Trump's Muslim ban

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Trump's Muslim ban

Post by Mori Chu »

Trump bans refugees and Muslims from entering USA: ... .1953fa1eq

In response, Iran announces that Americans are no longer welcome to enter their country: ... s-citizens

I'm embarrassed to be an American in these dark times.

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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by Superbone »

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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by Nodack »

I think Superbone's theory on stocks might apply to politics as well. There are always ups and downs in the market but, historically gains are made over time. This is a pretty big crash. We will recover from Trump eventually.

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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by Superbone »

Nodack wrote:I think Superbone's theory on stocks might apply to politics as well. There are always ups and downs in the market but, historically gains are made over time. This is a pretty big crash. We will recover from Trump eventually.
Good call! :)
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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by ShelC »

It's stupid because no thought went into this. They just drew up a document and he signed it and put it into action. They didn't think through any exceptions for those with visa or green cards, and clearly didn't think of the repercussions of this. They didn't communicate to other govt officials, law enforcement agencies were caught off guard, travelers were stranded or detained or worse. I think we need stricter immigration laws and vetting to some extent, but not this. We're one week in...a month from now there could be total anarchy. Hopefully this isn't how they plan to repeal ACA.

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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by Flagrant Fowl »

ShelC wrote:Hopefully this isn't how they plan to repeal ACA.
I think this is his plan on how to do everything.
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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by TOO »

:( But I was really interested in that find a muslim wife ad.

Will this cartoon make it 4 years without an assassination attempt on his life?

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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by Mori Chu »

This is all done in such a sloppy way. If I didn't know better, I'd think that the current leader has no political experience of any kind, and that his cabinet is full of unqualified people or something.

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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by Mori Chu »

This is a standard fallacious response. "The other guy did something similar in the past, so now it's okay if our guy does it." It's bad to ban refugees from a country, whether Obama does it or Trump does it. And Obama doing something vaguely similar does not excuse the horrific stuff happening this week / weekend from Trump's executive order.

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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by TOO »

Marty [Mori Chu] wrote:This is all done in such a sloppy way. If I didn't know better, I'd think that the current leader has no political experience of any kind, and that his cabinet is full of unqualified people or something.

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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by In2ition »

Marty [Mori Chu] wrote:
This is a standard fallacious response. "The other guy did something similar in the past, so now it's okay if our guy does it." It's bad to ban refugees from a country, whether Obama does it or Trump does it. And Obama doing something vaguely similar does not excuse the horrific stuff happening this week / weekend from Trump's executive order.
As I was looking all the talk about this and Chuck Shumer's crying, I also came across this. Not the care soft response though.
[tweet]No it's NOT a Muslim ban, you hysterical morons.

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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by Wally_West »

In2ition wrote:
Marty [Mori Chu] wrote:
This is a standard fallacious response. "The other guy did something similar in the past, so now it's okay if our guy does it." It's bad to ban refugees from a country, whether Obama does it or Trump does it. And Obama doing something vaguely similar does not excuse the horrific stuff happening this week / weekend from Trump's executive order.
As I was looking all the talk about this and Chuck Shumer's crying, I also came across this. Not the care soft response though.
[tweet]No it's NOT a Muslim ban, you hysterical morons.

This guy is from infowars which is lead by a dude who believes Lizards people exist and that Sandy Hook was fake.

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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by Nodack » ... migration/
While Obama did halt the refugee program, it did not impact green card holders, or anyone with a visa. It also did not affect refugees who had already gone through the vetting process. Trump’s travel ban barred entry to the United States to those groups, causing a chaotic situation for travelers from the seven affected countries and leading to protests at airports across the country.

Trump’s order gives preference to religious minority groups, such as Christians, when the admissions resume, according to The New York Times
. ... dc6e93ada5

So what’s the difference with Trump’s action?

First, Obama responded to an actual threat — the discovery that two Iraqi refugees had been implicated in bomb-making in Iraq that had targeted U.S. troops. (Iraq, after all, had been a war zone.) Under congressional pressure, officials decided to reexamine all previous refugees and also impose new screening procedures, which led to a slowdown in processing new applications. Trump, by contrast, issued his executive order without any known triggering threat. (His staff has pointed to attacks unrelated to the countries named in his order.)

Second, Obama did not announce there was a ban on visa applications. In fact, as seen in Napolitano’s answer to Collins, administration officials danced around that question. There was certainly a lot of news reporting that visa applications had been slowed to a trickle. But the Obama administration never said it was their policy to halt all applications. Even so, the delays did not go unnoticed, so there was a lot of critical news reporting at the time about the angst of Iraqis waiting for approval.

Third, Obama’s policy did not prevent all citizens of that country, including green-card holders, from traveling to the United States. Trump’s policy is much more sweeping, though officials have appeared to pull back from barring permanent U.S. residents.

We have sought comment from the White House and also from Obama administration officials and so may update this if more information becomes available. But so far this is worthy of at least Two Pinocchios

And the Trump answer again is to blame somebody else. It was Obama's fault Trump banned all Muslims from 7 countries. It's not a Muslim ban. A show of hands, who really believes that?

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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by carey »

I don't know if every single politician is a giant hypocrite but Pence, Trump, and Conway certainly are 3 of the biggest ones I've ever seen. I still don't know how Trump is not being impeached for violation of the Emoluments Clause right now. He's breaking the constitution every single day. How much more transparent can you be when you ban Muslims from Islamic countries you just so happen to not have business deals in. Then you don't ban them From SA where nearly every 9/11 attacker originated from? This whole thing is a god damn farce. I assume you saw the video where Giuliani admitted Trump called him and said "I want to ban Muslims. How do I do it legally?" I have no fucking clue why you'd contact a so-called "security expert" and ask him advice on this issue but there you have it. A hastily executive order that had as little thought put into as possible.

I've contacted my democratic leadership in my state and told them I'm ashamed of their silence on the issue. Our governor has said nothing. Our one democratic representative has said nothing. i firmly believe if Elizabeth Warren had run for president we wouldn't be in this mess, but it was "Hillary's time" and she refused to. She would have wiped the floor with Trump's ass. She's a real leader and has been on the front lines the last 2 years working her ass off for this country.
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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by Mori Chu »

Warren has a lot more gusto than Clinton, and I'm a fan of hers. But she just voted "yes" to approve Trump pick of Ben Carson as HUD secretary. I really wish she would vote "no" on the cabinet picks who are obviously unqualified for their positions, such as Carson and DeVos.

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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by In2ition »

Marty [Mori Chu] wrote:Warren has a lot more gusto than Clinton, and I'm a fan of hers. But she just voted "yes" to approve Trump pick of Ben Carson as HUD secretary. I really wish she would vote "no" on the cabinet picks who are obviously unqualified for their positions, such as Carson and DeVos.
Yeah, he's probably not smart enough, educated enough, motivated enough or had enough experience with HUD housing to learn what it would take to do a good job. He certainly hasn't shown that he has the correct political dogma.
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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by Nodack »

The Muslim ban is put off for a few days. The acting AG refused to enforce Trumps ban and he fired her. The new AG might be Sessions but, he isn't vetted yet.

Trump Tweet-"The Democrats are delaying my cabinet picks for purely political reasons. They have nothing going but to obstruct. Now have an Obama A.G."

Steve Bannon ... index.html

Under the president's announced structure, Bannon has eclipsed the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Director of National Intelligence on the National Security Council.
Indeed, Bannon already has emerged as the president's most trusted adviser on global affairs, an area in which Trump has little expertise.
It was Bannon who guided the drafting of Trump's controversial immigration order. According to reports, the Secretary of Defense and director of Homeland Security were not consulted; the State Department was caught unaware.

The order, which has roiled the world, reflected not only Trump's campaign pledge for "extreme vetting" but the white nationalist, anti-immigrant bent of Breitbart News, the organization Bannon led before joining Trump's campaign team.
Trump's warmth to right-wing populist movements in Europe and hostility to trade and global institutions are wholly consistent with the worldview of Bannon's Breitbart, which recently opened bureaus in France and Germany in advance of elections there.
Ten days in, this much is clear: Steve Bannon is playing a role in national security and foreign policy for which there is no precedent.
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Re: Trump's Muslim ban

Post by Nodack »

[tweet]No it's NOT a Muslim ban, you hysterical morons.
Giuliani: Trump asked me how to do a Muslim ban 'legally' ... an-legally

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) said in an interview on Saturday that President Trump had previously asked him about legally implementing a "Muslim ban."

But Giuliani then disputed the notion that the president's sweeping executive order barring refugees and people from seven predominantly Muslim nations amounts to a ban on Muslims.

"I’ll tell you the whole history of it: When he first announced it, he said ‘Muslim ban,'" Giuliani said on Fox News.

"He called me up, he said, ‘Put a commission together, show me the right way to do it legally.’"

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