NBA/China/Hong Kong Controversy

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Re: NBA/China/Hong Kong Controversy

Post by Indy »

In2ition wrote:
Mon May 10, 2021 7:27 pm
Bud, I know what you're saying, and I'll consider your suggestions. In the meantime, consider the data, debunk it if you must and if it deserves it. Otherwise, refrain yourself from feeling the need for editorial control.
most of what you posted wasn't data. it was just editorial comment and false conclusions from data snippets. You need to see a bigger picture.

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Re: NBA/China/Hong Kong Controversy

Post by In2ition »

virtual9mm wrote:
Mon May 10, 2021 7:57 pm
In2, it is shallow thinking like yours that dug us a deep, deep hole during the Trump years. And the decision of the Obama folks about hiding the true nature of TPP (to contain China) from the American people, too. Now, we can never get it back in its initial form.
Not true in any way.
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Re: NBA/China/Hong Kong Controversy

Post by In2ition »

Indy wrote:
Mon May 10, 2021 8:01 pm
In2ition wrote:
Mon May 10, 2021 7:27 pm
Bud, I know what you're saying, and I'll consider your suggestions. In the meantime, consider the data, debunk it if you must and if it deserves it. Otherwise, refrain yourself from feeling the need for editorial control.
most of what you posted wasn't data. it was just editorial comment and false conclusions from data snippets. You need to see a bigger picture.
You seem to think that China is completely the same, using their entire population as a point that shows you think they are fine for some unknown reason. What % of people in China live in a way that rises above poverty? I'm sure you factored that in, right?
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Re: NBA/China/Hong Kong Controversy

Post by Indy »

In2ition wrote:
Mon May 10, 2021 8:52 pm
Indy wrote:
Mon May 10, 2021 8:01 pm
In2ition wrote:
Mon May 10, 2021 7:27 pm
Bud, I know what you're saying, and I'll consider your suggestions. In the meantime, consider the data, debunk it if you must and if it deserves it. Otherwise, refrain yourself from feeling the need for editorial control.
most of what you posted wasn't data. it was just editorial comment and false conclusions from data snippets. You need to see a bigger picture.
You seem to think that China is completely the same, using their entire population as a point that shows you think they are fine for some unknown reason. What % of people in China live in a way that rises above poverty? I'm sure you factored that in, right?
How many people do you talk to each week that currently live there, or have lived in China in the last couple years? Or are you basing everything off of gatewaypundit?

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Re: NBA/China/Hong Kong Controversy

Post by Indy »

In2ition wrote:
Mon May 10, 2021 8:47 pm
virtual9mm wrote:
Mon May 10, 2021 7:57 pm
In2, it is shallow thinking like yours that dug us a deep, deep hole during the Trump years. And the decision of the Obama folks about hiding the true nature of TPP (to contain China) from the American people, too. Now, we can never get it back in its initial form.
Not true in any way.
He made 3 statements.
1) Shallow thinking dug us a hole
2) Obama admin wasn't direct with the American people about TPP
3) We will never get as strong as a deal again

How are all 3 of those completely false?

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Re: NBA/China/Hong Kong Controversy

Post by In2ition »

Indy wrote:
Mon May 10, 2021 8:58 pm
In2ition wrote:
Mon May 10, 2021 8:52 pm
Indy wrote:
Mon May 10, 2021 8:01 pm
In2ition wrote:
Mon May 10, 2021 7:27 pm
Bud, I know what you're saying, and I'll consider your suggestions. In the meantime, consider the data, debunk it if you must and if it deserves it. Otherwise, refrain yourself from feeling the need for editorial control.
most of what you posted wasn't data. it was just editorial comment and false conclusions from data snippets. You need to see a bigger picture.
You seem to think that China is completely the same, using their entire population as a point that shows you think they are fine for some unknown reason. What % of people in China live in a way that rises above poverty? I'm sure you factored that in, right?
How many people do you talk to each week that currently live there, or have lived in China in the last couple years? Or are you basing everything off of gatewaypundit?
I fail to see what that has to do with the amount of emissions produced by China or the questions I asked you about your own data used to make a silly point. Are you in constant contact with the CCP? Are you a paid shill for them and want to come clean?
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Re: NBA/China/Hong Kong Controversy

Post by In2ition »

Indy wrote:
Mon May 10, 2021 8:59 pm
In2ition wrote:
Mon May 10, 2021 8:47 pm
virtual9mm wrote:
Mon May 10, 2021 7:57 pm
In2, it is shallow thinking like yours that dug us a deep, deep hole during the Trump years. And the decision of the Obama folks about hiding the true nature of TPP (to contain China) from the American people, too. Now, we can never get it back in its initial form.
Not true in any way.
He made 3 statements.
1) Shallow thinking dug us a hole
2) Obama admin wasn't direct with the American people about TPP
3) We will never get as strong as a deal again

How are all 3 of those completely false?
1. It wasn't shallow thinking that we shouldn't have transferred so much of our manufacturing to CCP controlled China. In fact it was complete shallow thinking to do so. Allowing them to steal intellectual property all the time only hurts Americans. My own father-in-law had this happen to him and his company. Selling US military secrets or allowing them to steal them is also short sighted and shallow thinking that happened for 8 yrs under Obama, VP Biden and SOS Clinton, which also enriched their families. TPP trade deals were horrible and there is no defending it.
2. He was honest that in that he was going to screw the US with the deal and he followed through.
3. That deal was a complete joke, and in the sense that Joe will never negotiate a deal as good, that makes sense. Joe is a sick oke and sell out to China. He has no possibility of negotiating from a position of strength ever. The Big Guy is owned by the CCP, and will do everything he can to F over all of us in favor of them.
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Re: NBA/China/Hong Kong Controversy

Post by Indy »

i think you have many delusions

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Re: NBA/China/Hong Kong Controversy

Post by Nodack »

China is a rival like the Lakers? You think this is a game? It isn't just the Dems that are working with China. Almost all of NDs high level Reps like the Governor and AG are sold out to China. AZ & GA too. I agree that we've done it to ourselves. We've sent over all of our manufacturing to China to bend ourselves over, so that greedy politicians can get rich. The Chinese people and China itself isn't evil, but the CCP is.

As far as solar, wind and hydro, they are the main manufacturers of it, but why aren't they lowering their own emissions? We know that fossil fuels are needed to make the solar panels and wind turbines. Yet, we are beholden to a ponzi scheme to enrich the pocketbooks of the likes of Gore, Clintons, Bush, Obama, and others.
All other countries are our rivals, even our closest allies. We are closer so some countries than other and outright hostile towards others. It is a game. A deadly game. I don’t know about everyone being sold out to China in states where Trump lost the election. I don’t consider alternatives to oil ponzi schemes. Yes China has a pollution problem from their super fast massive expansion. They are working on it I believe.
China is the world leader in wind power generation, with the largest installed capacity of any nation[1] and continued rapid growth in new wind facilities.[2] With its large land mass and long coastline, China has exceptional wind power resources:[3] it is estimated China has about 2,380 gigawatts (GW) of exploitable capacity on land and 200GW on the sea.[4] Wind power remained China’s third-largest source of electricity at the end of 2020, accounting for 12.8% of total power generation capacity.

In 2020, China added 71.6 GW of wind power generation capacity. In 2020 the United States, added 14 GW.

China is forecast to have 1200 GW of combined wind and solar capacity by 2030 as part of the government's pledge to produce increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 25% by that year.[8] In late 2020, the Chinese government set out a road map for total installed capacity of wind and solar to be 1,200 gigawatts by 2030.[9] China has identified wind power as a key growth component of the country's economy.[10] Experts say that China can achieve carbon neutrality before 2060 and peak emissions before 2030.[11]

Why we fight amongst ourselves, China is getting things done and preparing to dominate as the worlds leading Super Power. It does bother me. I play for the other team. My team hates each other more than the other team and doesn’t even show up for practice anymore. China has been building up everything including their military. I feel at some point in the future they are going to flex that military muscle in someplace like Taiwan and Russia would probably simultaneously attack the Ukraine. Then what do we do? Act as one unified country. I don’t see that happening. I think we promised to defend Taiwan against any aggression from China many times as a country. ... -ambiguity
The outgoing commander of US forces in the Indo-Pacific region, Navy Adm. Philip Davidson, told US lawmakers in March that he believes Beijing will attempt a takeover of the neighboring democratic island — which it considers part of mainland China — within the next six years. Davidson’s successor, Navy Adm. John Aquilino, expressed a similar concern days later.

Defend Taiwan or not?

Defend the Ukraine or not?

Does the US and NATO act together or has Trump soured that relationship?
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Re: NBA/China/Hong Kong Controversy

Post by virtual9mm »

Indy -- thanks for interpreting what I mentioned for me. You are, of course, right on the money.

In2 -- you mentioned a few things that are right (e.g. letting the US manufacturing base hollow out) but miss all the crucial nuances. For instance, the US and China have fundamentally different developmental models, the Asian one being largely shared in common between Japan, Korea, and China with a 20 to 30 year time lag. State led heavy industrialization (developmentalism) just isn't appropriate for the US because it would destroy the things that the US does best -- this was am exam question on a course I taught for NYU Stern in Shanghai a few years ago. Ironically, Trump may have already broken many of America's strengths. I think that the US will re-industrialize in a sense but that it will be jobless -- a few engineers in Reno with a bunch of robots.

One thing you mentioned stands out to me. There is a marked difference between coastal and interior China. Coastal China is better educated, more upwardly mobile, and more confident than even Japan or Korea nowadays. Interior China has a broken educational system, kids there have an average IQ of 90 -- fit to push a broom but not to be knowledge workers. But there are still 700 million people in coastal China. And I am starting to think that the US is starting to look like that, too. No scientific literacy, critical reasoning skills, etc. being taught in hard red states in the near future, I fear How can you trust science if you have been raised in religious dogma, creationism, and superstition?

Nodack -- scary things in the night. Keep a finger on that pulse.

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Re: NBA/China/Hong Kong Controversy

Post by virtual9mm »

By the way, so much of what the Republicans are doing mirror what the CCP has been doing for so long. Back in the cultural revolution, the Red Guards attacked intellectuals, dispossessed them, and either killed them or sent them off to hard labor camps to be "re-educated". Isn't this what the Trumpists want to do to the "lib-tards"? And the Chinese system is supposedly an intra-party democracy with local officials being elected by the people. But over time, the rules have been changed so that the winners are preordained. Isn't this what is going on in the US, too? Trump was just a less competent Mao.

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Re: NBA/China/Hong Kong Controversy

Post by Nodack »

I just got updated on things by my mother. She said “Did you see what Biden was doing?”

I said no and she said. “Biden has been shutting down the oil pipelines so people will have to buy electric cars. It’s Socialism!”

Thank you FOX News.
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Re: NBA/China/Hong Kong Controversy

Post by Superbone »

I am seriously afraid for American democracy but I think the Trump cult is only about a third of the population and shrinking. What happened with Liz Cheney is beyond comprehension for sane Americans that are not caught up in the Big Lie.
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Re: NBA/China/Hong Kong Controversy

Post by Indy »

we don't teach critical thinking (or even questioning) anymore. and people are too lazy to think for themselves. or they think that sharing conspiracy theories is thinking for themselves.

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Re: NBA/China/Hong Kong Controversy

Post by Cap »

Indy wrote:
Wed May 12, 2021 7:46 pm
we don't teach critical thinking (or even questioning) anymore. and people are too lazy to think for themselves. or they think that sharing conspiracy theories is thinking for themselves.
Generally, members of the cult of ignorance use “think for ourselves” as an excuse. I’m not going to listen to what climate scientists say about climate change, I’m going to look outside and draw my own conclusions. Etc.

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Re: NBA/China/Hong Kong Controversy

Post by virtual9mm »

Agree with all counts, folks
Superbone wrote:
Wed May 12, 2021 5:36 pm
I am seriously afraid for American democracy but I think the Trump cult is only about a third of the population and shrinking. What happened with Liz Cheney is beyond comprehension for sane Americans that are not caught up in the Big Lie.
I agree that the Trump cult is just a bit north of 1/3rd of the US electorate. The problem is that there has been so much gerrymandering, in top of the built in bias towards small states, that with a few more voter restrictions, etc. the 1/3rds can plausibly gain control. And knowing that they could never win a truly fair and free election, they will try to ensure that one will never happen again.

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Re: NBA/China/Hong Kong Controversy

Post by Nodack »

China has almost completely eliminated the free press in Honk Kong. Not a good sign.

Hong Kong media outlet Stand News to shut down after arrests of executives, as press landscape darkens ... 735489.php
HONG KONG - Stand News, one of the last independent news organizations in Hong Kong, was forced to cease operations Wednesday after police arrested six current and former executives in predawn raids, accusing them of a conspiracy to publish "seditious" material and freezing the company's assets.

The events followed a playbook used by authorities to shut down Apple Daily, the popular pro-democracy newspaper, earlier this year and underscore how swiftly they are moving to snuff out any remaining critical voices in the territory. Stand News was nominated this year for the Reporters Without Borders Press Freedom Prize.
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Re: NBA/China/Hong Kong Controversy

Post by Mori Chu »

China is encroaching on Hong Kong around the same time that Russia is encroaching on Ukraine. It would be tough for the US if both of them made a move at the same time.

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Re: NBA/China/Hong Kong Controversy

Post by In2ition »

"When we all think alike, nobody is thinking" - Walter Lippmann
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Re: NBA/China/Hong Kong Controversy

Post by Nodack »

I am pretty sure China and Russia are acutely aware of that and are counting on it.
In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not gonna have to vote.

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