January 6 hearings

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Re: January 6 hearings

Post by Nodack »

So we know Paul Manafort worked for Putin trying to get pro Russian politicians elected in Ukraine for awhile. Then he showed up on Trumps door and offers to run his campaign for free. While running his campaign Manafort shares Trump’s followers data to a Russian intelligence officer who he meets many times. Of course why believe me? How about read the Senate report led by Republicans or the NYT’s story on it.

Report Details Manafort’s Ties During 2016 Trump Campaign to a Russian Agent
The former campaign chairman Paul Manafort kept in close touch with a longtime colleague whom Senate investigators identified as a Russian intelligence officer.
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/18/us/p ... 0oligarchs.

WASHINGTON — Russian intelligence services pursued myriad avenues to influence the Trump campaign in 2016, according to the Senate Intelligence Committee, but none was more important than the relationship between the campaign chairman Paul Manafort and a man who had been his friend and co-worker for years: a Russian intelligence officer named Konstantin V. Kilimnik.

Their link was “the single most direct tie between senior Trump campaign officials and the Russian intelligence services,” according to the fifth and final volume of the committee’s report on its bipartisan three-year investigation issued Tuesday.

While the committee was stymied in its efforts to fully plumb the relationship between the two men, investigators found enough there to declare that Mr. Manafort created “a grave counterintelligence threat” by sharing inside information about the presidential race with Mr. Kilimnik and the Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs whom he served.

The report portrayed Mr. Manafort as deeply compromised by years of business dealings with those oligarchs. Collectively, they had paid him tens of millions of dollars, lent him millions more and may also have owed him millions.

Manafort was caught because he somehow forgot to mention to the US that he was paid tens of millions working for pro Russian oligarchs and his business partner was a Russian intelligence officer. He was convicted and sentenced to prison. Trump pardoned him. Now he’s trying to return to the GOP in time for the election to help Trump win. Awesome!

Manafort in Talks to Return for the Republican National Convention
Paul Manafort, who served as a top adviser to Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, was pardoned by Mr. Trump after being convicted of tax and bank fraud.
https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/18/us/p ... trump.html

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Re: January 6 hearings

Post by In2ition »

This is a long story, but there is a lot of detail and discovery in it. Maybe we'll actually find out what's up with it.

Mop-Up Man: Is This Former ATF Agent Running the J6 Pipe Bomb Coverup?
March 24, 2024 (2 days ago)
https://revolver.news/2024/03/mop-up-ma ... b-coverup/

We have long maintained that the two smoking guns of the January 6 Fedsurrection are the curious case of Ray Epps, on the one hand, and the RNC/DNC pipe bomb hoax, on the other. Our extensive reporting on the case of Epps enjoyed a natural assist from the fact that the now-iconic video of Epps urging the crowd to go “into the Capitol” and the subsequent chants from the crowd of “Fed, Fed, Fed” were seemingly tailor-made to go viral. While our ground-breaking reporting on January 6 had been no less comprehensive and no less damning, for the longest time it lacked a corresponding video clip to help carry this historic scandal into mainstream attention.

All of this changed when we drew attention to a certain explosive (no pun intended) surveillance video that had quietly and with great reluctance been released by the Capitol Police thanks to the persistent efforts of Thomas Massie, who has valiantly used his Congressional perch to advance our body of research on the January 6 pipe bomb. We strongly encourage readers to stop here and read our comprehensive piece on this bombshell video and how it fits into the comprehensive universe of reporting we’ve built on this subject. The video in question depicts the discovery of the so-called “DNC pipe bomb” that was discovered outside of the DNC headquarters on January 6. Right off the bat, things simply don’t add up.

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Re: January 6 hearings

Post by Superbone »

Oh, the vaunted Revolver news so it must be true. Where do you find this stuff?
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Re: January 6 hearings

Post by TOO »

Spoiler alert: there's nothing up.

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Re: January 6 hearings

Post by TOO »

I wonder if people ever get tired of thinking well maybe nothing is what it seems all the time? That's gotta be exhausting, spend all this energy for nothing to ever come of it.

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Re: January 6 hearings

Post by Mori Chu »

Big J6 coverup! It is all a CoNsPiRaCy against the peaceful love-filled protestors who were there that day!

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Re: January 6 hearings

Post by In2ition »

"When we all think alike, nobody is thinking" - Walter Lippmann
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Re: January 6 hearings

Post by Nodack »

Then all those Jan 6 people must be innocent.


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Re: January 6 hearings

Post by Mori Chu »

Notice that his thumbnail says "#WalkAway", which is a fake movement to convince people to "walk away" from the Democratic party. Also, what is the point of posting this tweet? How does this tweet make anybody who committed crimes on 1/6 become innocent? If this Scrugg guy stabbed somebody, by all means, prosecute him. Does that somehow mean all the 1/6 crimes didn't happen?

I Google this and I see that he's an *ex* prosecutor, and it sounds like he prosecuted *one* 1/6 case. There are literally hundreds more. What is the point?
He was involved in the early prosecution of January 6 defendant Adam Johnson, known as "lectern guy," for making off with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's lectern.
Isn't it illegal to steal Nancy Pelosi's lectern? Isn't it right that the dude who did that got prosecuted? Even if this Scrugg turns out to be a bad dude, he's already no longer working as a prosecutor. Geez these posts are so out of context, misleading, and easily debunked in 2 minutes of searching.

https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/good ... a-highway/

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Re: January 6 hearings

Post by In2ition »

He didn't even take the lecture out of the building, ffs.
"When we all think alike, nobody is thinking" - Walter Lippmann
"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them." ~ Frederick Douglass

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