Jessica Jones

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Jessica Jones

Post by Ladmo »

Who's watching? WOW! I cannot heap enough praise on this!
(And in 4K too, lookin' awesome I might add.)

This thing needs to win Emmy's, plural.
My favorite show from the Marvel lexicon, by FAR!
Maybe the best show on now, period.

I liked Daredevil, despite it's issues, I love Agent Carter, can't wait for that to return in January, and I stopped watching Shield, but will probably catch up some day. But this show is so friggin' amazingly well done!

It's dark, WAY dark, and occasionally funny too. I don't have a single negative criticism, not a one!
I'm putting this up there with Breaking Bad, Banshee, and Game of Thrones, I really think it's that good. Just blown away here.
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Re: Jessica Jones

Post by AmareIsGod »

Had to look it up. Netflix original! Great news. My concern when you were praising and putting it in the same sentence as GoT was that it was on ABC, NBC or one of those big networks that takes a dark show and makes it PG friendly with clean language and suggestive themes. I'll be starting this tonight. Thanks Lad!
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Re: Jessica Jones

Post by AmareIsGod »

Does it get better after the first episode? I wasn't particularly drawn to it (though the actress that plays Jessica Jones from Breaking Bad, Krysten Ritter, is hot). There was too much going on that was unbelievable from a character response to situations / dialogue perspective as well as the whole 'everyone is committing acts of infidelity or other scandalous acts right in front of a window on a busy / main street'.

There's potential. But nothing in the first episode grabbed me. I'm guessing it has to get better with the amount of praise you've given it.
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Re: Jessica Jones

Post by Indy »

It isn't just Lad. I continue to hear unsolicited great things about the show. But, that doesn't mean it is your cup of tea.

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Re: Jessica Jones

Post by AmareIsGod »

I've noticed. When I Googled just to see what the actress name was, there were lots of positive articles, discussions and a very good score on IMDB. Lots of shows take a few episodes to grow on me. I quit House of Cards 3 episodes in. Revisited it a year later and was sucked in after starting over and watching the whole first season.
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Re: Jessica Jones

Post by Indy »

I quit House of Cards 3 episodes in.
Wow. That is a show that had me hooked on episode 1. The last season was just so-so, though.

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Re: Jessica Jones

Post by specialsauce »

3 episodes in, I like it

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Re: Jessica Jones

Post by Ladmo »

Maybe it's not your thing AIG.

I'll break down what I love about it though.
I LOVE strong female leads and I love anti-heroes.
I like the interesting psychological examination of obsession, addiction, and the willpower (or lack thereof) of the human spirit. And the sex scenes are pretty good too. It's film noir too, which is pretty cool.

I always hated Superman because he was always so indestructible, perfect, and moral. Jones has many weaknesses, yet still has great abilities, not all connected directly to her superpowers. I think her character is interesting enough that you could go entire episodes without even seeing her use her superpowers. Sometimes she gives in to her less than moral side, and that to me is interesting to witness. This show takes chances. I respect that.

The same way that shows like Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones often goes down an unexpected road that had/has you mentally and emotionally fucked up, this show wants to drag you through some really shitty, completely wrong and evil paths. Jones has the best intentions, but little control over the outcome. That's closer to reality than current comic book shows around today, to me.

The villain has to be one of the most vile characters I've ever seen. It's not like I couldn't imagine a person who has lived a life with that ability wouldn't exploit such abilities either. And I could see where, like a drug, a person might use those abilities to more of an effect to have to get off on it. The level's of manipulation ramping up further until you get to this point. It takes a twisted mind to even envision such a character, and it takes some bravery to let this type of person take you down this road creatively. It's fucked up, totally, but it's brilliant.

But maybe it's not for everyone, not everything is. I made it halfway through season 2 of Walking Dead and stopped watching, and that's probably the most popular show of all time. I just don't empathize or relate with any of the characters and don't understand where we're going with their development, so it lost me. I may give it another shot someday, but like I said, maybe not everything is for everyone.

I intend to catch up on House of Cards at some point. I love political stuff, for whatever reason that show didn't do it for me as much as say, The Newsroom on HBO. Love Spacey though so I'm sure I'll find my way back to it at some point.

There's just so much shit to watch. I totally get how people really have to be choosy about what they watch. I don't think there can be enough hours in the day to watch all the great stuff that has been produced recently. We are truly living in a special time for TV.
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Re: Jessica Jones

Post by AmareIsGod »

I'll have to give it another go and be a little more open and focused when I watch it. I've been doing a lot of packing and whatnot, preparing to move and probably didn't give it the attention it needed.
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Re: Jessica Jones

Post by TOO »

Really enjoyed season one, although it was a bit anti-climactic. I assume S2 (if there is one) will delve deeper into her origin story.

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Re: Jessica Jones

Post by DrSublime »

wonderful show.
really hope SPOILERS
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Re: Jessica Jones

Post by specialsauce »

Watched it all, loved it. Great villain. Not so superhero cheesy like typical superhero shows. Great acting. Looking forward to season 2

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Re: Jessica Jones

Post by AmareIsGod »

Chalk up my initial impressions on a night of heavy multitasking with packing and working remotely. Restarted the series. 10 episodes in. Fantastic show! Even got my parents hooked. They're done and waiting impatiently for a 2nd season. Thanks Ladmo!
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