RIP Dr. Wayne Dyer

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RIP Dr. Wayne Dyer

Post by Superbone »

He's moved on to the next plane of existence. He died at only 75 years of age. ... 75-n418556
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Re: RIP Dr. Wayne Dyer

Post by Ghost »

Not to be a dick, but he peddled bullshit. It's sad that he died, because a lot of people bought into his philosophy and he seems like he had a good heart. But I don't really understand why he's a story, without the whole story.

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Re: RIP Dr. Wayne Dyer

Post by Superbone »

Ghost wrote:Not to be a dick...
You failed. It's OK, you just don't know what you're talking about. Let me help you out. This is courtesy of James Altucher:


I was scared to death. Wayne Dyer was going to come on my podcast. I read about ten of his books. I watched five or six of his PBS specials.

The man has sold over 150 million books. He's inspired millions. He's already given 100s of interviews. What could I possibly ask him?

I watched other interviews with him. I even spoke to his daughter about him.

I wanted to be ready. I didn't want to ask the same questions everyone else was asking.

"You have to interrupt him," Claudia told me, "or he will keep on talking." So probably the first thing is: I learned how to interrupt people.

Afterwards, the guy who did the audio for the podcast said to me, "That was unbelievably inspiring." And then he quit his job.

Wayne Dyer has worn many hats. He's been a therapist, a professor, a writer, a PBS fundraiser, to many a spiritual leader.

I have no idea what he is. I think he wore many hats because in an interesting life, you do many interesting things.

The dots don't always have to connect.

To me he is the ultimate "Choose Yourself-er".

He started out dirt poor, an orphan coming out of foster homes. He went to school, got his PhD, became a professor, and was so loved by his students he reached tenure by age 35, in 1975.

Do you know what tenure is? It means the school has to pay you for the rest of your life. It means you never have to worry about a job or money again. You're set.

So what did he do then?

He quit.

He had written a book "Your Erroneous Zones" and it failed in his eyes. It had sold 5000 copies. When a book sells 5000 copies the publisher typically wipes their hands clean (they have made a tidy profit) and says, "Ok, on to the next one."

That wasn't good enough. He didn't want a publisher to choose whether he was a success or not.

He quit his 100% safe job. Everyone said he was crazy and begged him not to.

He bought out the rest of the inventory of books from his publisher and put them in the trunk of his station wagon.

With his nine year old daughter sitting next to him he drove all over the country, from bookstore to bookstore, begging them to take his books.

You choose yourself one choice at a time. You choose yourself every day. You choose yourself with all of your fears and hopes mixed together and nobody knows what's going to happen.

But if you do it with a sense of mission, a belief in your vision, what happens may not be what you expect, but you will never say, "I wonder what would have happened?"

He has sold over 100 million books since then.

Before I did the podcast I spoke about Wayne Dyer to a friend of mine who I thought would be very skeptical. My friend is the CEO of a $200 million in revenues a year company.

"Wayne Dyer is like a hero to me," he said and I was curious why.

"Think of it this way: he's done 10 specials raising money for PBS. He's raised over $150 million for PBS."

That is impressive, I said.

"Yes, but that's not the point. PBS runs those pledge shows over and over. And PBS has higher ratings than all of the broadcast channels combined.

Think about how much airtime and free advertising Wayne Dyer got for himself by doing those shows."

I don't think that's why Dyer did those shows but it's interesting the perspective. There's nothing wrong with raising money, inspiring millions, and also helping yourself, is what the CEO was pointing out to me.

If you go to my recent podcast list, the podcast is about two episodes ago.

Here's 13 things Wayne Dyer told me that every day I learn from:


When Your Erroneous Zones came out it was banned in all of the countries behind the Iron Curtain. So Dr. Dyer smuggled copies into Prague. That’s how much he believed in the message he was spreading.


Dr. Dyer grew up in an orphanage, an incredibly hard experience and one that many people might not be able to overcome.

But difficult experiences are what sculpt the soul. Now he's thankful, he told me, for those experiences.


At the beginning of his career, someone told Dr. Dyer “The only way to reach everyone in America is by getting on a nationally syndicated TV show.”

"No matter how many times he contacted the big shows, they rejected me every time."

So he packed his car full of books and drove across the whole country to connect with people face-to-face.

Today everyone wants to “go viral.” They want the internet to make them an overnight success. But sometimes you just need to work insanely hard and go to the people. One at a time, face-to-face.

"Viral" often is a disease you want to get rid of. But "connection" can lead to lifelong benefits.


He said everyone today is so eager to blame their situation on the stock market or the economy.

But whatever meager resources you have, make it work for you. Find a way to move forward.

He said that since he was 9 years old he’s never been unemployed, even if it meant he had to carry bags of groceries at the supermarket for a nickel.

The key to an enriched life is having a burning desire. Wayne says that you must “have an inner flame that no matter what goes before you it never flickers.” This desire will enable you to seize every opportunity and create the life you want to live.

Don’t let someone tell you you can’t do XYZ because there’s no money in it.

"People used to tell me 'Don’t be a teacher, you can’t make any money doing it.' ," he told me.

But now he says he’s a teacher with the largest classroom and the most amount of students.

Every day, don't try to jump into another box. Just try to think a little bit more outside of the box society has put you in.


Wayne says that If something isn’t working in his life he always tells himself “It must be because I haven’t used enough determination or I haven’t been fearless enough or I haven’t been willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen.”

He never lets himself make any excuses. Because even if there is an external explanation, he can’t control external factors. He can only control himself.


On June 26, 2013, Wayne announced to his whole family that he was done writing books.

He explained in great detail why he felt like that chapter of his life was done.

Then on June 27th he started writing his next book! He had 100% intended to be done with books, but when he felt the urge to start writing that morning he embraced it.

Rather than resisting and forcing his own plans, he accepted what came his way and let it direct him.


There are somethings that we can’t change. Our hardwiring, our bodies, our physical limitations.

But within that framework we have the power to make choices. We choose how to use the resources we were given.

Improving (or not improving) 1% a day is not even noticeable. That's why it's so easy for people to say, "nothing is happening" and inadvertently cost their lives 1% a day. Focus on that 1% improvement and everything changes.


You might be saying “OK James, a bunch of these lessons are about following your purpose, but what if I don’t know what mine is?!”

Wayne asked “What’s the difference between good and God?”

The answer is “o”. Not just ‘oh’ but ‘zero.’

So whatever makes you feel good, whatever energizes you and lights you up inside, that’s God. That’s God telling you that that’s what you are meant to be doing.

I don't believe that anyone has one purpose in life. And I don't like attaching any one religious philosophy to being content in life.

But I like the idea of taking that "zero" and filling it up, if only for today, with something you love.


Life is a gift. Don’t let your ego get in the way of fully experiencing and appreciating it.

When we were kids, we laughed and asked question. When we're adults, we cry and shout answers.

Sometimes it's good to feel like a kid again, even at age 75.


It’s hard living the life you want. It requires determination and strength and wisdom and fearlessness. And those are all difficult things.

You only find the alternative waiting for you on your deathbed.


Not in a woo-woo, intangible way with no connection to the real world. Too many people try to scam with that word.

"Enlightenment is all about improving your relationships. Being more loving with your spouse. Being more patient with your children. The quest for enlightenment is about improving your daily life in real ways."


1) Suffering: reflecting on pain in the past and learning from it;

2) Being present: learning from what you’re going through right now;

3) “Getting out front”: being proactive rather than reactive.


No matter what happens in the world around us, no matter what happens to us, there is a place inside of you where you are 100% in control of what happens.

"Maybe you can’t control the terrible things that happen to you, but you’re in control of how you respond."

You’re in control of your feelings and your own happiness. That’s not to say that it’s not incredibly difficult, but the point is that NO ONE ELSE has the power over your mindset. "Inside your chest, you are sovereign."

I was sort of in a glow after the interview. I was excited. I felt like doing a podcast was the right thing. I wasn't sure until then.

Maybe most of all I learned from one thing he said to me towards the end:

"Are you willing to do whatever it takes to make the thing that excites you come true. Are you fearless?"

I'll be honest: I don't know. Sometimes it's very hard. Sometimes crisis hits and you can't move.

I think that's ok. Sometimes you have to take a rest to re-energize.

But I have a faith that his final words to me are the trick:

"Come from a place of compassion and love".
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Re: RIP Dr. Wayne Dyer

Post by Nodack »

Sorry Superbone, I have never heard of the guy. I have read a few self help books in my day. I even tried subliminal cassette tapes with ocean sounds back in the day. The scariest one was est. They suck you in like Cobras hypnotizing you. "There is no such thing as you!" I felt like they were trying to steal my soul, my money and make me one of their minions. They almost had me. I have been at Defcom 6 ever since.

I did like the messages your guy Wayne Dyer sends. I have seen similar ones. Do what you love and you will eventually become successful at it. Stop blaming others for your failures and accept responsibility for your own life. Keep moving forward.

I have a buddy keyboard player I was on the road with a long time ago. Super nice, loved women...all women. His first night in the band on the road he got drunk, laid, lost the keys to the band van and played the next night bent over a trash can with one hand playing keys. I could write a book of all the crazy things that guy did. Now I here he is a spiritual advisor in Vegas. Lol

I have a gig next month being part of the back up band for a couple that do seminars as motivational speakers. I guess they sing and play too. Sounds scary to me, but pays, so who am I to judge.

Just like weight loss, self help requires the person to help themselves, be proactive and not procrastinate. Procrastination has to be #1. I have plenty to do and here I am typing useless stuff into chat when I could be doing all kinds of better things with my time. :D

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Re: RIP Dr. Wayne Dyer

Post by Superbone »

Cool stories, bro. You don't have to apologize and he's not "my guy." There's no cult. You guys crack me up. Maybe read just one of his 40+ books so you know what you're talking about and then we'll talk.
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Re: RIP Dr. Wayne Dyer

Post by Ghost »

Clive Cussler has written many books; it doesn't make him good.

I don't need to read a book about "higher consciousness" to call it bullshit. Sorry for not being down with your guy, "bro." I'm glad you enjoyed his writing and found inspiration in it, and as I said, it's sad he died.

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Re: RIP Dr. Wayne Dyer

Post by Superbone »

You still don't know what you're talking about, "bro." But by all means, don't let that stop you. Fist pump!
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Re: RIP Dr. Wayne Dyer

Post by Ghost »

Superbone wrote:You still don't know what you're talking about, "bro." But by all means, don't let that stop you. Fist pump!
In case you missed it, you were the one to use bro first, while completely discarding Nodack's post. So, I won't let it stop me. Not that I'm actually doing anything aside from disagreeing with you. So tell me, since I don't know. What am I talking about?

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Re: RIP Dr. Wayne Dyer

Post by LazarusLong »

Dyer was influenced by Abraham Maslow's concept of self-actualization, the teachings of Swami Muktananda, Saint Francis of Assisi, and the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu. He also borrowed heavily from several contemporaries, such as psychotherapist Albert Ellis. Ellis claimed outright plagiarism, but backed off from legal action because Dyer’s work and lecture had helped many people.

Dyer’s talent was to take a teachings from disparate sources and transform them into understandable, every day self-help “parables.” And as thrice-married man with admitted faults he was believable as a regular guy, other than a remote, high-brow academician preaching from an ivory tower.
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Re: RIP Dr. Wayne Dyer

Post by Superbone »

Spot on, Laz.
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Re: RIP Dr. Wayne Dyer

Post by Indy »

So because his plagiarism helped people he is a good guy?

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Re: RIP Dr. Wayne Dyer

Post by Nodack »

The fact that we are arguing here whether some self help guy that died was a good or bad guy because he wrote books influenced by other people is pretty sad. I guess it's summer. Plagiarism? The self help industry is a 10 billion dollar a year industry. How many different ways can you stop smoking, lose weight or get motivated year after year?

How to lose weight? Get off your ass, eat right and exercise.

How to get in shape? Get off your ass, eat right and exercise.

I don't care whether Wayne Dyer was a good or bad guy. Maybe he wrote all those books to make money. Maybe he wrote all those books because he cared about people. He probably helped somebody. Others probably got nothing from the books. Maybe he got a lot of his ideas from other influences. Everybody is influenced by somebody. I certainly can't judge whether he was guilty of plagiarism.

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Re: RIP Dr. Wayne Dyer

Post by Superbone »

Nodack wrote:The fact that we are arguing here whether some self help guy that died was a good or bad guy because he wrote books influenced by other people is pretty sad. I guess it's summer. Plagiarism? The self help industry is a 10 billion dollar a year industry. How many different ways can you stop smoking, lose weight or get motivated year after year?

How to lose weight? Get off your ass, eat right and exercise.

How to get in shape? Get off your ass, eat right and exercise.

I don't care whether Wayne Dyer was a good or bad guy. Maybe he wrote all those books to make money. Maybe he wrote all those books because he cared about people. He probably helped somebody. Others probably got nothing from the books. Maybe he got a lot of his ideas from other influences. Everybody is influenced by somebody. I certainly can't judge whether he was guilty of plagiarism.
+1000. :)
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Re: RIP Dr. Wayne Dyer

Post by Superbone »

Superbone wrote:
Nodack wrote:The fact that we are arguing here whether some self help guy that died was a good or bad guy because he wrote books influenced by other people is pretty sad. I guess it's summer. Plagiarism? The self help industry is a 10 billion dollar a year industry. How many different ways can you stop smoking, lose weight or get motivated year after year?

How to lose weight? Get off your ass, eat right and exercise.

How to get in shape? Get off your ass, eat right and exercise.

I don't care whether Wayne Dyer was a good or bad guy. Maybe he wrote all those books to make money. Maybe he wrote all those books because he cared about people. He probably helped somebody. Others probably got nothing from the books. Maybe he got a lot of his ideas from other influences. Everybody is influenced by somebody. I certainly can't judge whether he was guilty of plagiarism.
+1000. :)
That was the magic of the guy. He was able to take all these different philosophies and ideas and distill them so that they could be understood by the common man or woman.

"I fill myself with love, and I send that out into the world. How others treat me is their path: how I react is mine."

-Dr. Wayne Dyer

Ghost can call that bullshit but the world would be a much better place if everybody practiced that.
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Re: RIP Dr. Wayne Dyer

Post by Ghost »

Superbone wrote: "I fill myself with love, and I send that out into the world. How others treat me is their path: how I react is mine."

-Dr. Wayne Dyer

Ghost can call that bullshit but the world would be a much better place if everybody practiced that.
Practiced what? Being a Hallmark card?

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Re: RIP Dr. Wayne Dyer

Post by Nodack »

Superbone wrote:
"I fill myself with love, and I send that out into the world. How others treat me is their path: how I react is mine."

-Dr. Wayne Dyer
Superbone and Ghost chose different paths.

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Re: RIP Dr. Wayne Dyer

Post by Superbone »

Nodack wrote:
Superbone wrote:
"I fill myself with love, and I send that out into the world. How others treat me is their path: how I react is mine."

-Dr. Wayne Dyer
Superbone and Ghost chose different paths.
Ha! All my best to you Ghost. I'm glad you're happy in your new environment. :)
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Re: RIP Dr. Wayne Dyer

Post by Ghost »

Superbone wrote:
Nodack wrote:
Superbone wrote:
"I fill myself with love, and I send that out into the world. How others treat me is their path: how I react is mine."

-Dr. Wayne Dyer
Superbone and Ghost chose different paths.
Ha! All my best to you Ghost. I'm glad you're happy in your new environment. :)
Thank you. :) My weather app said it was 93 in Phoenix last night. At 3:00 am. I was wearing a jacket, and still chilly at 56. Life is good.

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Re: RIP Dr. Wayne Dyer

Post by Superbone »

Ghost wrote:
Superbone wrote:
Nodack wrote:
Superbone wrote:
"I fill myself with love, and I send that out into the world. How others treat me is their path: how I react is mine."

-Dr. Wayne Dyer
Superbone and Ghost chose different paths.
Ha! All my best to you Ghost. I'm glad you're happy in your new environment. :)
Thank you. :) My weather app said it was 93 in Phoenix last night. At 3:00 am. I was wearing a jacket, and still chilly at 56. Life is good.

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Nice. I'm somewhere in between weather-wise here in Temecula, CA.
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Re: RIP Dr. Wayne Dyer

Post by Nodack »

I was in Sedona Saturday and it was almost cold at night too. In Phoenix it's been in the 100-103 range which is perfect for summer if you own a pool. If I have to choose between being cold or being hot, I choose hot every time. I can jump in the pool when it's 120 and it feels great, even after I get out for a little while. When it's 0 degrees you are just F'ing cold and you need a space suit to keep warm.

I played poolside every Sunday afternoon at a resort in town this summer. That was pretty brutal. I do it every year. That is the best and worst gig. It's the worst because of the heat. It's the best because of the hotties.

Seattle is pretty mild in the winter. Stil too cold for me. Phoenix can get too cold for me in the winter.

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