The Democrats

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Mori Chu
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Re: The Democrats

Post by Mori Chu »

I deeply love (LOVE) Elizabeth Warren. I wish she could have been President. But she does say really cheesy cringey things like this.

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Re: The Democrats

Post by Superbone »

She's genuine to herself. That's all that matters. We should all live like that.
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Re: The Democrats

Post by In2ition »

Contrary to popular belief, I hate to make it seem like Democrats are the only ones doing crap to make things worse, because I don't think that's the case. Unfortunately, in California it's hard to pin this on anyone else.

The audit of homelessness spending in California is finally out, and the results are infuriating: "California spent $24 billion to tackle homelessness over the past five years but didn’t consistently track whether the huge outlay of public money actually improved the situation."

I first asked for the audit in 2020, but Newsom intervened to kill it. Now we know why he didn't want his spending examined. Last year, Assemblyman Josh Hoover got the audit approved, and the findings released today are even worse than I expected.

The audit found that the California Interagency Council on Homelessness "stopped tracking spending on programs and whether programs were working in 2021. It also failed to collect and evaluate outcome data for these programs." Even a Democrat State Senator decried the "lack of transparency at every level."

Meanwhile, homelessness has increased by 32 percent in California over the last five years. It has increased 67 percent in Sacramento. And half the nation's unsheltered homeless now live in our state.

In short: California is spending more and more on homelessness and the problem continues to get worse worse and worse. Far worse than anywhere else in America. It's yet another example of how our citizens sacrifice the most and get the least in return.
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Re: The Democrats

Post by Split T »

Is homelessness increasing because homeless people are leaving their states and going to California because the benefits are better?

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Re: The Democrats

Post by In2ition »

The problem it seems is there isn't any transparency to find out what is and isn't working. On top of that, it is just getting worse, not better.

We have all the money in the world to do this or do that, but homelessness is so far down the priority list it's disgusting. It's either that, or it's a problem they have no desire to fix, because it keeps them in power
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Re: The Democrats

Post by Mori Chu »

Kevin Kiley says an audit is out, but there's no link to it? Do you notice that you often link to news with no source or citation? I sometimes do that myself (e.g. the news about AZ Supreme Court banning abortion) when there's no story posted yet, but a lot of these cases there are probably stories or documents available but they just don't bother to link to them. It's a big smell IMO; you should always want primary sources for your information.

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Re: The Democrats

Post by In2ition »

Mori Chu wrote:
Tue Apr 09, 2024 4:45 pm
Kevin Kiley says an audit is out, but there's no link to it? Do you notice that you often link to news with no source or citation? I sometimes do that myself (e.g. the news about AZ Supreme Court banning abortion) when there's no story posted yet, but a lot of these cases there are probably stories or documents available but they just don't bother to link to them. It's a big smell IMO; you should always want primary sources for your information.
Or counterpoint, you can us a simple tool called Google and search yourself to find out. I'm not submitting a class paper for a grade or presenting my thesis.

But, if you want more information....
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Re: The Democrats

Post by Mori Chu »

In2ition wrote:
Tue Apr 09, 2024 4:53 pm
Mori Chu wrote:
Tue Apr 09, 2024 4:45 pm
Kevin Kiley says an audit is out, but there's no link to it? Do you notice that you often link to news with no source or citation?
Or counterpoint, you can us a simple tool called Google and search yourself to find out. I'm not submitting a class paper for a grade or presenting my thesis.
Yes, it's true that I can use Google to get sources and information. But my point is, you are the one posting the content, shouldn't the burden be on you to source it properly? Why do I have to meticulously Google every random tweet you post? Then you ask why I don't always engage or respond. IMO the person posting should provide a good source for what they post, rather than making us all scramble to go research it.

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Re: The Democrats

Post by Nodack »

Posting a story with zero links to anything? I pass right on by.

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Re: The Democrats

Post by In2ition »

Mori Chu wrote:
Tue Apr 09, 2024 6:41 pm
In2ition wrote:
Tue Apr 09, 2024 4:53 pm
Mori Chu wrote:
Tue Apr 09, 2024 4:45 pm
Kevin Kiley says an audit is out, but there's no link to it? Do you notice that you often link to news with no source or citation?
Or counterpoint, you can us a simple tool called Google and search yourself to find out. I'm not submitting a class paper for a grade or presenting my thesis.
Yes, it's true that I can use Google to get sources and information. But my point is, you are the one posting the content, shouldn't the burden be on you to source it properly? Why do I have to meticulously Google every random tweet you post? Then you ask why I don't always engage or respond. IMO the person posting should provide a good source for what they post, rather than making us all scramble to go research it.
Ok, Mom.
"When we all think alike, nobody is thinking" - Walter Lippmann
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Re: The Democrats

Post by Mori Chu »

In2ition wrote:
Wed Apr 10, 2024 7:00 am
Ok, Mom.

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Re: The Democrats

Post by In2ition »

Mori Chu wrote:
Wed Apr 10, 2024 7:47 am
In2ition wrote:
Wed Apr 10, 2024 7:00 am
Ok, Mom.
So is nitpicking
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Re: The Democrats

Post by Nodack »

I don’t care if you guys post a link or not. I will just ignore or take with a grain of salt posts with no link.

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Re: The Democrats

Post by In2ition »

This guy is nuts.
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Re: The Democrats

Post by In2ition »

So are these people.
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Re: The Democrats

Post by In2ition »

And this woman. All today.
"When we all think alike, nobody is thinking" - Walter Lippmann
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Re: The Democrats

Post by Mori Chu »

If we're piling on corrupt / bad Democrats today, here's another one. F this guy:

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Re: The Democrats

Post by In2ition »

Sad news. RIP
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Re: The Democrats

Post by In2ition »

Why Are They Destroying Us?

If someone wished to destroy America, could he do anything more catastrophic than what we currently see and hear each day? What would an existential enemy do that we have not already done to ourselves?

Here are eleven now familiar steps to civilizational destruction:

1) Wipe out a 2,000 mile border. Allow 10-million foreign nationals to enter unlawfully. Have no audit of any; nullify all federal immigration laws. Let toxic drugs in that kill 100,000 Americans a year. Give free support for those millions who broke the law. Smear any objectors as racists and xenophobes.

2) Run up $35 trillion in national debt. Keep adding $1 trillion to it each 100 days. Defame anyone wishing to cut wild spending as cruel and inhumane.

3). Appease or subsidize enemies like Iran and China. Demonize allies like Israel. Allow terrorists to attack Americans without response. See Islam as either similar or superior to Christianity. Make amends to leftist governments for supposedly past toxic American international behavior. Follow the lead of international agencies like the UN, ICC, and WHO to atone forpast American neocolonial and imperialist behavior. Recede to second-tier international status, befitting American decline.

4) In a multiracial democracy, redefine identity only as one’s tribal affiliation. Ensure each identity group rivals the other for victimhood and the state spoils it confers. Redefine all political issues by race and sex oppressors and oppressed. Destroy all meritocratic standards of admission, retention, promotion, and commendation.

5) Redefine violent crime as understandable, cry-of-the-heart expressions of social justice. Ensure no bail and same-day release for arrested, repeat violent felons. Empathize with the violent killer and rapist; ignore their victims, especially if slain police-officers.

6). Emasculate the military by using non-meritocratic standards of race, gender, and sexual orientation to determine promotion and commendation. Deliberately smear as racists and insurrectionists the largest demographic in the military who in recent wars died at twice their numbers in the population—so that they leave or never join the military. Encourage retired high officers to slander their Commander-in-Chief. Cut the defense budget. Stop producing sufficient weapons, but leave billions of dollars’ worth of arms to terrorists.

7) Reinvent the justice system to indict, bankrupt, convict, jail and eliminate political opponents. Use ballot removal, impeachment, civil suits, and state and federal indictments rather than elections to defeat an opponent. Mob the homes of non-compliant Supreme Court Justices, attack them personally by name.

8) Encourage the fusion of the bureaucratic state with the electric media to form a powerful force for political audit, surveillance, censorship, and coercion. Marry the FBI to Silicon Valley and hire its contractors to warp the news and hound supposed enemies of the people.

9.) Make war on affordable gasoline and natural gas. Substitute inefficient, unreliable, and expensive wind and solar power, even as energy prices bankrupt the middle class.

10.) Marry late, but preferably not at all. Consider males toxic, especially boys. Have no children, or as few as possible. Otherwise, assure children they are entitled, and must be sheltered.  Raise them to have grievances against past generations and current norms.

11.) Turn world-class universities into indoctrination centers. Suspend the Bill of Rights on campuses. Train youth to graduate despising their own culture and civilization. Recruit foreign students from hostile nations to subsidize campus commissarbloat. Replace the curriculum with therapeutic propaganda. Ban the SAT/ACT and do not evaluate high school GPAs. Ensure merit does not select the student body. Charge tuition higher than the rate of inflation. Bill the government when students default on their loans.

So why are those controlling Biden using him to advance much of such a destructive agenda that would end America as we know it?

1) They are delusional and think their socialist and globalist agendas are working and will save us.

2) They are raging nihilists who do not like the U.S. and deliberately want it destroyed as a service to the world. A ruined U.S. is preferable to a strong America.

3) They are Jacobin revolutionaries who are intentionally erasing the old United States as a prerequisite for creating an entirely new America that will arise from the ashes with no trace or even memory of its past.

4) They have no agenda. They are aimless fools, and utter incompetents. These bunglers just wing it day-to-day, in response to what their radical media, academic, and political masters dictate is necessary for them to retain power. They have no idea of the damage they are doing.

5. A bit of 1-3, but probably not 4.
"When we all think alike, nobody is thinking" - Walter Lippmann
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Re: The Democrats

Post by Mori Chu »

That tweet is ridiculous. Do you think Biden / Dems are doing all of those things?

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