Game of Thrones: Season 7

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Re: Game of Thrones: Season 7

Post by Indy »

I think Tyrion being outmatched is a result of him being so damn obsessed with his family.

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Re: Game of Thrones: Season 7

Post by Indy »

Agreed about Snow/Dany

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Re: Game of Thrones: Season 7

Post by Nodack »

Just finished the last episode. Felt like I binge watched the whole thing but, I guess it took a few months. Pretty exciting show. They combined a lot of different things into one show. I love how they film it in real locations that are breathtaking. You can pick out some of the CGI stuff pretty easy. They hook you with a lot of things. You have the whole Mid evil thing and then add Witches, Warlocks, Undead, Dragons, Wolves, 3 eyed Crow, Demons, lots of violence and lots of sex that borders on porn and you get entertained.

I too was a little bummed about Sansa and Arya having their spat and Sansa threatening to take the North herself in Jons absense. Turns out they were just playing Lord Bailish the whole time.

An Undead Dragon? Why not? They turn everything elsethat used to live. It breathed fire before. Now it breathes blue fire I guess. I melted the wall. The dead don’t really breath with most of their parts missing. How does an undead Dragon breath fire? It just does.

Jon is really Aegon Targeryen. He just slept with the queen and it turns out he’s sleeping with his aunt? How awkward. By the way, It guess I’m your nephew and the rightfull ruler of the throne Auntie. I hope that doesn’t affect our relationship.

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Re: Game of Thrones: Season 7

Post by Zeratul »

I was a little disappointed by the latest season. I found there were too many blatant attempts to please the audience...
You guys wanted full grown dragons burning up a bunch a bad guys? Here you go!
You think Baelish's schemes are getting old and the Starks girls' family feud is annoying? OK we solve it with a free plot twist!
Ah! It seems everybody thinks Dany and Jon are hot, let's have them mate and create more incestuous relationships, GoT fans are gonna loooove that!
And then we can wrap it up with the heartbreaking death of a dragon and make a big bad freaky undead one for the win ...yay!

...But that's just like my opinion, man...

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Re: Game of Thrones: Season 7

Post by Nodack »

This is similar to the Walking Dead in that this was a story before these shows. The Walking Dead was a comic strip first that they “mostly” follow just like the Game of Thrones is book already written that they mostly follow. Most of this stuff has been written in long before the tv shows were thought of.

Full grown dragons burning men was pretty much a forgone conclusion for me after a couple of episodes. The Throne was built 1000 years earlier by the owner of three dragons who were used as weapons too. Of course they were going to burn the bad guys.

It’s a show. Of course they will do things to please fans. That’s the whole point. Daenerys and Jon have been set up for this long ago.The Targaryen family tree has a history of incest as does the Lannister tree.

I have been pretty shocked at who they kill off in the show. Bailish being killed wasn’t much of a surprise. The timing and who killed him was a surprise.

Next season is supposed to be the last and it doesn’t come put until 2019? Well they can’t let the undead win. That would just be wrong. Daenerys And Jon (Aegon) should be king and queen so we know that isn’t going to happen. Cersi is the most hated person so we know she has to die. Arya has Cersi on her list. Arya could kill Jaimy Lannister and use his face to become him to get close to Cersi.

Somebody has to rule it n the Iron Throne. Who will it be? I bet there is an odds place out on it somewhere already.

Odds as of July 17 at Bovada
Cersei Lannister -250
Daenerys Targaryen +250
Jon Snow +450
Petyr Baelish +1500
Tyrion Lannister +1500
Gendry +1500
Bran or Benjen Stark +2000
The Night King +2000
Arya Stark +2000
Sansa Stark +2000
Euron Greyjoy +2000
Jaime Lannister +2200
Theon Greyjoy +5000
Davos Seaworth +6600
Varys +6600
Yara Greyjoy +6600
Samwell Tarly +10000
Jorah Mormont +10000
Lyanna Mormont +10000
Qyburn +15000
Ellaria Sand +20000
Sandor or Gregor Clegane +20000
Brienne of Tarth +20000
Tormund Giantsbane +25000
Olenna Tyrell +25000
Missandei +25000
Melisandre +30000
Jaqen H'ghar +30000
Grey Worm +30000
Bronn of the Blackwater +30000
Podrick Payne +30000
Daario Naharis +30000
Gilly +30000
Meera Reed +30000

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Re: Game of Thrones: Season 7

Post by Mori Chu »

I don't think anybody will be ruling Westeros at the end. They will abandon the monarchy system and turn to some kind of either republic / representative democracy, or at the least they'll go back to 7 (or 8) kingdoms so that each region doesn't have to be subservient to the others.

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Re: Game of Thrones: Season 7

Post by Nodack »

Democracy in the middle ages? I think the strong survive and the weak perish. The ruler is the one who takes the throne by force. He who sits on the Iron Throne rules the other kingdoms. If they don’t bend a knee, they perish.

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