He must be a dumb ass. There are I believe five states that are primarily mail in voting including mostly Republican Utah who love mail in voting. Trump was against it this last time because the Dems were for it. The Dems were for it because it allowed people to vote and not stand in long lines next to other people during Covid. Trump told his base to stand in line and vote in person during Covid because he cares about their safety and then put a Trump man in charge of the post office who started destroying mail sorting machines, ending over time, getting rid of mail drop boxes. One of many Trump schemes.

The Iran deal was in place for FIVE years. ALL of the countries involved who signed the deal were in agreement that Iran was complying with the deal…including the Trump administration.

Trump administration certifies Iran still complying with nuclear deal ... eal-240641

Iran, US, China, Russia, UK, France, Germany and the EU all signed that deal. Trump was the one guy who reneged on the deal, which really pissed off all of those countries and proved that Americans cannot be trusted. Then Trump assassinated Irans top General. Trump got Iraq to invite the General for talks and when he landed we dropped a bomb on him, which also pissed off Iraq, who didn’t know they were part of an assassination attempt. I don’t think there is any way Iran would sign another deal with the US. They are really really pissed off at the US.

So the right is saying the voting rights bill allows Dems to cheat and that voting by mail is evil? Figures.

BBB as told by the White House
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All of that sounded horrible. Helping Americans? What an evil thing to do!

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Re: World Politics

Post by In2ition »

Voting by mail in mass quantities is ripe for fraud. Always has been, and always will. Nearly every politician prior to 2020 said so, but go on make it about how the small amount of voting by mail was secure, so mass voting by mail will be too. Totally different. Even Jimmy Carter said it was going to be a disaster.

Yes, let me see what the f'n says about BBB, since it's entirely unbiased. Give me a freaking break. Lunacy.

The general that was planning and had planned nearly all the attacks on US troops in the region is the guy you are standing up for now? I did not see that coming.
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Re: World Politics

Post by Mori Chu »

Voting by mail is fine, and there is no evidence of any sort of large-scale voter fraud connected to voting by mail / absentee voting. Republicans want to pass around conspiracy theories about ballot dumps or whatever, but they never found a single case of it. They're just mad that letting more people vote causes them to lose, since their candidates and policies are not actually popular with a majority of Americans. If the election actually reflects the will of the people, the GOP gets crushed. So the vote must be suppressed by all means necessary.

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Re: World Politics

Post by In2ition »

Voting suppressed? Of course you would think that's voter suppression, because that's what you are fed. That's silly clown logic.

Letting more? Like those that aren't citizens or registered to vote? You want everyone in the world to vote? Why limit it to those that are just over 18? We should allow the kids, the unborn, the pets, the extra terrestrials, the multiple personalities(because we know that they should all have a voice), the dead(because they deserve a voice on how this should go forward), even the invisible friends should get a vote. I don't know why they shouldn't vote in my local election either, since my friends in Denmark, Germany, India, and Pakistan shouldn't be suppressed from voting for my school board. It's one big happy world. BTW, this is obvious sarcasm and hyperbole, but it's not far off for you silly buggers.

BTW, Biden is not popular and his policies are not popular with the majority of Americans. So, go ahead with your silly logic.
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Re: World Politics

Post by Nodack »

Make up whatever makes you sleep better at night.

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Re: World Politics

Post by In2ition »

Nodack wrote:
Wed Jan 26, 2022 9:25 am
Make up whatever makes you sleep better at night.
Who should be allowed to vote, Nodack? Let's figure that part out first.
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Re: World Politics

Post by Indy »

For federal elections, every single citizen 18 and over. It shouldn't matter if you have been in jail. Or you haven't voted before. Or haven't voted in a long time. It shouldn't matter if you are homeless. It shouldn't matter if you can get the day off work. Or what the weather is like. And it shouldn't be a burden on you. You are the entire reason the government exists, so you should get a say no matter what.

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Re: World Politics

Post by In2ition »

Indy wrote:
Wed Jan 26, 2022 9:46 am
For federal elections, every single citizen 18 and over. It shouldn't matter if you have been in jail. Or you haven't voted before. Or haven't voted in a long time. It shouldn't matter if you are homeless. It shouldn't matter if you can get the day off work. Or what the weather is like. And it shouldn't be a burden on you. You are the entire reason the government exists, so you should get a say no matter what.
I don't necessarily disagree with all this. Does this include everyone living in the US, including citizens of another country? Should everyone be forced to vote?
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Re: World Politics

Post by Indy »

you should read it again.

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Re: World Politics

Post by In2ition »

Indy wrote:
Wed Jan 26, 2022 9:54 am
you should read it again.
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"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them." ~ Frederick Douglass

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