First Democratic Debate

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Re: First Democratic Debate

Post by Nodack »

I think Bernie is right about just about everything. I also don't see a snowballs chance of him getting elected as many have pointed out. The S thing kills him. It's almost like saying you are a Nazi to the average American. Even if he comes out with a new title the cat's out of the bag already. The gloves have stayed on with Bernie. I think Republicans would rather Bernie get the nomination because they know bombarding the airwaves with SOCIALISM! commercials showing Stalin and Mao and rows of dead bodies piled up would scare the begeebus out of Americans. Killing him off now would just help Hillary.

I didn't mean to be that harsh of Hillary last night. She is probably the most qualified Democrat to work most effectively in Washington as President. She is same old same old. It all means she knows just what buttons to push and when to give up something they want to get things done and that is really what a politician is all about.

I think Bernie is right. Then there is the reality of the situation. Progress is way slow in America thanks to our checks and balances. Maybe that's a good thing. Right now 78% of Americans disapprove of the way Congress is doing their jobs. Trump, Carson and Fiorina lead Republican polls and that says a lot. Hillary up in the polls is totally expected but, Sanders up in the polls also says a lot. America is sick of politics as usual and they are ready to vote for change. Trump leading the fringe right and Sanders leading the fringe left show how divided we are as a country on some issues.

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Re: First Democratic Debate

Post by Ghost »

ShelC wrote: Trump is still the most intriguing for me simply because he's real and doesn't need money from anyone. At the very least, he's shaking things up.
Which of his policy decisions do you agree with, and why? What has he said, and I mean specifics about what he wants to do to improve the country, resonate with you? In what way do you consider him real?

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Re: First Democratic Debate

Post by ShelC »

Nothing really to do with policies but I like the fact that he comes off like a normal person (whether you agree with him or not) in interviews. He doesn't sound like a robot giving canned, cookie cutter answers trying to appease everyone. He's built up his empire and has real world experience. The fact that he can support his own campaign means he's not taking money from lobbyists or special interest groups, which is why he doesn't have to fall in line and play the game, so to speak. I also like the fact that he's called out the other politicians for their hypocrisy at times.

I wasn't speaking on Trump the candidate, so much as the idea of someone like Trump calling out what's wrong with Washington and the politicians. I wish someone who had the same financial situation, with some political experience who was less offensive, were running. Maybe he'll inspire that in the future.

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Re: First Democratic Debate

Post by OE32 »

I tend to think Trump's not really being held to the same standard as other politicians. I mean, the guy refuses to discuss any further his allegations regarding Obama's birth certificate. Evasion or flip-flop? He changes the subject when the subject doesn't suit him, and there are just countless examples of this by now. His primary tactic is insulting the other candidates or particular groups of people, rather than any particular law or policy. Politicians get attacked for not providing specifics, but this guy has turned bullet points into "something great." He makes ridiculous statements on topic after topic, but it doesn't matter, because he's "just a regular guy." It seems to me that the only thing he has in common with a regular guy is that he has no idea what the laws are or how to change them for the better.

... But I own a boatload of Trump shares on PredictIt. Those poll numbers just aren't coming down.

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Re: First Democratic Debate

Post by Indy »

I don't love Hillary Clinton's track record; as others have said, she seems insincere and seems to just say or do whatever she thinks will further her political career rather than having deep convictions about anything. But I think she's the best and most likely choice to be our next President.
Doesn't it kill you to write that you think someone is a liar and will compromise their beliefs to get ahead, but is the best choice to be President?

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Re: First Democratic Debate

Post by Indy »

Wouldn't a Trump/Sanders election be amazing? And by amazing, I mean like bizarro world...

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Re: First Democratic Debate

Post by Nodack »

Definitely bizzaro. It would definitely send a message to Washington.

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Re: First Democratic Debate

Post by Indy »

I think their spam filters catch any real messages (by design) and their voicemail box is probably full...

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Re: First Democratic Debate

Post by Ladmo »

In what world is Trump normal?

I've been brutally ill since Friday, finally went back to work today. I know half a dozen people who were hosting parties to watch the debate in support of Bernie Sanders, all with about 30-40 people at each of their homes. I was looking at pictures of what was going on, since I could not attend.

Pretty much a cross-section of every type of person you could imagine. Kind of reminded me of Oingo Boingo concerts when I was a kid. You'd see college girls, people in suits, dude's in cowboy hats, chicks with mohawks, Black, White, Latino, Asian, you name it.

There were life-long Republicans there the night of the debate too. The fact that even some Republicans are showing support for Bernie really doesn't surprise me one bit. I don't expect all of 'em to wise up, but it's not a rare thing anymore.

People spoke at these events and some of the stories were really interesting. A 10 year old girl spoke about how she watched as her Mother was taken from her and deported back to Mexico, for example. Not everyone on the Right is fooled into thinking that immigrants are to blame for everything.

I think it's amazing what people are doing. I have never seen anything like it, to be quite honest. I try to picture what a Trump rally like this might be like, and I picture rednecks frothing at the mouth about those damn Mexicans, or Libtards, or some other angry imagined enemy that they can focus their negativity on. Finding sympathy for a 10 year old, wanting her to be reunited with her Mother, yeah, kind of different plains there, if you can imagine.

Trump's normal... Holy fucking Christ, you got to be fucking kidding me... Normal to whom? Oh, the hate, the twisted manipulation of fear, the lack of empathy... Why am I the only one seeing this?

If Trump is normal to you, I gotta' question your version of normality, sorry. We're talking about a Plutocrat who's tax plan saves money for him and costs the rest of us more, and oh by the way, adds $400 billion in spending to build a wall to appease xenophobes... Normal. Normal? I did read that right? I'm not imagining things? Normal... Fuck me sideways with a rake... normal...

Anyways, I guess I'm playing to the wrong crowd here if that's normal. I was going to post this pretty cool introduction of Sanders from Seth MacFarlane, but he's probably just another one of those Hollywood Libtards that you guys just love to hate. Probably not normal enough for you, like a Klan rally might be.

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Re: First Democratic Debate

Post by Ladmo »

Okay, just answer me this one, because I would really, REALLY love to know.

How is pandering to Right-wing hate, fear, and prejudice unlike every other Republican politician?
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Re: First Democratic Debate

Post by Ghost »

Shel, I agree with SOME of what you say about Trump. But come on...he seems "real?" Is that what we now call "says nothing but says it loud, and he's an unrepentant asshole when he says it, so it sounds heartfelt"? He doesn't have a SINGLE POLICY. His main platform issue is "keep the camera on me" -- and he's got that one down, I will give him credit there. He is about as far away from your average American as you get. As for him having the funds to run his own campaign, well, yeah, that's true. But is it good? That logic is dangerously close to saying "the richest guy deserves to rule us." And I know you don't believe that.

I agree that he's shaking things up. But there's a difference between being shaken up and coming back to your senses when you are not thinking clearly and having your head banged against a wall so often that you never think clearly again. Trump is making our political system even dumber than it was before. We don't need that kind of shaking up.

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Re: First Democratic Debate

Post by ShelC »

Again, I think he's more real than the other robots standing up there regurgitating the same crowd pleasing answers that they probably only believe because they have to. Personally, I identify with Trump more than Rubio, Cruz, Bush, Clinton, Sanders. He doesn't live in a political bubble with handlers giving him answers or PR people directing him in the media. He's smart and savvy enough because of his past experiences dealing with politicians and major businesses owners and CEOs.

And again, I wasn't addressing his policies, or lack thereof. It's what he's bringing to the table in terms of a true outsider, with no vested interests other than promoting himself and what he believes and calling out other political phonies.

And do you really think the other candidates are any better when it comes to being or knowing the "average" American?
As for him having the funds to run his own campaign, well, yeah, that's true. But is it good? That logic is dangerously close to saying "the richest guy deserves to rule us."
No it's not. It's not saying that at all. It's saying he has the freedom to say what he's really thinking, without catering or pandering to a specific group(s) because they'll take away his funding.

We need more guys like Trump who aren't on someone else's payroll, which is basically what it amounts to. Notice how, in the first debate, the other politicians kept their mouths shut when he admitted giving money to not only Democrats (Clinton) but to many of the other GOP candidates. Trump had them in his pocket because of his money, and admitted that while it benefited him personally, it was exactly what's wrong with our politicians and government. No one challenged him on that because they're "all part of the same hypocrisy".

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Re: First Democratic Debate

Post by Ladmo »

The new normal...

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Re: First Democratic Debate

Post by Ladmo »

American Capitalism at its finest...

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Re: First Democratic Debate

Post by Ladmo »

The full documentary. What a great representative of American politics.
What this guy needs is MORE power...


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Re: First Democratic Debate

Post by Ladmo »

Donald opposes China, and companies sending jobs there... which is why he makes his ties there... don't look here folks, ALL PERFECTLY NORMAL...

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Re: First Democratic Debate

Post by ShelC »

Don't hate the player, hate the game!

Plus he's got a really cool helicopter.

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Re: First Democratic Debate

Post by Indy »

Plus he's got a really cool helicopter.

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Re: First Democratic Debate

Post by Superbone »

I can't believe Trump is going to host the next new SNL on November 7th.
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Re: First Democratic Debate

Post by Nodack »

He's entertaining if nothing else.

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